Days of Our Lives -Wed., Jan. 10, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Abby evidently has told Chad about being told to come into Stefan’s room after she knocked, only to find him buck naked. Chad, who is shirtless but puts one on, unbuttoned, is ready to go pound the stuffing out of Stefan, Abby calms him down, makes him see that they have to keep the upper hand here, and before you know it, they are sans a couple clothing items, and headed for the bed.
Later, an out of breath Chad talks with Abby about the situation, working together, she mentions seeing Andre going into Kate’s room last night, Chad grins, so all 4 of them will be working to beat out Stefan & Vivian.

Vivian joins Andre in the drawing room, lots of snark about her knowing about Andre & Kate last night, he talks of their plan to launch the IPO and it is last day of Gabi to opt out, so they have to seal the deal.

Meanwhile, Stefan comes into another room to find Gabi, introduces himself, and doesn’t take long to tick her off, as he throws his weight around. She says she can still opt out, doesn’t know him, trust him, so he starts blathering about his likes, dislikes, she could care less. Andre & Kate come in, Gabi is leaving, saying she is voiding the deal, is going with Basic Black. Andre & Kate try to soothe the troubled waters, asking Stefan to leave, but Gabi is still not happy with Andre, so Kate takes her away to talk privately. Viv calls Andre to see how it is going, he tells her how her son upset the whole deal, she is going to talk to him, no, we don’t need anything else to spoil our plan.

Kate is showing Gabi some room, in the mansion, all decked out with displays of clothing, posters of Gabi, spike heeled shoes……..and Gabi is wearing a different dress. LOL, did she change in a closet on the way there?

Kate babbles about her workroom, all this for her, gonna be a smash hit, yada, yada, promising she will only be working with her & Andre. Gabi doesn’t even want Andre. Agreed, they go back, announce Gabi Chic is staying with DiMera.

Steve meets with John, who evidently notices something off with him, teases him about wearing glasses, bringing out a pair of his own. They kibbitz about them not fitting over the patch, Steve needing a monocle, John gives Steve file on the current case, wants him to go over it. Steve does, (not sure if he can read or still has blurry vision.

Kayla is with Lani, who is definitely upset about being told she is pregnant. Kayla tells her she is just a couple weeks, barely got the positive reading. Lani says last time with JJ was her birthday, knows Kayla has to realize she had sex with another man. She tells of being upset, how it happened, and she never even thought about protection. She does not want to tell this other guy, nice as he is, and doesn’t want his child. Kayla talks of other options, Lani isn’t happy with abortion, Kayla mentions adoption. Lani will have to think about it.

Eli is with JJ, and while it is all serious, the purpose was to give his gun, which he has in a locked box. He mentions Gabi gave it to him, JJ talks about his low point, Theo. Eli apologizes to him for thinking he had sex with Gabi, JJ says he learned his lesson a while back, when he cheated on Gabi, and would never cheat on a woman he loved. Cue flashback to Eli/Lani Christmas chat after roll in hay.

Later, Lani goes to see Eli, only to hear him talking to Gabi, who is all excited to tell him she decided to stay with DiMera. He congrats, they have to celebrate.

John meets up with Chad in the square. Chad wants him to investigate Stefan. He needs to prove Stefan & Viv were sabotaging the company, get the board to oust him, and get his company back. (does Chad now have a beard, when he was clean shaven earlier in the show? Egads)

Kayla rushes into the Pub, sorry she is late, is starving, kisses Steve. She grabs the menu, remarking how many changes Roman has made, then hands it to Steve, what does he want.He takes the menu, looks at it, then says he isn’t much for change, will have his usual, as he puts the menu back.

Stefan knocks on Abby’s bedroom door, and of course, she is wrapped in a towel, says just a minute, opens the door. (Listen up, Days, NO ONE does that!) Stefan gives her the once over, she asks what he wants. She obviously is not happy to see him, he tells her to be in his office in an hour, starts to leave. She tells him that she & Chad may work for him, their relationship is professional. This room is their personal space, and don’t ever come here again. Shuts the door. eh
Dear wardrobe department,

In case you're not familiar with them, these are bathrobes. They are what most people put on if they have to unexpectedly answer the door after stepping out of the shower.


Sincerely, the viewers who are tired of seeing naked or nearly naked people answering their doors.
Kate & Gabi, talking about Stefan, made reference to "we can always throw him in the river", Gabi did not think that funny.

In my opinion, shirtless is one thing.......but this opening the door just out of the shower, towel clad, is not acceptable, and is definitely overdone on Days.

Abby has to calm down an angry Chad, when he hears about Stefan's naked bit, then she actually answers the door, opens it, to a knock. Who did she think was knocking? Andre? Kate? Harold? In any case, she never asked, nor got into a robe, no just a minute......just open the door in that towel, but makes sure to admonish Stefan to not come knocking again. STUPID!
I've had my fill of Abigail and Chad's bed scenes. Good heavens, do they ever take a breather for more than a shower? I totally agree with everyone about answering the door in nothing but a towel. Another example of lazy writing
:sick::sick::sick: Stefan O.: Today the boorish Big Zero commented on Gabi's appearance with "and what a sight it is." Shin and the other board morons ought to get rid of this guy ASAP. He's a boatload of sexual harassment lawsuits waiting to happen.

:sick: Gabi: Now that Kate is her business mentor she might want to suggest proper business attire. Gabi's latest skin-tight dress is more appropriate for trolling for sailors outside Salem Harbor saloons than for the boardroom.

:confused: Vivian: She's going to do an initial public offering of shares of Gabi Chic? Who'd want to buy stocks in a faux company whose business consists of women's products endorsed by a woman who was convicted of murdering the man with the strategically-placed heart-shaped pillow? And if this company has profits in the six figures, it's only because they're measured in Japanese yen or the Vietnamese dong.

:clap:Andre: He was on target today when he suggested that Vivian could take up residence in the Taj Mahal. This would be a big step up from the magic sarcophagus in the Kiriakis mausoleum.
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I'm also finding it ridiculous that they keep having Chad & Abby in bed all the time, and then the shower-towel-someone-walking-in trope. It's gotten old, and is neither charming nor necessary. As far as Lani and JJ go, I kind of do want the truth to be revealed sooner rather than later.
I just don't get how it can be Eli's baby considering they had sex on 12/24/17 and it's now 1/2/18 (since Hope said it was still 1/1/18 yesterday), which is 9 days (Salem time). But we're never supposed to question timelines, ages or length of pregnancies.
8 or 9 days does not a couple of weeks make. It is either 1 week and 1 day or 1 week and 2 days. Not a couple of weeks. Sorry, it doesn't work for me. But yes, I know I'm not to question the 14 month pregnancy premature baby, or the 3 month full term pregnancy. So even though I've had a working uterus and all, I'll ignore this stupid portion of the storyline.

board where posters were hoping to see actors without their shirts.

I'm one of those posters who enjoys Xander without his shirt. But answering the door wrapped in a towel? NO. Working in the gardens, as he did when he first arrived? YES. Or pool side? (I remember when the Kirakis house had a pool) YES.

But that being said, KathyLu, you are correct. It is very close to a double standard. And I am in the wrong or, at the very least, in the group of complaining about something I enjoy.