Days of Our Lives - Fri. Oct. 21 , 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 21, 2016

Paul is signing forms to check out of the hospital, Sonny arrives, offers to give him a ride home, but Paul is meeting someone at the Pub. Sonny takes him there, they have coffee while waiting, and talk about Sonny finding Paul, why he came. It does seem Sonny wants to talk about "them", but Paul is clear that they are friends, thank you for finding me, etc. Derrick (the ex-bellboy) arrives, Sonny looks a bit unhappy about it, Derrick now has an office job at the hospital, bellboy days are over. They leave to go to a movie, but turns out Paul just wanted to leave, movie won't start for a while. Derrick questions him about Sonny, Paul talks of him still grieving Will, and how what happened before just won't make it happen. Derrick notes that Will did not know Paul & Sonny had ever been involved, and Paul did not know Will was Sonny's husband. To Paul, makes no difference, it is still there.

Nicole is with Deimos, hesitating a bit, but finally telling him that she overheard him talking to Philip, cannot keep this secret any longer, it is from before their agreement not to keep secrets from each other. She tells him he really is the father of Chloe's baby, explaining that Chloe convinced the doctor that Deimos would not be a good father to the baby, she was so scared. At first Deimos is thrilled, happy, hugging her, but then he asks if Chloe told her today. (hey, Nik already said this secret was from before their agreement) and now he has a huge meltdown when she says last August. He is screaming, yelling, insulting her, talking about truth and honesty being what matters. mentions Nicole switching babies, letting a mother think hers was dead, how could he ever trust her again. He really goes on a rampage, saying she could never be a good mother. She slap him, talks of losing two babies. He eventually seems to calm down a bit, but now insults her in a calmer voice. Nothing Nicole says has any effect, he keeps insisting she should have told him immediately. He doesn't care if she & Chloe go way back, been thru so much together, or that Nicole was just getting to know him herself, unsure if he cared about her, or the fact she resembled Helena. Deimos yells at her some more, and walks off.

Chad & Lucas talk at DiMansion, Lucas explaining about giving refuge to Anne, Chad awkwardly saying he feels he can now take care of Thomas himself, wants to. Lucas understands, laughs about Chad probably tired of him & Adrienne being there. Nope, stay as long as you want. But Lucas thinks he & Adrienne need some privacy. They talk about telling Jennifer, with Lucas noting it was Jen's idea for him & Adrienne to come there to help. Right now, Jen is really upset about JJ. Chad doesn't want to cause her any problems, will be very careful what & how he tells her. Lucas figures they will take Thomas for one last walk in the park, while Chad decides to take Ari to the hospital to see Gabi.

Gabi has spent the night at JJ's bedside, holding his hand, falling asleep, she talks to him, begging him to wake up, come back to her. She made a playlist for him, all his favorite guitarists, puts earbuds in his ear to listen. Outside, Julie has come to see Jen, gets filled in on JJ. Chad appears with Ari, small talk, Gabi comes, so happy to see her daughter. Chad suggests taking Ari for a walk, maybe some lunch. They leave.

Jen & Julie go in to see JJ, still in a coma. Jen is upset, cannot lose JJ, too, she just cannot do another funeral, isn't that kind of person. Julie tries to be encouraging. Lucas has arrived, Jen is so happy to see him, he suggests they attend a meeting in 10 minutes, that she is going to have to be strong for JJ, no slipping. She agrees, they go.

Chad, Gabi & Ari are eating lunch in the square, glad the stores are opening back up, taking barricades off the windows, etc. Chad entertains Ari with a story about a giraffe who was an accountant, lol, and how the other animals did not like the way he did their taxes, especially the hyenas. LOLOL. She had not idea what he was talking about, but it was lighthearted and fun.

Lucas & Adrienne are in the park with Thomas in the buggy, running into Chad with Ari. Adrienne offers to take Ari with Thomas back to the house, so the guys can go to the hospital.

Jen is in the room with JJ, so worried about him. Suddenly, he moves a bit, does not open his eyes, but is murmuring Gabi's name, calling out to her, and saying, he is sorry, he is so sorry, Gabi. Jen tries to tell him it is mom there, but, with eyes closed, JJ keeps saying Gabi, I am so sorry.

On the docks, Deimos gives an envelope to one of his thugs, cash, plane ticket to New York. Address of apt. bldg, and apt. of Craig & Nancy Wesley, their daughter is who he is interested in. Go easy with her, she is pregnant, but I want you to bring her back here with you.

