

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Dario first appeared in Salem as a rather colorless fellow, no personality, was supposed to be a thief, wasn't very convincing at it, took up with Melanie for a while, then was shipped off to Peru to work at Kiriakis office there. (yeah, you know how all Salemites get instant corporate big jobs and promotions with no experience or education, lol). So, he was off the canvas.

And a few years later, he was bartending at some beach front bar, meeting up with Summer, Nicole, etc. blah, blah. Seems that corporate stuff was not for him, and he now sounds like a guy from the streets of New York, ex-gang member (that is never said, just what he sounds like). Did not know what one uses a razor for every day, smart mouthed. & he decides to go back to Salem. (I think he had a thing for Nicole, unrequited, of course.)

So, I like Jordi Vilasuso, who plays Dario. thankfully, he finally shaved that 10 o'clock shadow, but the character, like many others, has suffered from the various visions the different head writers have had of Dario's personality. Too many different jobs in Salem, too much drifting, the chip on his shoulder regarding dad too quickly removed. He actually agrees to go into business with his formerly assassin father, and delves into shady deals, even tho having a brother who is a cop. He resents the fact that cop brother arrested daddy, but doesn't set his sights on the person who set daddy up in the first place.

And then the fiasco storyline which has him faking deportation to get Abby to marry him. Ugh.

So, new writing is coming up. Will Dario continue the sleaze role, or have a change of heart?
Seems to me I have seen pics of Dario on set recently. That would mean he is still around in Nov/Dec. I definitely could be wrong. Pics are posted, then removed, so hard to keep up. They also are posted several weeks/months after being taken, since Days is so paranoid about them perhaps revealing something they don't want the public to know yet. :)