4-27-17 - Donuts and Meetings


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful spring day here. The sun is shining (until the rain starts), birds are singing, and squirrels are scampering. I'll be stuck going to meetings all day. At least I'll get to have 5 minute drives here and there during the day to get to the different meetings.

The temps will start to fall after the rain. My favorite local meteorologist answered my question, and said it wouldn't get cold enough to snow. Oh, poo.
Good morning, and I would definitely trade ya. 29° here, snowed last night, gloomy and grey, more snow & rain in forecast. I have dr. appt. plus various errands today, and definitely NOT looking forward to this at all. Too much going on, I am not a happy camper. LOL
Good morning all,

Stay warm, Poirot.
Still cloudy here (been like this for a week now:angry:), but the sun might come out later, they say. The good news is that we're supposed to hit 80F.
I'm finishing up a paper I started last night but got too tired to complete it. I have a test in the same class it's due in today, and tomorrow is thesis presentation day. Then, two more essays to do over the weekend, and work on Sunday/Monday. Busy before the end!

Hope everyone has a nice day.
Good Morning,

I am one very tired nurse today. Just getting too old for back-to-back double shifts. Tomorrow is my reward as a day off and most likely I will sleep it away.

Our temperatures only cllimb higher until November. So it will be 92F, full glaring sun, clouds burn off before 10am, and dusty winds. It is exactly as dull, uncomfortable and boring as it sounds.

RS: your Spring day, as you described it, brings back sweet memories from Indiana. Hope your day stays lovely!

Poirot: unhappy campers still have to run errands so I hope something nice surprises you today.

OC: hope you complete your town errand before the height of sun and heat today.

Days: good luck with your prep work, studies for exams and thesis writing. The weekend is almost here!

Make it the best Thursday you can today!:)
Happy Birthday, RockfordFosgate!!

Happy Birthday Rocky!

It's rained every day for the last week but look pretty good this morning. The sun is coming out so maybe no rain for a few days! Temperature is up to 52*.

I hope you all have a good day and nicer weather soon. My sciatica is still with me and sure wish it would leave soon. Oh well, I'll get up one morning and it will just have disappeared and all will be well again!

Big Hugs to you all,
Happy Birthday, Rocky. I hope you have a good day with your family.

Cloudy and only in the 60s today. It's supposed to rain tonight and
be over
tomorrow AM. Then rain Fri evening and all day Sat.

Poirot, sorry to hear about the white stuff. I hope your doctor visit went well.

rs, I'm glad you didn't have to do a lot of driving today.

OC, I hope you got to town.

robin, I hope your doctor visit went well too.

Noel, tomorrow is almost here :)

DaysD, I'm sure you did well on your test. Good luck on your
thesis presentation.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day.
FYI, tomorrow is going to be a real busy day for me. I found out we might get 5 to 8 or
12 inches of rain from Fri night until Sun morning. I decided to do my Sat errands
tomorrow because there are some areas that might be flooding. Then I'm having
lunch with one of Bible study members. It's going to get very wet here. I hope the
forecast is wrong.

I hope everyone has a good evening.
Woo hoo, stitches out! I am to start slowly using the knee for the next 30 days. Non hard impact work. No running or heavy leg work in the gym. The pictures of before and after surgery are cool.

He did enjoy the picture of the rare Snoring/Sleeping Poodle desk.

Kat - I hope the rain isn't as horrible as predicted. Good luck.