Are you a Yahoo mail user?


Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Largo, FL
Good morning,

Talking things over with Poirot, we seem to be experiencing a problem with getting e-mails and notices to Yahoo users these days. Yahoo is pretty good about wanting to respect user privacy, so they're not really willing to say why we're having a problem, simply that there have been complaints based on the notification e-mails we send.

It would appear -- at first inspection -- that at least one (possibly a few) people signed up for the site at some point, changed their settings to get notifications of one or more forums / threads, then stopped using the site (why would anyone leave us? :) )

Instead of simply clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of these e-mails, it appears that they simply started auto-forwarding them to Yahoo's spam complaints department. The problem is -- as I mentioned -- that Yahoo isn't being very forthcoming about who is doing it, what e-mails are causing it, or why those few people might be doing such things to begin with... :(

We're still trying to look into it, but all we can ask is that you go through your account settings and verify that you're set up to receive only what you want to.

Then, rather than "ratting us out to the man", if you get a notification you don't want, or you'd like to unsubscribe from future notifications, just click the little "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the e-mail in question.

We don't spam people. Not intentionally anyway. Sending out notifications is just part of the software's deal for an online forum.

Indeed, where the site is concerned, you'll never hear from us unless you ask to. Accordingly, any notices you might get in your e-mail are because you signed up to receive them or at least checked a box to receive notifications.

It would help your fellow Spectators immensely if you could just take a moment to verify that you're getting only what you want...

Thanks, and have a groovy day,

Thanks for the suggestion Wayne. I use yahoo email just for here. I went
ahead and fixed some things.

I'm getting notified most of the time.
I'm only receiving notifications for private messages and those come through just fine. If there is anything else, then I don't know about it. Thanks for staying on top of things, Wayne.
Thanks I use Yahoo for my main email. I've been having a problem with something messing with my security settings (maybe the browser)