Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 3, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 3, 2015

Fireworks all over the place the last half hour. But first...John & Rafe are taking down, cleaning up, etc. A reporter comes by, wanting to talk to Paul, John volunteers to go find him. The photographer talks to the reporter, all about the benefit, good deeds, etc. but the reporter (Davis) chuckles as he figures he is going to have front page stuff.

Kate & Clyde are at Victor's club, he is asking Kate what she was up to while he was gone, she says nothing, he spots Victor & Maggie, thinks they should go schmooze them. He gets Vic into a private conversation, Kate keeps Maggie company, they talk nice, Kate wonders why, Maggie says life is too short. Meanwhile, Clyde is complimenting Victor on keeping his word, Vic says he is enjoying more time with family. Clyde suggests he would have even more if he gave Kate a job. Vic notes that Lucas is head of Mad World, doing well, he would have to boot him out to put Kate in, and she would not like that.
Kate & Clyde take their leave, Maggie tells Vic she knows he is playing possum, so did her best with Kate. She teases him about his plan to take care of both Clyde & Kate, but doesn't want to know.

John already was bemoaning wanting to set up a toast for Sonny & Will, Rafe offers to help, so both are going to let people know. Vic & Maggie are contacted, Maggie calls Adrienne, Rafe calls Lucas. LOL, as both are enjoying afterglow in bed, when Maggie asks Adrienne to make sure Lucas stays ON TOP of this. Adrienne can barely control herself, about Lucas being on top, tells Lucas.

Chad has spotted Ben & Abby kissing, drops a table he was trying to fold up. (Fake!) Ben goes to help him, figures it was a ploy, but is cheerful. They get the table put away, Chad thanks him, starts giving Ben advice on his relationship with Abby, starting with reading Jack's book. Ben isn't buying it, let's Chad know he is not letting him get to him in any way. Chad starts yammering, finally saying something about Abby's family already letting him know to stay away from her. Abby hears, asks who, Aunt Hope. Chad figures Hope is a cop, he is a DiMera.....never the twain shall meet.

Marlena & Will are going round and round about Marlena's realization that John is probably Paul's father, how it only took 3 minutes to figure what Will is thinking. She wants to know exactly why he changed his tune, and finally, he admits it was the way Tori looked at John, how she did not want John to know Paul was her son. Rafe comes to get them to come to the toast.

Replay of Paul & Sonny going into the office for dry clothes, Paul taking off his shirt, and they get into a huge long discussion of being together years ago, visiting that place in Mexico, Machu Picchu, Sonny not knowing Paul was famous baseball player, Paul figuring everyone did, and only befriended him because of it., Sonny's proposal, Paul turning him down, regretting it, and right now wanting to kiss him and more. They go on and on, but John comes in, tells them the reporter wants to see Paul, and Sonny is needed out there. John looks a bit concerned as the guys file out.

Everyone is gathered in the square, to honor and toast Will & Sonny for their lst anniversary. Victor says a few a year ago he hosted their reception, which went off rather well. No one got arrested, no one got shot, or found out they were pregnant. (LOLOLOL) He is happy they reached this milestone, says a few more nice things, then turns it over to Marlena, who talks of the lst year being the hardest, that the guys have had some troubles, Sonny being stabbed is mentioned. She hopes they will all be together next year and every year after this to celebrate many years together. Everyone grabs glasses of champagne, toast, clink glasses. The photographer texts the reporter that Paul is there now, he comes running.

He mentions his name, starts talking of Sonny being stabbed, Paul donating blood to save his life. Kate wonders what this guy is up to, he is a shark, doesn't do human interest stories. Davis continues, going on and on about how Will wrote the story, and then drops the bombshell that Sonny had to be surprised that his husband was having sex with the object of the article. Cue shocked faces, murmurs all over the place. Will goes after the reporter, who insists he has a witness, a hotel employee who saw them in Paul's room together quite often. He is calling it an affair, Will denies it, Davis says it still was sex, Chad jumps forward, tells the 2 guys to leave. The photographer punches Chad, down he goes, people rush over, John flashes his badge, tells the newspaper guys to get away. They claim public space, but Rafe says private party. They leave....Victor comes roaring at Will, Adrienne & Lucas are just looking at each other.
John tells Paul he should leave, knows what he walked in on, and he should leave them all alone. Rafe tells Will & Sonny they should go. Victor has been livid, Maggie trying to calm him down, she finally gets him away.

Abby is applying ice to Chad's face, Ben is there. He keeps saying he is o.k. Tells them to go to their date now, he is fine. She says to have his lip checked. Ben says the same, they go, and Chad drops the ice, has himself a drink, and is smiling.

