4-15-2017 - Donuts and Hooves!

April may have her little deduction on Tax Day!

Wow! That birth was awesome to watch! Two things that surprised me: April cleaned his little face as soon as it was out, so I assume he was breathing before he was fully born; and the water broke AFTER he was born! Interesting.
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Good Morning.

While I missed the birth live, they did post the video so I did get to see the little one. And it was amazing. I did get to see the little one struggle to stand. Looking at those really long legs, it's amazing they are able to stand so soon. Oliver really did seem curious, banging at his wall and trying to get in. Thank you Animal Adventure Park and Toys R Us for providing this amazing experience.

I'm now off to a busy day. Stepmom first, then dinner with my neighbor, who has been asking weekly when can you go out to eat when can you go out to eat? Hunny bunny and I are in no hurry to do so but we will.

Have a great Sunday.
Tis funny, but as hard as I tried, I could not find a single clip to show the birth, or aftermath. Guess this old computer is just not up to snuff. I did see a couple legs, but that was all. Oh, well. Raining here.
We were all enthralled - guests plus family - with the birth this morning. The kiddos were not happy when the feed ended so their Dad explained how miraculous it was for us to watch such an event. New life brings a smile to your heart!

Finished morning chores and now we begin the touring. The places I look forward to are up north so off we go!

Wishing each of you a bright Spring day!
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Darn, I missed it. I had not idea what kt meant. I had to take Goldie out for
her walk. I left home just after 8:30 and went to library. I got to church
at 9:30 and I just got home. I'm glad most of you got to see it.

It was interesting to help out at the Easter Feed. A lot of people helped
fill up take out boxes. That was strange to watch how they did that.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.