SPOILER !! Week July 3

My guess as to what happens...............Jen asks Chad to help, he & Gabi go to wherever this stupid marriage is happening, and thus come upon it actually occurring, arriving too late to stop anything.

And meanwhile, elsewhere, JJ is being arrested. With Raines in charge of the investigation, proving he is no better than the rest of the Salem PD when it comes to nailing culprits.
Ava's murder is another retcon I'd like to see. Have it come out that Angelo did.

If this should happen, I must insist upon the return of Ava! She could be somewhat rehabilitated, like Andre/Kate, and would be able to compete in future Club TBD dance contests. Nurse Blanca could also participate, as Rafe's partner. :drunk:
I don't see the "sarcasm" or "wink" emoticons......as I know you are not serious. :)
If this should happen, I must insist upon the return of Ava! She could be somewhat rehabilitated, like Andre/Kate, and would be able to compete in future Club TBD dance contests. Nurse Blanca could also participate, as Rafe's partner.:drunk:
Frankly, I would not welcome a return of Ava. Unlike some over-the-top Salem characters, she was not the least bit entertaining. That said, what kind of plots could emerge if the writers gave into the temptation of rewriting history so Ava survived Joey's attempt to suffocate her?

1) Steve and Kayla party at Club TBD to celebrate that their son is not a murderer after all. He was only guilty of attempted murder, which hardly matters in Salem. A case in point is Hope who was thought to have been only guilty of attempting to murder Stefano, meaning that she was immediately released from prison and rehired to her old job at the Salem P.D.

2) Worried that Ava may try to kidnap Kayla yet again, Steve hires the former DiMera operatives, Sergio and Ricardo. In an unlikely scene, he meets Andre who gives the two tough guys his highest recommendation, correctly noting that they are far more capable than any of the clods who work for the ISA.

3) Little Trippy meets Ava and is horrified by her true nature. He is equally appalled when she tells him that she's cutting off his Vitali inheritance money because she needs it to support her lavish lifestyle and to fund her revenge plots. He immediately starts plotting to take revenge on her.

4) At the next Club TBD oldies dance contest, John foolishly agrees to do the twist with Ava, which causes memories of his affair with her during his RoboJohn phase to return. Naturally, this development worries Marlena. (The playing of the song, Teenage Wedding, during the John-Ava dance causes Theo to think about proposing to Ciara when she returns to Salem.)
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If this should happen, I must insist upon the return of Ava!

I'm actually ok with this if they bring her back for ONE EPISODE ONLY to explain that she is alive and the whole Tripp thing has been a setup all along to get revenge on Kayla. Have it come out that Tripp is not her and Steve's son too. Then he can be on his merry way out of Salem with Ava permanently.
Nothing really surprising, think some of us knew this for weeks. Though I admit I was thrown off guard with JJ a suspect in a murder that happens to be Deimos. Not him. I speculate maybe Nicole or Maggie.
Dario asks Abigail to marry him right away. [Apparently, Dario has never heard of the old saying, "Marry in haste, repent at leisure," which especially applies to Salem marriages.]

Claire tells Theo she wants to get back together. [Theo should put on his running shoes and flee for his life.]

Sonny is faced with a tough decision. [Let's all shed a tear for Sonny. Life is so tough for dynamic, hard-driving CEOs who display brilliant leadership.]:sarcasm:

Gabi and Chad try to reconnect, but Chad is troubled by the memory of Abigail. [Oh, please, not again. This spoiler makes it seem as if Chad and Gabi are experiencing a Salem version of Groundhog Day.]

Tripp continues to make trouble for Kayla. [How long will it take for Little Trippy to get tired of his absurd plot and of Jade's transparent lies?]

Gabi provides JJ with support during his ordeal. [Let's hope this isn't another tedious ploy by the writers to make Chad turn green around the gills with jealousy.]
I wasn't sure where to post this so I'll try here. I really, really like Hope and Rafe together. They could be the best super couple of Days. Surely the writers would give us one couple who are sort of 'normal', who get married and thrive. Who become the new Alice and Tom. Every other coupling is so uncertain or threatened or one partner is away. Please let there be a strong, loving, successful couple in the crystal ball!

I like Tripp and believe there could be a good storyline with him becoming a doctor and becoming the new heartthrob in Salem.
While I really like both characters, I am not all that fond of Rafe & Hope being a couple.

When Alice died, I honestly fully expected their place in Salem to be filled by Doug & Julie. That did not happen. Instead, Julie became a snarky, constantly sniping shrew....thankfully that has changed.

I read an interview with Melissa Reeves (Jennifer), who adored and empathized with the character of Alice, and I think she wishes she could fill that place in the hub of Salem. Gosh, I wish Jack could return. But for now, I just am thinking that void is going to be John & Marlena. I think that when John finally returns, he is going to say Bye to ISA, and concentrate on family and friends. But, what do I know?

Every writer has their own ideas, and maybe the suits all think no one is fit or able to be matriarch & patriarch of Salem. That Alice & Tom were it, may they rest in peace.
Honestly, I do not have a large enough eye rolling emoji for that one. Suffice it to say, I really hope that marriage is illegal in some way. Ugh.
Well, if he didn't need to marry her to stay in the country, and all he had to do was file some other paperwork (didn't we find that out along the way that he doesn't have to do this?), then what he has done is perpetrated fraud, and the marriage can be annulled. Of course, in Salem, it will be a complicated divorce, and someone will go to jail over this (Dario, hopefully), and then we'll be back to the strange triangle of Gabi-Chad-Abigail instead of the siblings sharing exes.

Just writing that last part out made me cringe.
Hope and Rafe may get engaged, but I really think the situation with Dario is going to come between them. Hope is suspicious of Dario and is investigating him behind Rafe's back. Rafe may get upset when he finds out what Hope has done, and if she is successful at finding out that not only did he not need to marry Abby in order to stay in the country, but also the illegal activities he and Myron are doing. This may result in Dario being sent to prison along with Eduardo, upsetting both Rafe and Gabi that their family has been further separated.