Clyde & Kate are at Vic's club, with Clyde noting that Victor did not seem to be so mild mannered just now. He thinks perhaps Vic played her before, and himself as well. Kate says that Vic hates Stefano, would not miss a chance to get at him. But Clyde comments that "well, that is the way it used to be". Kate wonders what Clyde has been up to.

Vic & Maggie are home, he is madder than a wet hen. berating Will, who is just like his mother, talking of how much Sonny means to him. He cannot believe that while Sonny was in a hospital room, bleeding to death, Will was in a hotel room, cheating on him. Always knew Sonny was too good for him.

Adrienne sits on a bench with Lucas, bemoaning that she herself has just done what Will did. Lucas is trying to say it is not the same, but she says it is. She is married. Lucas mentions Justin cheating on her, but Adrienne says she is still married, makes no difference. Wait til Vic finds out. Lucas says no one will find out. But she figures that is what Paul & Will thought as well.

John & Marlena sit in the Pub, talking of how she knew about Paul & Will already. Marlena could not say anything, Sonny & Will were trying to repair their marriage. But John tells of finding Paul coming on to Sonny, and is glad they have seen the last of him.

Earlier, John told Paul to leave, that he knows what he came upon with him and Sonny, and it is best if he goes. And that when this all hits the paper, that Baseball clinic won't attract anyone, so he should leave now. Paul goes to his room, where his mom has been staring at John's business card. She sees he is upset, he tells her it will be all over the papers tomorrow. Tori says it is not his fault, it is Will Horton's, who did not tell you he was married, he will pay the consequences. . Paul thinks he will have to, as well, but Tori insists he will be far from Salem, with his family.

Will & Sonny arrive home, Will saying he is sorry. We see Sonny looking at a pic of him, Will & Ari. Will is on the phone, bemoaning just getting voice mail. Sonny asks who he is calling. Zoe, Will figures he will be getting fired, his name taken off the list for the Hillman award (for his article on Paul). Sonny looks sad....that is what you are concerned about, that is your priority? Will denies it, claims he just wants to get this all over with, so they can focus........but Sonny turns away, going into the bedroom, saying, Good Night, Will. Happy Anniversary.
I just finished watching and I love every single moment! Two days in a row of good material and characters I like (except Clyde).

Chad antagonizing Ben still amuses me. His reaction to the reporter revealing the affair was awesome. His eyes and lips were like "OH'. :rotfl:

This moment:
Reporter: I have a witness
Paul: Oh god!
Reporter: Him too!

Victor dragging Kate, Sami, and Will as cheaters. All that matters to him is "his Sonny".

John's anger at Paul was SO over the top. To tell him to get the hell out of town was extreme, but I'll buy it for now because I love where this is headed for these two!

Will, Will, Will. Calling Marlena a hypocrite because she told him to mind his own business when he thought Paul was a Dimera but she wants to run and tell John now. If he'd stop to think for just a moment, he'd see that the situations are entirely different. He actually expects Marlena to withhold that kind of information from John. Boy is as stupid as he sounds.

Melissa Salmons was the script writer again today and she did a fabulous job! They should just hand the keys to the writer's room over to this woman.
Kudos to Victor :clap:about Will "He's just like his mother" :rotfl:Thanks Vic!
soaphead, I guess I took your statement wrong. After I reread it I see where you were coming from about Will being like Sami. But I still see no reason to jump on Will and threaten others with their jobs. Lucas should have jumped to his son's defense and not been so quiet, for Sami sure would have.
This was a day for wake-up calls for the delusional and payback time for a certain dime-store blackmailer. The delusional were Clyde and Kate for thinking that Victor was washed up, and the one getting payback was, who else, Will. After dishing out nastiness to Tori for days, he got it back in spades from the Spectator's sleazy reporter. Also brought down a few pegs were the happy cheaters, Lucas and Adrienne, who a short time after their bedroom frolic were witnesses to the nasty after effects of extra-marital adventures. Perhaps, Will should lock himself and his insecurities in his apartment for about a month and Lucas should avoid sleeping with married women. As for Clyde, he should give up the notion that Stefano is an "old fool." If anybody has the power to make the Poplar Bluff creep vanish in a Salem second, it's the Phoenix. Finally, all those who watched the Will-Sonny event collapse into nastiness shouldn't have been surprised. This sort of thing is par for the course in Salem. Everyone should just be grateful that nobody was shot.
Call me crazy but I'm starting to wonder if we're actually suppose feel sympathy for Will. That certainly seems to be what they're going for with scenes like the ones got today with Marlena where he's pouring out all of his insecurities. I admit I ALMOST bought it but then after the debacle at the town square his first thought was to try to save his job and not lose that award. It's getting to the point where if we can count on Will for anything at all it's to do and say the exactly the wrong thing. It's like he has no empathy for how the things he says and does affect Sonny. It's been that way for a long time now, even before Paul was ever in the picture. He certainly lacks the ability to see the big picture that's for sure.

