2-24-18 - Donuts and Thunder in February

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I woke up to a heavy thunderstorm. Have nearly 2 1/2 inches in my gauge, some from the melted sleet. Even on top of this hill, my yard looks like a lake. Don't know if it will go down enough for me to get out around noon. Husband has been very restless without me lately. He calls me repeatedly.

Robin, I'm still trying to catch my breath from all that's going on with Mr. Gus, and you in general. Hoping you can cope with all of it. I just had a note from my daughter-in-law, asking me to pray. Their cat has a urinary problem, probably a blockage. Very expensive. It's great there are options for pets these days but it sure does get costly.

Hoping Squirrel is not sick today.
Morning all.

Getting ready for the big weekend. Hunny Bunny had to be there early to unload the van before they blocked off the only way one can drive into the event, unload, then move the car/truck to the streets. Both of his knees need to be replaced. And with this cold, they are even worse these past few days.

He is going to stay till I get there with my stepmom and Mr. Gus. Then he will take Gus home and stay till 3ish, when he will come back and we will hand off Mr. Gus and I'll take stepmom to dinner, then home. Repeat tomorrow, only without stepmom.

Our club lost our Sensei this week. He had retired a few years ago when dementia took over. Such a cruel disease, as many of us know firsthand.


I currently have my "diabetic" woodpecker holding fort on the hummingbird feeder that I filled and put out this morning. He/she loves to drain that thing down. The hummers are dive bombing him/her trying to move him/her. It is a fun show.

OC - enjoy your "lake" and be safe.

Squirrely - I hope you are doing well.

Lil0 - I hope things are good for you too.

Be safe this Saturday.
Good morning.....the sun in shining, hardly any wind, so the big race today has some great weather. Doesn't start for another 1/2 hr. or so, according to the radio. Just realized that with the Olympics going on, probably won't get any national news coverage. Ah, those are the breaks.

Also heard that a local gal who won a gold medal at Olympics will be carrying the American Flag in closing ceremonies. I think the last name is Diggins???? She is actually from Minnesota, but came here to Wisconsin for training & various events. Her father was here Friday for the Korteloppet, the shorter Birkebeiner race. Skiing family for sure. And she has raced in the Birkie in the past.

gosh, such sad news about poor Mr. Gus...My son was going thru the same kind of expenses for his golden (who has since gone to Rainbow Bridge) and it shocked me, did not realize how expensive vets had become. Or their meds..

O.C. hope the water soaks into the ground eventually. My friend's hubby would do the same thing at times, call her several times a day, if she did not come........but I would strongly advise you to stay home...You do not need to get stuck in the mud in the pouring rain, which can easily happen. And just having been so sick....better safe, my friend ......

Hope most can enjoy the Saturday, Robin is going to that fair, wish I could go, too. LOL
We had that big snow.....here is a pic.....and tonight they are saying 5-10" more....We will see

OC, I had rain and thunderstorms too. I was lucky no rain this morning.
Goldie and I got out before 6:30. Rain started here after 11. I didn't realize
how much rain came down until I looked at the ditch. I thought it was a river
the other day. Nope, that's today. All the houses behind me have lower yards.
They're all flooded. I took videos. I'll try to post soon.

At lunch when it was raining, I saw the last of the ladies free skate of
the Olympics. The top three were wonderful.

IRS forms came today. Not sure how long it will take to get the rest
of the information I need to get started.

robin, enjoy your fun weekend.

OC, take care if you go out today.

I hope everyone will have a relaxing Sat night.
Good Afternoon,

We are attending a local vegan event, trying to impress upon the family that healthy eating does not always have to include meat. Wish me luck although the food is very tasty!

It is a nice warm day, skies are blue with a slight southeastern wind. A beautiful day in the direct sunshine, under 80F, and Spring is here in the Valley.

This evening, we are having a BBQ with friends at their home. Playing cards, games, and watching some Olympics. Then when home, preparations for Sunday morning church, luncheon, and then volunteering to clean up an area around a small poor church [yard work, painting the building, etc].

OC: hoping you stay safe in your home above the lake! Hubby should understand when you tell him the entire area is flooded because he must have memories of that type of weather too. It is romantic how much he misses you and wants to come home so I hope that soon will happen. Then both your lives can return to a more familiar 'normal' [whatever that is in life].

Robin: what a busy but fun-filled day you have scheduled. Hoping he pain meds keep Mr. Gus calm and able to enjoy the sunshine outdoors. Enjoy your dinner with your stepmom and the entire day. One thing about money: we can always earn more, but we cannot replace those we love if we choose it over them. Your heart is in the right place and could never watch Mr. Gus suffer more.

Poirot: thanks for the beautiful snowy pictures! Oh, how I miss those type of days. And yes Diggins will be a great role model to carry off the field our proud USA flag! Your area sounds like great fun in the winter.

Kat; looking forward to your new videos when posted, although that much rain is isolating at times. Glad you saw the last skating event too. I am hoping they have a 'gala' or 'exhibition' before the Olympics close tomorrow night. They used to always film them on ABC, all the medal winners skate to anything music/theme they want and it is usually great fun.

As for the IRS forms: aren't they more suited for a Monday? [giggling]

Squirrel: take care, stay safe, and be as warm as possible.

KT: thinking of you, and Remmy, and wondering how your weather is affecting you now.

AGuy: hope your weekend is a fun one.

Days: missing you on Donuts!

Lil0: hoping your weather permits travel when you have errands and that your eye is healing.

Red: hope your schedule is not a crazy one this weekend.

JS: so how are you this weekend?

Shan: enjoy your newly fallen snow and time with family.

Manda: hope your weekend is going as planned and Gena is a happy girl.

See you all tomorrow, time to eat some good food.
Noel, the skating gala is tonight. I'm taping it. I was happy the
commentators didn't talk as much during the ladies skating events.
I got home exhausted. Picked up stepmom. She LOVED sitting in the car holding Mr. Gus. Hunny Bunny was ordered home and told to rest, which was great that someone other than me said it.

Stepmom was wowed by the crowds, the music and the things she could see. She had fun, so that was good. The place was packed. I picked up some lunch, called the shortest line. There was lots of Asian food. We had chicken teriyaki bowls. The line was short. The other food looked better, but shortest line always wins, right?

Anyway, she was amazed at how yummy the food was. She didn't want dinner so I stopped at my favorite bbq place in Glendale and drove home to eat with Hunny Bunny and Mr. Gus.
Our day just finished with the Olympics Skating Gala. It was frustrating that NBC would show one skater/team and then go to a commercial or event. The figure skaters were great but they should show it from start to finish.

The vegan festival was fun, healthy good food, and a lovely day at the park. The kiddos learned some vegan alternatives actually taste good. Mission accomplished!

Our friends decided on Mexican food instead of BBQ. So we had vegan Mexican bowls. Silently we all giggled and commented on the way home every meal today was vegan.

Time for showers and a movie. Good night all.