Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 10, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Oh, wow, a powerful and emotional episode. Do not miss if you are able to watch.

Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 10, 2014

Replay of Clyde telling off EJ, and EJ punching him in the jaw. Over to Sami who cannot get a signal for her phone. She hears a shot. Back to the clearing. Clyde is getting up, EJ is looking at him, and then at Miguel, who is holding a gun, having just fired the shot. No one says a word, EJ looks at them both, then is holding his hand under his jacket, brings it out, covered with blood, and slowly sinks to his knees, then falls forward, his face hitting the dust. Clyde asks Miguel what he did, Miguel says "he was attacking you". Quick witted Clyde tells Miguel to take his wallet, his watch, and Miguel flips EJ over, and does so. Clyde mentions the ring, that gets slipped off as well. Clyde gets some pine branches to wipe away foot prints, telling Miguel to get out of the park some other way than the regular exits. Clyde has taken the gun, and later, gives everything to Jeremiah, telling him to dispose of everything, he knows how.

Sami has finally gotten a signal, calls 911 reporting hearing a gunshot, someone may be hurt. East entrance of the park, but the shot is from further in the east side. She then calls EJ again, and takes off.

Some filler scenes have Chad & Jordan talking, flirting a bit, with him finally asking her to have dinner with him sometime. He puts his phone number into her phone, telling her to call him if she decides. Kate has run into Rafe, not wanting to say where she is going, he gets a call, and won't tell her what it is either. None of her business. Touche'.

Kate goes to meet Chad, getting updated on Stefano's plans, though Chad doesn't have much information, except Stefano has something big planned for Kate.

At the party, Sonny has brought the kids, they play games, Will trying to reach his mom, not understanding why she & EJ are not there yet.

Sami comes around some bushes, and sees EJ on the ground. She rushes over, and takes his neck pulse, yes, there is one, he is still there. She is constantly talking to him, telling him to hold on, come back, open his eyes. She sees the blood, takes off her white blouse to staunch the flow of blood. She is babbling, truly, occasionally yelling for help.

(and truly, these scenes are heartbreaking and HUGE kudos to both Alison Sweeney & James Scott!). EJ opens his eyes, Sami keeps telling him to hang on. He is trying to talk, she wants him to save his strength, just fight. He can barely get any words out, but says, "tell the children...". No, you are going to tell the children yourself. He then slowly manages "I love you", as Sami is babbling constantly how she loves him will tell him so every day all day and night. She kisses him tenderly, and EJ draws his last breath. She is yelling no, no, and then over and over and over she is saying "I love you, EJ, I love you, EJ, non-stop.

Rafe appears, she yells at him for help, EJ has been shot. EJ yells for the Paramedics...."over here". They come with a gurney or stretcher, she babbles to Rafe how she heard the shot, and then found him. How she & EJ were supposed to be going to the party for the kids at Will's. She is non-stop, telling the EMTs to stop the bleeding. She sees them closing their bags, panics, why are they doing that. Rafe gently tells her that EJ is gone, he is dead. No, no, she won't believe it. They are taking him to the morgue, she refuses to believe this, is going with him.

At the hospital, as they wheel EJ past the nurse's station, she is frantic, they should be taking him to surgery. Rafe is trying to be as kind as possible, telling her he is dead. She wants to see him, wants to take him home with her tonight. No, you cannot. they are in a waiting room, she keeps saying she wants to see EJ. Rafe says they are fixing him up, and then she can see him. He brings her some water, has to leave for a minute.

He goes out as Roman arrives. Rafe says Sami is in shock, is in the waiting room, will not leave til she sees EJ. Roman goes in, wants to take her home. No, she has to stay. She seems to be holding herself together. Roman has already said how sorry he was, holds Sami, telling her how he loves her so very, very much. She asks him to go to Will's and get the kids, take them home and stay with them til she gets there. O.K. he can do that for her. He leaves, tell Rafe where he is going and that he will call Marlena.

Roman goes to Will's, says he came to take the kids home. (sorry, but I missed a bit of the conversation here, but is a very short scene)

Rafe comes in, tells Sami that EJ is fixed up now, she can see him. Sami rushes out, and we see her come into the room where EJ lays on a metal slap, a sheet covering about 2/3 of his body. She comes up, calling his name, caressing his face, touching his bare chest, talking to him, telling him she loves him, and laying her head on his chest, crying uncontrollably.
Ooops, ...while Sami waits alone, cell phone rings. It is EJ's phone, and Stefano is calling. She is stone faced, cannot put him on his phone. Stefano is super angry, rolling his Rs, as he demands to talk to Elvis. She quietly says she can't they took him to the morgue. Stefano is puzzled, asking what she means, but she hangs up on him.
Later, we see Stefano, in tears, my son, my beloved son.
It was very heart wrenching to watch, very well done.. I am surprised that Roman did not tell Will and Sonny what happened. They are big boys and should have been told. Will needs to go with Roman and help.

Also now that Stefano knows he is going to be better at finding the killer than the Salem PD.
Thank you for the summary. I had my tv on, but muted, so saw a few scenes. Didn't want to watch until later, and after reading the summary. Sounds like a good episode. I guess this is one time I won't mind watching Sami and EJ together. I usually don't like it when any character dies but it seems the time had come for this one.
I get why some would see this as emotionally gut-wrenching, but to me it was over-rated, over-acted, over-emoted, and over a drug-dealing rapist who died in the arms of the woman he raped. Justice sometimes comes in strange ways.
For the first time in a long time, I give KUDOS to the actors, writers, and directors who were involved with today's episode. I never thought I'd cry at Elvis' departure from Salem.

Clyde and Miguel are nasty. They've been moved to my dislike list. I hope Stefano squishes them like bugs....and fast.

EJ's demise was exactly how many gunshot victims bleed out before help can arrive. There was no over dramatic "thrashing" and fakeness. I also finally believed he really loved Sami. (Oh my goodness, I actually cried for EJ! As Roman would say, "What da hell?!")

Sami's shock and non-acceptance was very believable to me. Even though I've been upset with the way my beloved Samantha has been written since the "romp", I just wanted to wrap my arms around her.

Rafe's protectiveness and gentleness with Sami brought even more tears. (I think deep down that he still loves her.)

Roman trying to comfort his little girl then at Will's to get the kids meant a second box of tissues.

I yelled at the tv when it dawned on Stefano what Sami was saying. He is the only one that I didn't feel sorry for.

Will and Sonny were adorable playing with the kids.

As for Ben/Abigail and Jordan/Chad ......PFFFFFFT! They were a waste of air time as far as I'm concerned.
Doesn't feel right to me. Somehow I think Miguel and EJ were in on this together. I think EJ faked his death with Miguels' help. That will help EJ get his revenge on Stefano and Chad and Kate and so on and so on.....

And after Monday's episode...I'm sure he's not dead.
I'm not convinced he's dead. Clyde didn't give the order to shoot and was surprised Miguel did it. I know this isn't a speculation thread, but....I think Miguel told EJ about Clyde attempting to double cross him and EJ saw an opportunity to escape his legal troubles and his father's threat. I think he planned this with Miguel without Sami's knowledge. And I think the only reason he didn't tell Sami is because he needed her reaction to his death to be authentic for everyone to believe it. I don't think we've seen the last of him unfortunately.

ETA: There were two clues before today that lead me to believe he's not dead: the mention of the aliases he still had that were good and him telling Sami earlier this week that whatever they do, they will do together. He's going to pull a Stefano!
I have a hard time getting invested in any soap death since you know they can come back in the blink of an eye, unless the actor has died in real life (Tom, Alice); retired for good (Renee Jones/Lexie) or when a child character dies (Zack, Grace).
Again no big surprise, most everyone had this figured out weeks ago, this whole week has been very anticlimactic. I cried for Stefano, he has been an SOB in his younger years but junior gets the award for SOB title! Stefano loves his family, junior loves junior!

I found it very fitting that Rafe was there to comfort Sami, after everything junior did to them, Rafe saw junior's demise. Rafe/Sami had more chemistry today than junior/Sami had in 8 years, it's so natural for Rafe/Sami to sit and talk, they always knew what each other needed!

I'm probably the only one but I thought James Scott (junior) and Ali Sweeney (Sami) acting was way over the top and pathetic! I remember Lexie's death that was heart-wrenching and so many others, but not junior's! When Sami was with junior in the morgue all I could think of is "finally junior is gone"!

I might start watching again, I'll see!
Have to say this. I definitely am no fan of either the character of EJ, or the character of Sami. Yes, I liked her a lot once. But that was before the grief sex romp.
I have not liked watching them, either in a scene together of with other people.
And that is exactly why the scenes today were, to me, so affecting. In my opinion, both actors scored 100% in their portrayals. Yes, people fall apart at the death of a loved one, refuse to accept it, insist the person come back, wake up, open their eyes. EJ's last words and thoughts were of his wife and children, and that he loved them. That also is very real.

So, kudos again to the actors, to Melissa Salmons who wrote the episode, and Grant Johnson who directed it.

I have detested the character of EJ, will be glad he will no longer be in Salem. But I do have to commend James Scott for wonderful scenes.
When Rafe and Roman were talking in the hospital and Roman said it would be hard for Sami to tell the children their father was dead, I thought it would've been funny for Roman to say "God knows, Marlena, John and I had to do that with Sami and Eric more times than I can remember".
I didn't even mind the other "filler" scenes today. It was all sort of fitting- the romantic music playing during Ben/Abby scenes, Kate running into Rafe, then Chad, Chad with Jordan, Ben with Clyde, etc.

I am on the fence if EJ is still alive - as soon as I saw the show I thought okay "wow they really went there!!!!". It was very tense and emotional but I was over Sami screaming I LOVE YOU a million times. Good job by all actors, though!!!! I am glad they had Roman (and Rafe) involved he was very gentle with Sami, I appreciated that!

Can't wait to see the other Salemites reactions!
Again no big surprise, most everyone had this figured out weeks ago, this whole week has been very anticlimactic. I cried for Stefano, he has been an SOB in his younger years but junior gets the award for SOB title! Stefano loves his family, junior loves junior!

I found it very fitting that Rafe was there to comfort Sami, after everything junior did to them, Rafe saw junior's demise. Rafe/Sami had more chemistry today than junior/Sami had in 8 years, it's so natural for Rafe/Sami to sit and talk, they always knew what each other needed!

I'm probably the only one but I thought James Scott (junior) and Ali Sweeney (Sami) acting was way over the top and pathetic! I remember Lexie's death that was heart-wrenching and so many others, but not junior's! When Sami was with junior in the morgue all I could think of is "finally junior is gone"!

I might start watching again, I'll see!

I am with you lovin_safe. I thought their acting was really over the top. The constant "I love you's" from Sami was just pathetic, all I could do was shake my head.

I am glad that Rafe was there for Sami, I really believe that he still loves her. It was so good to see them together, I miss this couple.
I found it ironic that a few months ago, when Nick Fallon staggered into HTS, shot and dying, Sami smirked and had no compassion for Julie (or the other Hortons), who was mourning the death of her cousin. Fast forward a few months, and here's Sami in the same position and barely anyone in Salem will care that EJ is dead, beyond her, the children (and Theo), apparently Stefano and possibly Chad and/or Kristen.
I agree with cryin4days. I think EJ worked with Miguel to come up with a plan to fake his death. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps other people are in on it too, like Rafe or Roman, EMT's, hospital staff, etc. This way he could escape Stefano's wrath and later on Sami and the children could join him in hiding. The entire thing just felt "off" to me. Despite Ken Corday's claims that they won't do anymore back from the dead stories I don't trust him one iota to follow through here. I was sorta ambivalent most of the episode until the end with Sami crying over EJ's body and Stefano realizing his son was dead. I thought the scenes with Sonny, Will, and the kids were a nice juxtaposition to the heavier scenes surrounding EJ's death. I pretty much zoned out during Ben/Abby and Chad/Jordan.