1-17-2017 - Donuts and birthday cake


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Dec 29, 2012
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Happy Birthday to ErasofDiMeras, Brightdays and Betty White

Happy Happy Birthday @ErasofDiMeras and @Brightdays. Hope you both have a great birthday doing exactly what you want to do today.

Good morning, everyone else. It is a beautiful start to the morning and for once did not have to bundle up with the toque, gloves, scarf, and heavy winter jacket. The Chinook has arrived!!!! The Chinook has arrived!! WOOOOO HOOOOO!!! Currently it is +7*C ((44.6*F) and I know many of you still feel this is cold but for us this is tropical paradise!! Well........not quite but after weeks of daytime highs of -15*C (5*F) and colder, this is such a welcome reprieve.

Not much to share. We saw the Reefer Madness the Musical on Friday night and really enjoyed it. The first act started out a bit slow but Act 2 picked up and really enjoyed the music. It's funny, while listening to the music in Reefer Madness, both my husband and I started getting songs from Heathers the Musical stuck in our head. It turns out that the writer of music for Reefer Madness is the same writer for Heathers the Musical......so made sense.

Saturday we went to my husband's aunt and uncles place and threw her a surprise 65th birthday party, complete with 2 pans of whipped cream to her face. LOL!!! There were a few people at the party that were looking for some payback and boy did she get payback!!

Have a good rest of the week everyone.
Good morning, cloudy & dreary here, but Muzza's Chinook has made it's way down here as well. Temp even went up some overnight, currently is 31° (which is -1C) but we are to get up to around 38 today. So they say.

My son who lives in middle of state walked out his front door yesterday, and fortunately his dog had scampered out ahead of him, as the dog went slipping and sliding on his butt, which warned my son about the ice. Yes, evidently the icy rain made that deceiving and treacherous glaze as it hit the ground and froze.

Happy birthday to Eras & BrightDays...have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Eras & Brightdays!!

Muzz - sounds like you had a great weekend and a fun party to attend too!

Poirot - glad your son didn't slip. I was penguin walking out to my car last night.

The ice storm came in like a bad dream, and school is cancelled for the whole area. Makes me extra grateful that I got permission and access to work from home. So today I get to work in the comfort of my dining room, while wearing my fuzzy slippers. Gena is watching videos in the recliner. :) Makes me love my job so much more that they offer this as an option.

Hope you all have a wonderful, warm, safe day!
Good morning and happy birthday to Eras and Brightdays! Okay, to Bettty White as well, and a few other famous people I saw on another list. :)

It makes me shiver and feel dread, just looking at the picture of that ice! That's what we often get with winter storms. Horrible!

I think my niece and I will pick up my car today AND feed the cows. Home health nurse will be here shortly. I must get dressed. Not sure whether to dress for feeding or going to town. Waiting to hear from my niece. Too much going on all at once. She's tied down again, and I always am, so it's hard for us to get away to do things. I'd best get moving. Will check in later. Be safe and well, everyone!
Poirot: your son's pictures true is revealing. Hope he cancels if there is a repeat of ice glazing the snow. His poor dog slip-sliding away. Enjoy your warmer temps as the Chinook blows your way.

Manda: telecommuting should be the wave of the future once the economy improves. Enjoy being home, your soft slippers and most of all time with sweet Gena.

OC: so glad you are teaming up with your niece for the feed. How great to have your car back again. Hope your day goes smoothly.

Off to the doctors office to get my work release. Stay safe everyone.
Poirot - it looks the same here. Hope he drives carefully.

Noel - I prefer working at the office. Too many distractions and too much food at home. But I had them set me up to work from home for snow days or delayed school starts so I don't have to waste all of my vacation days for them.

OC - I think I'd opt for the cow feeding clothes. I'd rather wear those into town, than wear dressier clothes to feed the cattle. :)
Birthday greetings to Eras and Brightdays. Have a good one. Here, it's the worst sort of January day -- chilly, gloomy, and rainy -- the kind of day that if a person has a choice, they just might choose to stay in bed. Salemites reactions to such weather might go something like this:

Jenny: Oh, no, it's too nasty and cold to wear a sleeveless dress.
Victor: Good -- this is the kind of day that suits my mood.
Deimos: It looks like a good day to kill someone.
Dario: I'd better stay indoors. The rain might ruin my leather jacket.
Nancy: Maybe, the weather will keep away those nosy people who ask too many questions about Baby Holly.
Caroline: Ah, rainy and cold. I'll probaby sell a lot of chowder today.
A busy day at school library. I'll try to remember and tell you what I did tomorrow.
For now, I'll give you a tip on cleaning your computer keyboard. Last week, the "P"
got stuck on my keyboard. I restarted computer but no luck. Anyway, after buying
two keyboards and I'll get refund on both, I got old the keyboard I like working.

I saw the video at Amazon on how to clean your keyboard. You take pages from sticky
notes and put sticky part down in between the spaces on the board. I had to use several
to get all the hairy mess out. The "P" is working now :)

Muzzaman, sounds like the party was fun except the whipped cream. Maybe
your aunt likes that stuff in her face. I would be ticked off.

OC, good luck on getting your car today. I wouldn't worry about dressing up too much
to get it since you have farm work to do later.

manda, I'm glad you won't have to go sliding into work today.

I hope everyone will have a good afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon all. Happy Birthday BrightDays and Eras! Hope it's fantastic for the both of you!

Pretty much the same weather here as DrBakerFan--chilly and rainy. Yuck. Today's the first day back from break as well. Sadly, the math class I was supposed to be in (which sounded really awesome) is full. I have to meet with my advisor to figure out what to do now.
DrBakerFan, I think Caroline's reaction to this weather would also be to put on her famous vest:rotfl:

Hope everyone has a nice day.
Happy Birthday Eras & Brightdays!

Freezing rain since 5 this morning. They keep saying it's going to warm up but not yet. The crunch when you step outside is eerie. No schools canceled, but then again, where we live that is a rarity. Poirot's picture is exactly what we look like. I just worry about down trees and power lines.

OC - good luck getting to town for your car

Muzzaman - congrats on the Chinook! Were still waiting for our Pineapple Express to show up!

Manda - sorry about your weather as well. I would love to work from home but you do have to be disciplined.

Noel - good luck getting your work release.

Katmouse - we use a can of air on our keyboards. It works really good.

Days - so sorry about your math class. Hopefully they will come up with something soon so you won't be too far behind.

Have a great day.
Home from the doctor with my release slip delivered to HR. Tomorrow at 4am the alarm rings again for work. Weather forecast has under 60F with rain.:):)

Kat: that is a new way to clean the keyboard spaces. Good to know -- thanks. Hope your day at the library is a good one.

Days: hope your advisor has an alternative plan for the class you want to study. Maybe another college offers the same class? Fingers crossed.

Shan: freezing rain can be such a mess to drive and walk in so please be careful out there.