Days of Our Lives - Fri., March 13, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 13, 2015

Paul knocks on Will's apt. door, Lucas answers, invites him in, letting him know he is Will's father, and knows full well who Paul is. Paul enters, not realizing at first that Will is not there, but Lucas lets him know, then quietly talks about Will, Sonny, their marriage, their daughter, the life they have built together. Paul tries to leave, just as Arianna cries a bit. Lucas has him wait, goes into the room, brings out Arianna Grace, introducing her to Paul. He talks of the rough beginning this child had, how she is unable to have her mother, so needs her TWO daddies. Paul gets the picture, Lucas dismisses him, Paul leaves.

Will is knocking at Tori's door, wanting to talk to her. She is hesitant, but lets him in when he mentions that she has lied to son about being in Salem before. He shows her the picture of herself, in front of a lake. She cannot remember where the picture was even taken, but Will points out the DiMera boathouse. He wants her to convince Paul to leave town, before he tries to take Will's husband away from him again. She has tried, Paul claims therapy. Will tells her she can find a way, otherwise he will tell Paul about the picture, and she may have more questions to answer that she might not want to have brought up.

Theresa is drinking it up with Eve, who is a bit distracted, til Paige shows up. Helicopter mommy rushes up, is so delighted to see her beautiful daughter. Paige tells of seeing JJ yesterday, him wanting to get her back, still loves her, yada, yada. Theresa is making all her usual snarky cracks, Eve trying to get her to shut up. Paige is insistent she will have nothing to do with JJ ever again. Eve rushes off. Paige has to go to school, Theresa downs her last drink in a hurry, and is going with her, anxious to give her advice, blah, blah. (Yes, she is tipsy already)

JJ is strumming his guitar at home, Jen comes in with applause. He tells her of seeing Paige, what he said, she said, and how he isn't giving up. They talk of secrets coming out, Of how Gret-grampa Tom hid Mike's true parentage from both Mickey AND Bill, etc. etc. JJ thanks his mom for being so kind, so understanding and forgiving with him. He leaves.
And now Eve rushes in, all blather about Paige not wanting JJ any more, and will Jen continue to keep Eve's secret. They snark back and forth a bit, with Jen finally saying yes she will continue to keep the secret, but if Eve sticks her nose into their business, she will no longer keep quiet. Eve has to dash, her daughter is in the showcase and she doesn't intend to miss it.

Over to the Kmansion, Kate & Victor gleefully talk about sticking it to Stefano, the board meeting is today. Meanwhile at DiMansion, Chad is talking to Daddy dearest, everything is set up, Kate won't know what hit her. Chad brags of having Mr. Shin in his pocket. Stefano tells him not to get too cocky, Chad says no, just confident.
Kate comes home, they talk about the board meeting, then Chad gets all contrite and sentimental, thanking Kate for all she has done for him, taught him, and how he always felt that she has been watching over him since his mom died, and he knows his mom is resting easier knowing. (Yep, plays her like a fiddle). Kate's face is changing, she tells Chad to remember that what goes on in the boardroom is just business. Nothing personal. She intimates she is talking about his dad....he leaves, she murmurs something about being sorry, Stefano, your son is going to have to go.

Will comes home, Lucas tells of Paul being there, how he kept him there as long as he could, and thinks Paul will be leaving town. Will tells of showing Tori the photo, sort of shaking her up. Lucas wonders why Tori was in Salem, Will doesn't care. Hope calls, mentions the boathouse being remodeled after some big storm in the 90s. Will notes to Lucas that it means the pic was taken before that. Lucas takes the tired Arianna for a nap. Will notes she must be growing, all she does is eat and sleep....(and we sure notice how much she sleeps, lol). Will is looking at the pic of Tori, then goes scrambling thru a drawer for his notes or something. He finds a paper, checks it, the pic, back and forth, says Oh, my gosh, why did I not notice this before?

At the school, there is some sort of showcase, JJ is there, Paige is startled to see him. Theresa stays to watch the fun, as Paige once again tells JJ she wants nothing to do with him, and if he is going to be performing, she is telling her teacher that she won't. She rushes off, Theresa is laughing, comes over to JJ with all her snide snark, but JJ tells her that all she says doesn't matter. He screwed up big time, but he loves Paige, and always will. He will never stop. Paige has returned and hears this.

Kate & Chad arrive for the board meeting, one of the members opens the door, everyone is there now. He closes the door, Kate tells Chad to be ready now, hands him a file that she will be giving everyone, outlining their plan. In they go. She tries to start the meeting, calling on Mr. Shin that they are about to start. His chair is turned away, one member says he is texting. Kate doesn't care, once again says Mr. Shin, we are starting the meeting. The chair turns, and there sits Stefano....chuckling as he says Mr. Shin could not make it.
Is it wrong of me to worry about all this talk about Tom Horton Sr. keeping a paternity secret???

Will you are a twit.

JJ take a deep breath and move on. What you did will come out, as Great Grandpa Tom's secret did and it will crush poor little Paige and give delightful Jeannie T something new to fuss over.

