12/7/17 - Donuts & Remember Pearl Harbor


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Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning......on "the day that will go down in infamy, as President Roosevelt said. Have seen the clips, read this, etc. so many times over the years, but imagine many folks say "huh, what's that mean". Like Remembering the Alamo.....lol.

There is a commercial for the Ellen show running where she asks a woman to name a country in North America....and the woman says.......North Carolina! I am thinking they just do not teach history or geography the way they used to do. Ha.

Still dark here, cold, not snowing, but they have now put that in for tomorrow. I will be trying to get out today at some point in time.....guess what? That phone tech is supposed to here today.......by 7 p.m. LOL. Really, they want me to stay home all day? Nope. My son has a couple medical appts., plus appt. for his car so will be coming into town. Hmmm, with all the closings and snow here, I wonder if trucks got in with supplies for the stores??? I have not picked up mail for a few days now, so that is also on the agenda.

Tis really cold, ...but not as cold as what may be coming.
Good morning, Poirot and everyone yet to check in.

It is currently 29* here with a wind chill feel of 19*. They've revised our snow start time again to early this afternoon. This is all because of the way that storm had stalled over top of Wisconsin and Michigan for longer than expected.

Sorry, my third time trying to finish my post.

My brother has been texting about the fires in and around Los Angeles. Some of the places that we drove through or visited on "The" 101 and "The" 405 are completely gone. (Couldn't resist. I guess they say "The" like we always say the letter "I" in front of an interstate number here.) I'm glad the Getty Museum is safe, at least for now.

OC, if you won't consider having your husband placed somewhere then you should look into having regular health care help at home. Take it from someone who has been there, you can't continue to care for him alone. Your own health will begin to deteriorate if you continue how you have been.
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Quick note. I'm off to the airport to fly to Orlando. Lots of fun, an all day meeting Friday to appease Uncle Sam's tax thing. Then a party.

I may not be around much till Tuesday.

I hope the phone guy shows up early in the day, OC's cows stay in the pasture and her husband's problems come to a clear conclusion.

Be good to everyone.
I feel like learning history skipped my generation but I know people older than me, and then my girls (people their ages) know so much, and I am like, what? Or it could be because I went to military school and I always ask my daughters if they know what I learned. The answer is push-ups lol.

At ortho doc for a follow-up on some body part. Having sciatic nerve decompression surgery on the 20th and I am super excited. Hope to get some answers today about how the procedure is done (he is going in through my thigh scar), recovery time and all that jazz.

My sister lives in Ventura CA and things are pretty bad there due to the fires.

Finally getting chilly here so actually have to put away the flip flops and wear shoes. Everyone stay warm and have a great day!
Morning all. We've been having a run of warm weather and the weekend Is looking to be 10*C (50*F). My father was my high school social studies teacher for 3 years and he used to drill into all of us geography. He'd test us regularly by providing us a blank map of somewhere in the world and we would have to write in the country and the capital.

In addition to that, for bonus marks, we had to describe one current affair for each country. He did this so it would encourage us to read the newspaper outside of the classroom and educate us of things outside of our own "sandbox". I really value that he did this because to this day if I skip a day from reading news around the world, I feel I'm behind and out of touch. I've heard some kids call Toronto, Canada's capital which irks me to no end. One because Toronto is not the centre of the universe here and two, this is your own country and sad that you cannot identify your own capital.

Poirot - I'm so glad you mentioned Pearl Harbour because it reminded me that today is my dad's 75th birthday so need to call him. We are going to my parents place tomorrow and surprise him. My two sisters in my hometown have organized it and my other sister and her family are driving 8 hours to surprise him as well.

We'll also be celebrating one of my nephew's 18th birthday and one of my nieces 14th birthday. As the legal drinking age is 18 in Alberta we'll take my nephew out for a drink after dinner and my niece will be writing her learners permit exam to start driving. Yikes!! In Alberta a 14 year starts to learn to drive accompanied by an adult then at 16 they can take their drivers test.

RS - Been watching the fires on the news. Hope your brother is not in any danger. "I" for interstate I imagine. We say "Highway #2" for example. Highway is said before the number here.

JS - That's sad and funny at the same time. lol!

Robinsnest - have a great trip to Florida.

YPG - hope your sister and family stay safe. Fires, storms just seem to be everywhere these days but more frequent.

Have a great day everyone.
About ten years ago, a local 11 year old wanted to call her grandma to let her know where she was. At that time, we had an old dial phone in the garage/workshop. That poor kid just stared at the phone and had no clue on how to use it!! Carl had to dial it for her.

I am off to town today to meet my granddaughter and finish Christmas shopping.

Hope all of you have a good day in spite of not so pleasant things happening around us.
Morning Everyone,

I need to catch up better on yesterday, as I sort of skimmed everyone's posts but didn't really have time to read them.

Poirot & RS stay warm. we had snow flurries most of the day into the night, but not much accumulation as the dormant grass is still the main view of my yard.

JS - it blows my mind what kids today just don't know about, although not knowing that WWII means World War 2, seems crazy to me. My grandfathers (2 of 3 were veterans of the WWII) would all be appalled.

YPG - hope you're feeling better soon.

Muzz - Kudos to your dad for being an awesome teacher and I hope he has a wonderful birthday.

