Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 15, 2016

Marlena was a knock out performance today I enjoyed every scene she did from sad to angry it was great. It was SO nice to see Saint Jennifer be ripped a new one by Marlena. All the talk that Jennifer did to Eve about sleeping with her son JJ well looks like Jennifer got a taste of her own medicine by Marlena sleeping with her son Eric. That was so sweet to watch. Jennifer must be super high on those pills because me personally in that situation I would not feel so comfortable being around Marlena, Roman, Belle, and John admitting sleeping with Eric drunk. Walking in the police station still with "sex hair". Really Jennifer? Something tells me Jennifer may blame herself for Eric being late and take even more pills.

While I enjoyed the performances today, I would hardly compare JJ/Eve to Eric/Jennifer. Even though the age differences may be similar, Eric is a mature, consenting adult whereas JJ was a college kid at the time. While he may have been of legal age, he was still immature.

I would not mind the time Maggie is taking onscreen, (and the story with her paralyzed and learning to walk again), could be really good, if she was interacting with Melissa or Sarah. Even if Hope or Jennifer were actually seen visiting with her it would be good. As it is, we get fabricated children in Daniel and Summer that monopolize the show and Brady and Theresa who do not spend enough time with their own families. Both of them should have been there for Eric today instead of this stupid fighting about Summer.

I'm signed up to attend a fan event with the actors who play Brady and Jeannie T in June. I'm really tempted to ask them their thoughts on why their characters weren't at Eric's sentencing.
I was really disappointed that Brady and Jeannie T were wasted on Summer and Maggie today instead of being there for Eric.
Instead of her madcap and *erm* funny? scene at the engagement party, if they want to convince me Jeannie T has "changed," she absolutely should have been there when the ONE person in her family who has offered unconditional love was being hauled off to prison.

Great Eric scenes. WHY is he getting this type of story? Sad, and sick. Meanwhile I'd probably be in Jeannie T's corner if I gave two hoots about this Summer nonsense.
I'm sad to see Eric go. The show can write all these fabricated children for Maggie but can't write for Roman and Marlena's son. Terrible. And that last scene was just wow.
remembered when Summer was born.
Or did she remember when her actual child was born? Or can we hope this is a horrid, horrid fantasy?
Eric, how stupid to get drunk before sentencing. I had thought they were expecting 8 years? Glad Marlena ripped into Jennifer. It was very powerful to see Eric in chains being taken away.
The unshaven look and the black shirt didn't help either. If Eric had added a white tie, he'd a have looked like a mobster in an old black and white crime movie. As for Marlena ripping Jenny, :clap:. It's too bad that Anne Milbauer couldnt have witnessed this.
It was interesting to see Helena trip and hit a rock.
Women on Days should watch their step around rocks. If memory serves, this is just how Willow Stark met her death.
Rewriting history is bad enough, but this time takes the cake. How many of Maggie's ill-conceived (pun intended) children will be crawling out of the woodwork? Will Brady ever stop falling for every sob story a woman tells him?
The way things are going, they'll be so many that Victor will have to place more guards around his reclaimed mansion. As for Brady, he's probably on the mailing list of every sketchy conartist with a sob story. As for the giant weepathon regarding Maggie supposedly giving away the klepto/psycho mermaid, everybody should keep in mind that Maggie was 17 in the mid-1950s when unwed teen mothers gave away babies as a matter of course. Instead of wailing about her "rejection" by Maggie, the self-absorbed Summer should take a moment to consider Maggie's situation many years ago.
Or did she remember when her actual child was born? Or can we hope this is a horrid, horrid fantasy?
Agree. Let's hope that Maggie had an overactive imagination as a teenager, which was helped along by smoking the weed that grew behind the family's barn.
Instead of wailing about her "rejection" by Maggie, the self-absorbed Summer should take a moment to consider Maggie's situation many years ago.
Whoa hold on there! You keep suggesting original storylines that would lead to character development!! What are you thinking!?!?!
I have to wonder: If Maggie was already paralyzed when she gave birth, could she have felt the pain? The flashback sounds like she did.

Would depend where the paralysis was from. If it was quite low down in the spine she might have felt part of the contractions.
From what I understand, Maggie (on the farm) was crippled, but not paralyzed. She managed on crutches. Her injuries were the result of an auto accident that killed her parents, but she continued to live and work the farm.
Currently, this is completely different situation.
Days, Days, Days Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! They must think we are senile. It absolutely is an insult to long time viewers. Is there anyone left who hasn't been transformed for the worse? I know we have seen people reform: Sami, Nicole, Theresa. But to take the backbone and moral strength of this show and shred them beyond recognition just pushes me farther and farther away. It's almost like they want the self-fulfilling prophecy that if they make it unrecognizable, so unredeemable, people will stop watching and they can go off the air. They are dangerously close to being dumped by me. I just read the Daily Days and decide for myself how much to watch and what to fast forward.

A show with this many years is there because of us. The sinister aspect of just about every formerly likable person is beyond appalling.

I may just stick with Blue Bloods and NCIS. They haven't failed me yet.
Thanks for the write-up. Can't believe I was cheering for Theresa today!

:sick::sick::sick: at Eric & Jennifer. Just gross. No words...but everything else surrounding Eric was great. I just wish that Theresa, Brady, and others could've been there for support (or at least been mentioned as having said their goodbyes already).