10/23/16 - Donuts & Chilly Mornings


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2014
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Southeast Virginia
Good morning everyone!

Since Fall finally decided to make an appearance it's only 44 degrees this morning. Supposed to get to 67 today.

I found a sweater like I was looking for yesterday so that's taken care of.

The warehouse truck we were supposed to get at 10am yesterday came at 6:30 last night. Guess what I get to work on at work today?:rolleyes:

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Happy Sunday morning! It is 7F at 3:47am here. Even on my off days I seem to awake a little before weekday alarm times. Oh, well............the stars are lovely this time of day,

Today I am determined to have a quiet restful Sunday! I want to watch movies, read, and talk with family. I can get a little lazy putting off to-do list items and settling for simple meals.

Red: congrats! on finding your sweater. So sorry you have a busy schedule today due to the truck arriving late last night at work. Hoping it all goes smoothly and quickly for you.

Take care everyone and enjoy your Sunday. Just 9 weeks until Christmas! Oh, my!
Happy Birthday Hazel! Wishing you a joyous celebration with family and friends.

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That is what the majority of my drive looked like yesterday. This is the wonderful Central Valley of California.

Regarding yesterday's discussion of alarm clocks, I have a battery back-up in my beside table clock and the one in the kitchen. Every year when the rest of the nation "falls back", I change out the smoke detector battery and the clock batteries. Then if we have a power failure, the battery back-up kicks in. And if I lose time, it is a minute at most.

I have a Facebook friend who was lamenting everyone she knew was going to the Harry Potter festival this weekend. I'm sorry DaysD didn't get to go. I was hoping for an update on how cool it was.

My son was happy last night and not just because I arrived safe and sound. But because his Cubbies made it to the World Series. And in doing so, beat my beloved Dodgers. So he got to be gleeful and rub it in. I allowed it, as he wasn't really being spiteful.

I'm heading over to visit the grandkids later today. I may nap beforehand, just to have the energy to cope with them. LOL

Happy peaceful Sunday, all.
Hello everyone. My internet was out all morning. It wasn't anything on my end and the cable company was aware of it before I called.

I had a dream about Abe Carver shooting a scene for Days in my home, only it was my mother's home and decorated just like it was in the 1970's, lol. Where does this stuff come from?

I got up about 5:00 this morning and had clear skies. You're right Noel, it was star-filled and lovely.

Take care folks.
Happy birthday to you!

A quiet, restful Sunday is also what I am in search of.

This morning was definitely cold. I could feel it in my bones when I woke up and could barely walk. I also needed a sweater to take the pups out. But now it is shorts weather again.

Beautiful scene in that pic!
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Good morning everyone,

Chilly day here too--only 65F and cooler in the morning. I had about 8 and a half hours of work---it went by fast, and we weren't as busy as we normally are on Sundays. Have some more homework to finish tonight before school but it shouldn't take too long. I'm just looking forward to resting my legs after standing all day hahaha.

Have a nice night y'all.
Another spring day. It's close to 80 and the butterflies are back. Guess where I was afternoon?
Yep, in the flowerbed where I planted some of the pansies I bought. It's been awhile since I worked in the
front bed.
Not many weeds to get out.

robin, thanks for posting the picture.

kt, I had a dream with Sonny yesterday morning and Steve this morning.
I don't remember much about either one.

DaysD, get rested for your busy week.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
Hi everybody. It was my turn for the no-sleep-ums, too. I finally fell asleep sometime after 4:00 then jerked awake at 7:40. I never heard any of my alarams, but I must've turned them all off in my sleep. I took a quick shower, and flew out the door. Made it to Mass just before my priest started down the aisle.
Then rushed to get to the laundromat. It was a nice relaxing time reading the newspaper since I was the only one there until the last 10 minutes.

Worked outside the entire afternoon getting the porch ready for winter. The panels are up, glider cushions put away, and the porch swept and scrubbed. I still have to wrap the blinds in tarps, but they were still wet from all of the rain that we had for the last week.

Red - How nice that you found a sweater for you photos so quickly.

Noel - I hope you ended up with the type of Sunday that you wanted.

OC - I hope you had a nice restful Sunday, too.

robinsnest - The California desert always amazes me. My brother would yell at me to get off his back wall and come in the house to get out of the sun. I would sit out there for hours looking at the desert with the snowy mountains in the distance if he let me. I also watched for roadrunners and tumbleweeds.

kt - I'm always half asleep and getting ready for work at 5:00 weekdays. I've never thought to go outside to look at the stars. (I have enough trouble making a cup of tea then.)

YPG - I feel for you with the pain from weather and temperature changes.

DaysD - Did your family still go to the Harry Potter Fest?

kat - I enjoy your Youtube videos of the butterflies that visit your beautiful flower beds.