SPOILER !! Actress returning

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Unlike Sweeney’s last return when Sami was mainly around to mourn Will, her firstborn son who had just been murdered by The Necktie Killer, Sami will show her usual scheming side this time–a side that made her a fan-favorite for more than two decades.
Apparently whoever wrote this article didn't watch those episodes, as she spent most of her time being elated because she thought EJ was still alive. :rolleyes:
There were many years that my favorite character was Sami. Seeing her grow up, become a great mother and find a man she could have loved for the rest of her life was so good. Then the writers ruined her beyond any redemption. I don't care to see Sami ever grace the screen again.

I like Alison Sweeney (Sami) because she did give her all regardless of how crappy her story had become. But no story any writer could come up with would make me give a baboons red buttocks about Sami ever again. The Sami and he who shall remain nameless story was so bad that I don't ever want a Sydney or Johnny story and I don't know if I could stomach an Allie story.

Good grief seeing Sami again would be as bad as putting the snot filled kisses in a polka dot bra Bo and the original HAG on a replaying loop.
So... Apparently, I can't resist you guys. I was supposed to take a break, but... here I am. I barely watch the show anymore, I must say though. But I have to comment on this. I wanted to think that maybe, just maybe, I could give it a go, one last time. But the return of Sami Brady ? Oh, noooooo ! Just, no ! :angry::angry::angry::angry::sick::sick::sick::sick: I hate this character, I cannot stand her. I am so disappointed that she's coming back, thus really destroying what was left of hope for Days of our Lives... For me, that is.

And as far as Sami being a good parent. I'm sorry, she never was. How many stunts has she pulled involving her children ? I remember her going to Will's school and menacing other parents with a knife. She's just plain horrible. Jealous, mean, cruel, horrible, bad to the bone. As a mother, as a human being. period. She's a waste of air time, always has been.

Wow. I sound bitter and mad. Maybe my break was not long enough. :) Sorry, carry on.
LOL, yes....Sami takes her kids to CA, so a movie can be made of her life, promptly gets a nanny so someone else is caring for them. She has taken Allie from her father, but that does not matter. She comes back to Salem, steals all the DiMera liquid assets, then goes on the run with the kids, hiding out with them, again Allie cannot see or be with her dad.......but all 3 children are kept from all the family who has loved them. Grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles. Selfish Sami. No, I cannot say Sami has been a good parent. Yes, when married to Rafe, the kids were happy, but that was more because of Rafe, not their mother.
Tis interesting to know that all the while Ms. Sweeney has been gone from Salem as Sami, she never watched the show at all. She doesn't know that Sami gave half the money she stole from the DiMeras to Belle....and more. Glad to know she cares about the show and her ex-castmates that much.

Really don't care what brings Sami back to Salem. She is not needed, hasn't been missed, and if she does return, perhaps she can be seen as often as we see Lucas, or Eric.
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