3/13/17 - Donuts and a visit from Stella

I realized around noon that my daughter wrote her note, telling of them coming "tomorrow," late last night instead of this morning, as I had assumed! :eek: I thought I had plenty of time but she said they'd be here early afternoon, soooo, I had to jump through some hoops just to get both of us cleaned up and a few basic things done. Good thing it turned out they got off real late and aren't here yet. I'm expecting them within the hour. I've gone about as far as I can go for the day. They're picking up pizza and bringing it for supper.

Shan, my ribs are a little better, thank you. Still having trouble getting deep breaths. I've had this same thing happen more than once before. It takes a long time for it to get well but it does. I'm glad you are feeling better!

A. Guy, funny video.
Seriously! :rolleyes:. We hit a high today not recorded since 1970. We will reach 95 by Friday. In March fire danger alerts.
i know a guy (from Milwaukee) who retired to AZ 'cause he wanted to play golf year round. After 2 years he moved to Colorado!

Muzza...really feel for the owners of that home encased in ice. Egads!