Happy to see Stefano back in town. Past his prime or not, it's much better when Stefano is in the house.
I enjoyed the show today--watched it live. The whole Paul & Will storyline is getting to be really interesting, even though Will is very annoying right now. I'm also liking the return of Stefano, and everything surrounding that.

I wasn't too interested in Paige, Eve, JJ or Jennifer. All of them were kind of acting bratty. But Theresa getting drunk and going to the university to chew out JJ was just ludicrous.
You know who the bad guy is in this Will/Sonny/Paul debacle - Will Horton. How will Paul leaving town fix his and Sonny's marriage? Their marital problems pre-date Paul and escalated when Will decided to sleep with someone who wasn't his husband. I also don't like how Lucas has insinuated himself into this. I get that he wants to help Will, but the best thing he could have done for Will was help him see that Paul isn't the problem, the same as Marlena at least tried to do. He's coddling Will and brushing off the severity of Will's actions and how they led to the situation that he's currently in. Him introducing Paul to Ari, although effective, was low. The rough beginning Ari had - sorry Lucas, I don't remember that. Ari was always shielded from the shenanigans of Will, Sonny, Gabi, and Nick. She's only had one home her entire life, other than that month Will dragged her to California.

Maybe if Will had tried to have a reasonable, adult conversation with Paul about loving his husband, wanting to fix his family and asked him to give them the room to do that instead of blaming Paul for everything that's wrong, maybe Paul would have left town without Will having to stoop to blackmailing his mother.

I hate it when DAYS takes a character I adore and makes me absolutely hate everything about them. First it was Sami, and now it's her 1st born.
I see Will just wanting to make sure there are no other distractions when Sonny returns, and Will attempts to rectify all his mistakes. And Paul is definitely, to Will, a distraction.
Plus, Paul has made it clear to his mother that he wants to get Sonny back. She is appalled that Paul seems intent on coming between the husbands, breaking them up, with no regard for their lives, love for each other, etc.
Lucas ....well, he wants to help his son. He has already told him how wrong he was, etc. and told him to man up and take responsibility himself, don't try and blame anyone else.

Lucas told Will he just tried to keep Paul in the apt. since he knew Will had gone to see Tori. Paul said he never met/saw Arianna. Lucas made sure he did, and he was right, she is someone to be considered as well.

Do I think Will has been a stupid dolt? You bet! Do I think he is not doing the right thing? Yes again. Both Sonny & Will made mistakes....heck, Victor even holds a grudge against Chad for "letting" Sonny put all that money into a club that was going to be a failure before the doors ever opened.

What failed between Will & Sonny was a matter of trust. Will's success with the article on the DiMeras went to his head, and thus he went off to CA to be a big cheese, but claiming to help his Mom with the kids. And Sonny continued to pour good money after bad, finally emptying their no avail.
Will figures he will be able to fix things between him & Sonny if Paul is not around. That may be true.....but then, maybe not. However, Paul constantly going to visit one or the other doesn't paint a good picture of Paul.
I don't buy that Will views Paul as a distraction that could hinder him repairing things with Sonny. That would have been easier to believe if Will had pushed Paul to leave town immediately after sleeping with him, before he found out about Paul and Sonny's past. The only reason Will wants Paul gone now is because he's insecure. He's afraid that Sonny will choose Paul over him.

Paul isn't seeking Sonny or Will out any more than either of them is seeking him out. Will last showed up at his hotel room unannounced and demanded he get the hell out of town. The last time he saw Sonny, it was Sonny who called him to the hospital. Come to think of it, most of the contact between Sonny and Paul was initiated by Sonny. I'm just not seeing Paul as the home-wrecking cad that Will is trying to make him out to be.

Lucas's conversation with Paul would have made more sense if the sole cause of conflict was Paul pursuing Sonny. His approach painted Paul alone as the "villain". Do I blame Paul for staying in town to see what Sonny decides - no! Does it seem desperate and little pathetic - yes, but others in that town have done far more desperate and pathetic things for love. Will agreed to give up the rights to his unborn child so that he wouldn't lose Sonny.
You know who the bad guy is in this Will/Sonny/Paul debacle - Will Horton. How will Paul leaving town fix his and Sonny's marriage?
Yes, he is. Apparently Will has forgotten what it was like to be blackmailed by Tricky Nicky. And going after somebody's inoffensive mother, that's the bottom of the Salem barrel. Even the newly-returned Phoenix might be appalled by that move. Lucas's way of dealing with Paul was light-years better. Elsewhere, it was disappointing to learn that JJ was even flunking music. How will Jenny feel if she see's Rory's mother driving around Salem with a "My Son Is a Dean's List Student at Salem U." bumper sticker on her car. Finally Salem U. really out to think about making people show their ID cards to get into the student lounge building. That way, nobody there would have to suffer the presence of obsessed Eve or semi-inebriated Jeannie T.
A couple of thoughts I had watching today's episode: Why didn't somebody think to mention to Jennifer that her dress had a rather noticable tear in it. But then I realized the more important question was is the dress blue and black or white and gold? :)

I LOVED, LOVED how responsive Arianna was today. First off there was a big nod she gave when Lucas said "Hopefully that's the last time he'll come around here" after Paul left. Then there was the smile she gave Will during Will and Lucas's scheming session like she was a little co-conspirator. I can see this child becoming a little handful but considering the identities her grandmother and great-grandmother how could she not?

Jen Lilley (Theresa) got a bit of a chance to show off her comedic skills which I for one enjoyed.

Guy Wilson (Will) said in an article detailing Will's blackmail of Tori that it "might seem wretched and cowardly" well after seeing those scenes I think he should have left off the "might seem" part. "Wretched and cowardly" describes it perfectly, he's heading rapidly towards the point of no return as far as I'm concerned.

Welcome back Stefano!!! Now when's he leaving again? No, I kid, I kid. If they are going to use the character then they should have him in situations where he can interact with other people. Simply having him be on the phone was past tired.

All in all I thought it was a pretty good episode I especially liked Victor's line at the end: "Well all hell's about to break loose. I just wish I had a front row seat." LOL
Will is a dolt. Too much to hope that Tori is on Stefano's payroll and has the little idiot iced?

I loved Jeannie T today. I wish Paige would go away.

I did have to stop watching when Jen was laying into Eve. ENOUGH ALREADY.

No Daniel, No Melanie, No Serena and Fred...good start!! :)

I like Lucas being helpful to his son but I do wish he'd try to talk some sense into him.

And just in case anyone's forgotten, I don't buy any of this Sonny/Will/Paul story, and it's making it really hard to keep following. Why should I bother watching if they'll just change the story in 6 months to suit whatever lamebrained plot they want? :eek:
It was great when Eve was telling Paige that she was no longer going to interfere with her dating life... and then delighted Paige re-dropped the JJ bomb, LOL! Theresa's comments, and actions during this exchange cracked me up! "One more ride at the rodeo!" -- LOL!

I certainly hope that the "always tired" Arianna is not being set up for a illness storyline!

You'd think that Theresa and JJ's argument would have drawn more interest in the student union.

The camera was walked down the hallway to the room where Victor was talking about the DiMera board meeting??
I thought it was interesting when Arianna gave a response when Lucas
talked to her.

Today Eve was chewing on a swizzle stick. Yesterday, Will a pen.

It's been awhile since we heard Chad's mom's name, Madeline

Tori was quick to respond to Will after he showed her the picture.
Tori must have a big long before the secret is told?

Interesting to hear Chad talk to Stefano on the phone, then later
Stefano was at board meeting. I don't think Chad knew Stefano would
be there. I don't think the board meeting is going to boring

Did anyone else think Colonel Sanders seeing Kate's outfit :)
I fast-forwarded through the Jennifer/Eve/JJ/Paige crud (as usual, it just bores me).

Will needs to stop. Lucas should not endorse his delusions. Will blackmailing Tori is just painful. Sonny will, hopefully, find out- and run for the hills.

Stefano's return...we'll see...
Good episode. Definitely a cliffhanger Friday. I am looking forward to the DiMera boardroom meeting to see what really is going on. Definitely lots of stuff there that is going on and would be interesting to see who really has the upper hand. It was refreshing to see Stefano in a room full of people for once lol. Ohhh and Kate, Prince called, he wants' his Purple Rain outfit back! :rotfl:
When Kate walked out of the Dimera study, she apologized to Madeline, not Stefano. She called her Maddie.

I thought it was interesting Kate and Chad were wearing similar shades of blue. It's been a while since Kate has worn a pants suit.

Love that Stefano is back! And he'll clearly tie in to the Tori storyline too. Interesting that we have a better timeline of when Tori was in Salem. Perhaps that was after Paul was born and not before?

I fast forwarded most of the Eve/Jeannie/Jen/Paige/JJ stuff. I'm beyond tired of Paige. She adds no value to the show and I'd rather see them reinvent the college scene around JJ. Bring back Joy Wesley and maybe 1 or 2 new characters with distant ties to Salem. I need to see Jen and Eve doing other stuff.

It was great to see Lucas and I like that he is being integrated into multiple story lines right now, appropriately. Why can't Jen and Eve be written the same way? And for that matter, Hope and Rafe as well?

Arianna Grace was adorable and love how she seemed to respond on cue. Bryan Datillo(Lucas) must have spent time with her warming her up before the scene.
Yes, I noticed that when Will came in, he did not even TRY to take Ari into his arms.

You are right, heather, Kate did talk to Maddie, thank you.

As to when Paul was born......well, they talked of the boathouse being remodeled in the 90s, and the pic was before the remodel. This is 2015. 1995 would be 20 yrs. ago, Paul is definitely older than that. Maybe born, 1989 - 1990/91??? At that time, John was Roman, involved with Diana, Jack was pursuing Jen, Bo was with Carly after Hope was "killed" in the cage that burst into flames over the vat of acid. We met Isabella, Emilio died. Victor had a stroke.