Robin - enjoy the work trip, if you can.

Gena's saga continues. She has to go in Saturday for more blood work as the pain is getting worse. Her doctor has a call into the specialist to try to get some advice on what we can do until we can see him. She was so miserable last night that she never got to see Santa. We ended up leaving the Christmas party after about an hour as her tummy was hurting so badly. I just don't know what to do for my little girl to help her feel better.
Mandy, although I think she may be a bit young for it.......well, my son was having the stomach pains, really bad, ended up in the hospital.....diverticulitis. He has to stay away from certain foods, and he is o.k. So then he gets to feeling great, cheats, and pays for it.

With Gena, there are so many things to rule out, for sure, so it is very hard to have to go so long without some inkling as to how to alleviate it all.

For a long time, my dad's 2nd wife could only eat a couple things........baked potato, Chicken drumsticks, roasted I think. She would get really sick, said it started as a kid. So I understand confining Gena's diet to just a few things, that perhaps won't cause her a problem. Gena could have an allergy, or a few allergies. So many different things. It is a shame her appt. is so far off. Hope your doc is able to get some kind of info to help.
Good Morning,

All the talk of snow flurries, chill winds, and cold weather has me misty-eyed for an Indiana Christmas. I know it is difficult when you need to drive to work, grocery, appointments but compared to bright glaring sun in the desert it reads like heaven to me. Still, please each of you stay safe!

Here is a picture of my small nativity by Precious Moments. It was a gift from a coworker a decade ago and I keep it on my computer desk. That way every morning I start my day focusing on the real meaning of Christmas. I hope it brightens your day too.


Sometimes there just aren't words enough for all the things our friends endure in life. Last night I felt like I had no depth of words for OC, Mandy, and other friends. Just know you are in my thoughts & prayers.

Remembrance Day: the day afterwards my father, uncles, and some grown removed cousins signed up to serve in WWII. It is a day of respect, honor, and valor for the fallen, injured, and all who served in our great country. Thank you Poirot for starting our thread today with a remembrance of all these valiant men/women!

Poirot: the Directv repairman will call or text before he shows up and that gives you 30 minutes or so to get home for the visit. I found that helpful to us Monday. Wishing you some fun amidst the snow-driven streets and crowded stores/offices as you run errands today.

Squirrel: thanks for the heads up about the Santa trackers because the kiddos are glued to it every night this time of year. Also stay warm in your blizzard type of weather. May cozy nights at home kindle your Christmas spirit despite the hassles of being outdoors at times.

JS: just another reason I consider home-schooling the children. It is appalling to me what they are not taught today. It has been replaced by classes like "social justice" "white supremacy" "one world order" even in the lower grades! I want the children of our country to know the sacrifice and cost to our brave men and women, of all nationalities, colors, religions and beliefs, who served in armed conflicts. How can an adult appreciate their own country if as a child they are never taught its value, never say the pledge, and never acknowledge we are imperfect but a compassionate loyal nation of being striving to be one in unity.

Muzza: enjoy the upcoming birthday parties and all the celebrations this coming season.

lookoflove: enjoy your shopping day with family and all the special memories you are making for both of you.

Manda: it breaks my heart that Gena is in such pain and left without seeing Santa Claus. Sure hope the doctor gets some better tips from the specialist so you can adjust her diet before Christmas. Thank you for keeping us posted and just know you are in our hearts daily.

Time to give a tiny baby a bath and sing sweet carols into their lives. Blessings everyone.
Manda ~ so, so sorry to hear about Gena's continuing pain! I hope they will soon get an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment!!!!

Clear and cold here. I don't know the temp, but everything is covered with heavy frost. I saw a warning early this morning about how icy the roads are. I'm glad I don't need to be out on those roads until later on. It is a beautiful sunny day though.

Scary news about the fires in California! What a tragedy. I hope they are getting everyone evacuated if they are in the line of danger.

Wishing you all a safe day.
Oh Manda, I'm so sorry this is still continuing and that Gena is in do much pain. It hurts just as much not being to take their pain and hurt away too from the ones we love.

Noel, enjoy those little babies. They are lucky to have you.
Manda, I feel very badly about Gena's suffering; you must be at wit's end! Please forgive me for speaking out of turn, but my layman's opinion is that she should be hospitalized for testing/diagnosis. Taking her to the emergency room whenever she is having an attack may result in Gena being admitted. The doctors have been stalling around long enough! :angry: You are in my thoughts, and prayers.

Regarding Pearl Harbor Day, many of our veterans, who served in the Pacific Theater, have yet to forgive the Japanese. It's hard for me to criticize their feelings.

Heading out to Taco Bell for a Cravings Box lunch, part of which will be returning home with me. :drunk:

Have a good, safe day, everyone!
With me calling the PCP (Primary Care Provider) just about every day, the PCP called the specialist himself today to try to get more answers on how to help. While we didn't get any new information, the on-call pediatric gastroenterologist requested her lab results, the CT scan images, and everything else and has agreed that she needs to be seen sooner that January 16th (hip, hip hooray). So I should be getting a call today or tomorrow to make an earlier appointment. I'm to the point quite frankly that I'd fly her to Jupiter if it meant we could get an answer sooner.