I really don't know where the writers are going with Will anymore. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing except in this case I get the impression they don't know either.
Wow another great show! And Rafe was on 4 days this week! 4 days!

I'll take the addition of Clyde today versus some of the alternatives. I certainly don't miss Eve, Jeannie, Paige, Brady, Serena, Melanie, Daniel, etc. I do think that Eric and Nicole should have been part of the party today. Especially Eric as he is Will's uncle. And as I said yesterday, he should have been the photographer instead of an extra.

I'm ok with a Ben/Abigail/Chad triangle for now because it makes Ben and Abigail a bit more interesting. Plus I like how Abigail pretty much knows she is drawn to Chad. And I want to know Chad's motivations too.

I don't want Lucas to get hurt.

Loved John's line to the reporter when he said he had nothing to charge him with and John replied "I'll come up with something". And I loved Rafe in cop mode too. Make this man a cop again stat!

Where was Roman today?
Fantastic puns and dialogue throughout, none of the Melanie or Serena or Eve and kiddie set at all!! Yet more of the vets and Rafe!!! Just really great episode all around. My goodness, this would've been a great Sweeps episode!! I feel no sympathy at all for Will, who's more upset about losing his job and award than he is over his marriage. I finally can admit that I want Sonny to divorce him.
I thought it was funny how they were toasting the "happy" couple and yet Sonny nor Will seemed to smile once during the celebration. John was definitely overreacting about Paul. However, I think he's just ticked off because he's been talking up this guy to anyone who will listen and then comes to find out he and Will slept together and now he's sniffing around Sonny. He obviously doesn't know the whole story or the fact that Paul is his son. I really hope Marlena doesn't take his anger towards Paul as some sort of sign she should keep the truth from him. Will was horrible at the end there. First of all, the way he said "I'm so sorry about everything" or however he worded it, had about as much emotion and sincerity as if he just said "I forgot to take out the trash". Secondly, Sonny's facial expression when Will was more concerned about how his work would be affected by the news of his affair coming out than being together working through it with his husband spoke volumes. Sonny, please file for divorce. You don't deserve this despicable excuse for a human being as your husband.
Another good episode. Besides Rafe, John and Marlena have been on several
times this week.

I enjoyed Victor's snarky remarks when he made the toast. He was funny
later when he talked about Will being like his mom

Interesting to see Lucas and Adrienne on the phones in bed. I'm surprised
the people they talked to didn't hear the other one.

I didn't know Caroline could tweet. Heather, maybe Roman went with
her to California.
Ok, I caved and watched again!

That scene of Chad, John, and Ben trying to force the reporter out of the square. :rotfl:

Ben's standing behind him like a bouncer on steroids who models in his spare time.

John flashing his badge like "I'm the law in this town".

Chad pumping out his chest and going "I'm Chad Dimera". I would've given anything for the reporter to ask "Who?" :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Sonny's face when the camera man punches Chad. I feel like this may be an accurate representation

SO MANY hilarious moments in this episode.

The reporter stated it was a public place so they couldn't make him leave but Ben tells him it's a private party. How do you have a private party with restricted access in the middle of the town square. Were business owners forced to close early and a "Closed for Private Party" sign was hung at all of the entrances to the square. Notice however that while the camera man is punching Chad (again ) there's a man & woman sitting against the wall at a table with their coffe cups just enjoying the spectacle. This is ridiculous :rotfl:
Again, I... loved this show ! :clap::clap: I can hardly believe it ! Oh, please, oh please, let's keep it that way. No Eve, Serena, Paige, Theresa, Brady, Melanie, Daniel, Jennifer, JJ... Seriously, bring on a few more vets and shows like that, we've got Days of our Lives back !

I laughed so many times today. But especially when Maggie asked Adrienne to text Lucas so "he could stay on top"! :rotfl::rotfl: Seriously, I think it's too bad Adrienne and Lucas won't be given a fair chance, as I think they are so cute and funny together. (Yes, too fast to sleep together, still... I like them)

And I too can't help myself : I love Chad ! A real villain with some depth. Though Abigail really is like her mother. She has to be the object of two men's attention, doesn't she ? Though I like Abigail so much better with Chad. Again, I say she should embrace the darker side. (Not become evil, though, just less boring)

I can't wait for the Paul/John scenes to get deeper. I'm sure these two actors will knock it out of the park ! I love John, and I can't help it either : I really, really like Paul !

Will can go away now. Sonny needs to free himself of Sami 2.0 and get back to his former happy self.

Finally : Go, Victor ! :clap::clap: