6-14-17 - Donuts and Flag Day


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning. How many of you are displaying the US flag today?

This is the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes on June 14, 1777. This is also the anniversary of the founding of the US Army in 1775.

Picked up my new microwave after work yesterday. The neighbor on one side came over when he saw the box, and asked how and when my old one died. While we were talking, the neighbor on the other side called about something else. I told him I'd have to call back with the info he wanted because neighbor # 1 was there about our dead microwaves. He then said their microwave also died so he walked over. Then the neighbor across the road came over to see what was going on. (Neighborhood powwow in squirrel's front yard.) All 4 of our homes had our microwaves spark and die at the same time on the same day. Sounds like a power surge hit them.
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Morning Everyone,

Sorry I didn't pop in more yesterday, I was in a training all afternoon about conflict resolution, very informative, but it felt like forever.

RS - what a bummer about all of your microwaves. Those darn things can be so pricey for a good one.

JS - wow, 4 in such a short time would be awful. Glad the surge protector fixed the problem

We had to add a separate breaker and outlet for our microwave. Our house is wired so dumb that every time we tried to use the microwave in the summer it would knock out half the electrical outlets in the house. Apparently half the kitchen and the 2 bedrooms are on 1 breake. And the other half of the kitchen, the living room and dining room are on another. So rather than try to rewire everything, we added 1 new outlet for just the microwave. No more problems and lots of money saved.

Happy Wednesday!
Good morning everyone,

Mostly cloudy but humid and 80F here today. I have a giant US flag on the wall in my room (and a smaller one on display, too). I always am afraid to put the little ones out, in case the weather ruins them or some stupid kids come by in the night and destroy/steal them.

For the first time in 6 days, I'm off work. I'm watching the kids today, and taking care of the pool. A lot of it kept evaporating due to the heat, so I'll have to refill it and scoop out the little leaves again.

Hope all of you have a nice day.

Happy Flag Day! So proud of Old Glory and our country.

RS: Thanks for the Flag Day tribute.

Manda: my old house has been wired crazily too.

JS: good the surge protector solved your issue. We have a box of extras because big dust storms fry them.

Days: have fun on your day off and jump in the pool.
Morning all.

I have two microwave stories. For a baby shower gift for child #2, I asked for and received enough money to purchase a microwave, in 1981. When I moved to AZ in 2005, it was still being used daily. It finally died in 2010 and son purchased a new one, as no one knew how to repair the old one.

Here in AZ, Hunny Bunny was heating a can of soup in the microwave. A can of Chunky soup. We both were in the kitchen and hear a noise, looked at the microwave (built in above the stove), and saw the Pampered Chef bowl jump up, hit the top of the microwave, and then land right side up on the bottom glass.

The microwave shut off, never to work again. We went through the soup thinking maybe some metal filaments were in there or something. Nope. So Hunny Bunny lost his meal, and we lost a microwave. We have since replaced both Hunny Bunny's soup and the microwave.

DaysD, I feel your pain on filling the pool. We now have to do it weekly now. And with the heat, we are expecting more often, I'm guessing. But a day spent at the pool is a good day. Remember the sunscreen.

Enjoy the day. Happy Wednesday.
Good morning. Old houses, yes, I love them but they do have challenges. It used to be I couldn't vacuum without throwing breakers but we've upgraded over the years. Also, we were always getting things knocked out by lightning. My husband installed some kind of surge protector(s) but I don't know what or where and he doesn't remember anything like that. I guess it's working though.

I don't have a flag out because nobody would see it besides me. I was thinking about it being Flag Day earlier this morning though. I also heard it was the anniversary of the beginning of our Army but I didn't know it was the day of adopting Stars and Stripes. I guess it makes sense, being Flag Day.

Wishing everyone a good day. Stay as cool as you can. I always get up and turn off the a/c for a few hours. The thick rock of our house keeps it cool for a while in the mornings but then in the afternoon it absorbs the heat from the sun and takes hours into the night to cool down.
I did not want to mention this until I knew my daughter was home safe, but yesterday, she was driving to a doctor appointment in Macon, and this police car comes racing towards her, sirens blaring, lights flashing, she swore going 80-90 MPH. She pulls over, it goes by, she pulls back out, here comes another one, then another. She counted NINETEEN police cars, all going like a house afire, (opposite direction from her, but back towards home), called her husband.

