6/20/17 - Donuts & The Rain in Spain falls mainly


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Nov 23, 2006
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everywhere. LOL Good morning.......in the midst of a thunderstorm, lightning cracks, thunder rolls, rain falling...,, puddles forming, boats racing for cover. Yep, those early fishermen did not expect this. (forecast, chance of rain)

Gonna try and get some laundry done today. catch up on bookwork as well. Take care, have a good one.
Love that song from My Fair Lady! Starts my day off singing!

Hubby had a flat tire on the way home from work last night. This heat blows everything, including then finding out his A/C hose was leaking. Long repairs in high heat makes for a most grouchy man! Sure hoping today goes better on the road for everyone.

Same ole life routine here except for the temperature. Trying to think about Christmas in July preparations because we watch every snowy movie we can find that day. [wink]

Poirot: send any left over rain here, please!

KT: hope you were able to star gaze last night.
Love that Hallmark is doing that. (Christmas in July movies).

Have you all heard of the man who suffered a heart attack and died at the U.S. Open last weekend in Wisconsin. Want to hear the rest of the story? You are gonna hear it anyway. Just heard this on radio, short summary. He was 94 yrs. old, had just lost his wife of 68 years 3 days before , had these tickets for the Open, and wanted to go for years. He was with his son, (both loved golf) was on the 6th hole, had "3 hours of bliss" before he died. His son said he died happy, and now there will be a joint funeral for his parents. I guess this all has been on national sports news, just a tidbit from WI for you all.
Good Morning,

Poirot - funny I was singing that song to Gena last night as I was tucking her into bed. :) Such a sweet, sad story about that man. I hadn't seen that on the news yet.

Noel - how terrible for your husband. Hope the repairs aren't too expensive. Christmas in July sounds fun. We did that as a theme for vacation bible school on year. :)

Gena and I managed to walk to the library and home again between rain showers, although we were prepared and brought our umbrellas with us. Not too much on the schedule for today and I'm grateful for the lack of plans for the evening.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning everyone. The sun is playing peek-a-boo, and a cool wind is blowing. It is currently 65° here.

The rain totals are in.....a tad over 4 inches in my rain gauge. Over 5 inches of it in towns to the east and southeast about 20 minutes away.

Poirot - that is a nice story about the elderly man. I bet his wife was right there with him, and waiting for him to see his favorites at the tournament.

Noel - your poor hubby having to deal with car problems in that heat.

Amanda - I just imagined you and Gena singing waddle, waddle, quack, quack on the way to and from the library.
Good morning everyone,

Poirot - Your title brought back memories of My Fair Lady which was one of the first musicals I was in and played one of the drunk friends to Alfie Doli'le. Also, I think when couples who have been married as long as they have, for me it brings me comfort that whatever happens when we die, that they are back together.

A month after celebrating my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary, my grandfather went into the hospital on a Tuesday and passed on Sunday. a month and a half after he passed, my grandmother skipped 2 stages in her leukemia, which the type she had, she could've have lived a very long time, and passed away. While we didn't have a joint funeral, as we had already had my grandfather's, we did spread their ashes together on the ranch they had for 49 years. It seemed right that they passed so close together.

Mandamiee - Your daughter must be a very good reader and glad to hear you use libraries. I'm sure similar to Canada, libraries are closing or finding other ways to bring people in.

Noel - Hope you and your husband get a reprieve soon.

RS - Hope you get some sun soon and dry everything and help all the plants grow.

Have a good day all.
Good morning.

Didn't get to update before heading to office, playing hooky now, so this will be brief.

Another car issue brought on by the heat??? My windshield is cracked. I cannot find a rock chip, very common here. Because of the termite stuff, I had to park outside for the week that it took for Hunny Bunny to get the garage reorganized. It is now so much easier to find stuff that it was worth the wait as we had to empty the garage anyway. And because I have "eyesite" on the car (it warns me when I drift out of lanes, and when I'm too close to the car in front), I have to get special glass. BUT I purchased a 7 year policy when I got the car. Now I can't find it. And I need the number because my regular insurance doesn't pay for the special glass needed.

I, too, am a fan of My Fair Lady. It is such a fun show. But for this week in Phoenix, Kiss Me Kate is the show, and the song, "It's too Darn Hot!"
Poirot: what a bittersweet story about that man. After being bonded in marriage for all those years his heart must have felt half empty when his wife passed. Joint funerals are rare but hopefully comforts his son.

Manda: walks in the rain are fun and refreshing if no storms accompany you. What a nice forever memory with Gena. Enjoy your relaxing night tonight.

RS: now that little ditty you imagined Manda & Gena singing is stuck in my head. I am whispering it to the babies. That was so much rain you got. Sure hope you get some dry and sunny days this week.

Muzza: thanks for sharing about your grandparents. And I miss well stocked libraries so much. I almost lived there on weekends as a kid. Have a great day.
Muzz - Gena is getting to be a better reader, but struggles some. The good news is that she loves to read so she keeps working on it. We have a wonderful library, which besides books and computers, offers a seed library for gardeners, free e-book check out, Lego nights for kids, and lots of other programs for kids and adults alike. Your grandparents sound like they were wonderful.

Robin, sorry about your windshield, that's horrible.

RS - that's a lot of rain, no wonder you pump burned out. I think Gena would be terribly embarrassed if I walked down the street singing that with her now. She's at the stage were everything silly embarrasses her. Of course that just makes me act even more goofy.
Noel, could you get away with this?: Midnight, in the back yard, no lights. Play a good song on a boom-box. Turn on a sprinkler, and dance for a short time. Turn everything off, and run for the dark house. Waterproof Bluetooth headphones (if they exist) would be perfect for this! :drunk:

PS: It will be too dark for many video cameras, so you are off the hook about that. :)
AGuy: Also we have a rock yard: sharp, irregular rocks that radiate heat. The sunset is 8pm, so I might look a little silly too. That just means it sounds like fun with a grass yard.:huh:
Oh well, I was just trying to get you rained on. :) I hope you get a surprise cloudburst sometime soon. The closest I ever got to your temps was 100* plus, during a San Diego visit. You take care, now!
Goldie was a bad dog last night. She woke me up three times wanting to go outside.
I let her out. I would wait awhile and let her in. I told her from now on if she goes
out during the night she'll stay outside.

A sunny day here. High in the 80s. I decided this morning to mow my yard. I
didn't realize
until I started it was thick again. Even though I took several breaks so I could mow

it all, I'm exhausted.

robin, I hope you'll find the policy for your windshield glass.

rs, you sure got a lot of rain. I hope you'll be able to get a new pump before it rains again.

I hope everyone has a good evening.