It was that prison break in GA, where the prisoners killed two guards, then carjacked a vehicle which had stopped, because the driver saw the police van stopped (prison work detail). She was scared because maybe those two escapees would be looking for another vehicle to nab, kill driver to get it or something. I guess there is a huge manhunt out now for them both, but any news about that is overshadowed today by the shootings in DC area.

Take care, everyone. Hey, the sun finally came out, we had a short but heavy downpour yesterday afternoon. Over an inch of rain. Egads.
Robin: thanks for another microwave story. In two days you definitely may have to fill the pool daily. Still I envy you that cold splash on a roasting Valley if the Sun day.

OC: many of us here could combine our old house adventures into a book (wink). Hope your day is mild and lovely.

Poirot: what an adrenaline popping experience for your daughter. Relieved she us safe, this must have brightened your day.

Blessings everyone.
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Still I envy you that cold splash on a roasting Valley if the Sun day.

Not sure how "cold" the water will be. It was 86 last night. I have my surgical knee wrapped with support tape and while I can shower quickly, I'm not allowed in the pool for any length of time till Thursday. It is delightful being able to get into the pool at the end of the day and then going to bed. Relaxing.
I'm finally back from the little senior center in the old bank building. Thank goodness for a/c in the car because that sun was hot beating in through the windows while on the interstate.

Thank you for all of the microwave stories. It looks like it is more common than I thought.

My house is 108 years old. When I had it rewired, the electrician put in a separate breaker for the microwave. The strange thing is that none of our microwaves tripped breakers when the appliances sparked and died.

I'm putting my new one on a surge protector when I get home.

Now there has been a shooting at a UPS facility in San Francisco. What is wrong with people!?!?!

Poirot - Thank goodness your daughter is ok. How scary for her.
Went to a restaurant up in Duluth once, it had been a library! And yes, there was a huge vault (don't know why a library would need one??) with the door open, probably off it's hinges as well. The menus were inside old books, and of course the items were all given names of famous authors or characters. It was very different, unusual. But yes, all that old old wood, very Victorian looking atmosphere. You bill came on a "library card". LOL
When I worked for an ins. company in downtown Chicago, there was a huge vault in our little office as well. It was opened every a.m. and closed at 5 p.m. when we left. I have no idea why it was there. Yes, people sometimes would come in to pay their premiums, sometimes in cash, but it was not all that much, however, the cash drawer was put in there every night.
Poirot, what a relief, that your daughter was safe! I hope they catch those guys. Probably no one feels safe with them on the loose.

I loved hearing about the old houses and buildings. Any time I go to a town, I'm always looking at the old houses. I so wish my grandparents hadn't torn down the two-story Victorian house they built when they got married. My dad grew up in it but it was replaced with a "modern" house in the 1930s so I've only seen pictures of it.

The state of Texas has many beautiful, elaborate old county courthouses. For some years now they've had a project going to restore as many of them as possible to the original look, only adding modern necessities, such as a/c and handicap facilities. I was thrilled that our county was chosen as one of them. My great-grandfather was one of the commissioners who got it built in the 1800s so it is neat seeing how it looked at that time. The roof and windows had been changed over time and an awkward room added on the back. Now that it's been restored, it looks magnificent!
Hi everyone!

Hot and humid here today as usual.

Living in southeast Virginia means I'm surrounded by old houses and buildings. The downtown area of my city has that typical old downtown look.

We can't run our microwave and George Foreman/electric skillet at the same time. Cheap apartment wiring is awesome.

Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
When I moved to the Chicago suburbs, remember I told you all about the Hammerstein farmhouse, that became the police station? Well, down the road was an old one room schoolhouse. I was fascinated because it still had the desks, etc. but got to tell you, it sure was small. Little House on the Prairie had a bigger one. LOL.

then someone bought it, and it became a small, local grocery store (nearest one was 10 miles away. Did well, until Jewel opened one 2 miles down the road, and there was a little mall, too. Someone bought the land, just tore down the little bldg., yep, more little strip malls. :)