Elsewhere, Nicole is desperately once again trying to call Chloe, this time leaving a frantic message about how she screwed up, badly. She admits she told Deimos that he was the father of Chloe's baby, and Chloe was right, he is just very angry, Nicole doesn't know what he may do now. But Chloe, you have to do whatever you can now to protect yourself and the baby.
Wow ! Deimos is a piece of work, isn't he ? It's official, Nicole should never, ever look his way again. He does not deserve her. And I don't like the guy anymore. I want him to eat crow, then maybe I can enjoy him, but no to him and Nicole ever again. Just no !
Thank you for the summary. I was hoping that I missed something while on the phone. The show was pretty much meh for me. :(

The best parts were seeing Chad, Sonny, Paul (did I just say that?!?!), Lucas, and Adrienne on my tv screen regardless of the storylines.

Nicole keeps getting the short end of the stick. Deimos is just plain disgusting, and can't be trusted.
Sonny says he just wants to be friends with Paul, but becomes jealous when he sees Paul going on a "date" with Derrick. At least Paul realizes that he still causes Sonny to remember Will.
When Deimos began ranting and raving at Nicole, I was appalled! Then he throws in truth and honestly being utmost important, and how she should have told him back then, blah, blah. This is the man who just told everyone, including Nicole, that he killed Xander, who then fell in the river. Who is got this big bruise on his cheek, so "it would look good" when he related his story. Who sent Xander alive and well to Greece.

Once again, someone has really stomped on Nicole, and this is just getting too much for the viewers, in my opinion. Yep, Ari Zucker (Nicole) is a fabulous actress, who is the absolute best portrayer of sadness, being hurt. That doesn't mean that every man she dates has to treat her like dirt. Knowing she lost 2 very wanted babies, he tells her she would be an unfit mother? He acts all high and mighty about honesty when he lies all the time.

Yep, I have been giving Deimos a lot of leeway, it ended today.
Hey everyone I have returned from my brief sojourn to a land of resorts, water slides, hot tubs, and fantasy quest games in which little girls of about 10 or eleven could easily defeat the dragon with their wands with a single try but I couldn't figure it out. But we shan't speak of that. LOL

Anyway my point is I have returned and I'm all caught up and ready to dig in so buckle up because this might be a bit lengthy.

Gabi/JJ/Chad and co. Aw, my poor Gabi and of course the equally unfortunate JJ. The scene where she was putting in the ear buds really tugged at my heart strings. I got a chuckle out of how she said maybe he would wake up if she made him listen her favorite music instead and mentioned Selena Gomez. I never really thought of her as a Disney Channel Kid. LOL

I'm glad we finally got a scene no matter how brief with Gabi and Julie. I guess since Julie at least asked her how JJ was that could be taken as a sign of progress? I think we need more though since it keeps being brought up.

As much as it pains me to admit it Julie is entitled to her feelings but she still needs a reality check about her "darling" Nick. I really want Gabi to dig deep and just lay it on the line with her. I know she can do it.

I loved the scenes with Chad, Gabi and Arianna and the story about the "accountant giraffe." I loved how eager she was to hear the story but then her eyes glazed over and she just looked confused. Whoever wrote that scene must not have contact with real young children.

I always get a kick out of how one of the twins who play Arianna seems to be so quiet and just wants to focus on whatever toy is in her hands and doesn't really seem comfortable on camera. While the other one seems to not have problem with engaging with the actors.

Paul and Sonny: Well Derek is back. Ya-hoo?

Seriously I don't mind Derek as a character or him being back but in the past I would see all this excitement at other sites not so much here whenever he was announced which I never understood. He's always been just a bit player at best and I don't see that changing now. Especially if Sonny and Paul are indeed the endgame.

I got a chuckle out out Sonny wanting Arianna going as a nun for Halloween because it would make her stand out. It reminded of a scene I saw online when Arianna was a baby and Gabi and Sonny were arguing because Gabi had dressed as her as a pumpkin and he had wanted to dress her as the late British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. LOL

But what was that crack Sonny made about the hospital having bellhops? He's never come across as an elitist before and I thought that was out of character and beneath him.

You might have noticed I have said nothing about Deimos and Nicole. Well, after today's revolting display of hypocrisy and entitlement on Deimos's part I have decided that like the Hope/Rafe/Aiden mess there is really nothing here to talk about.

So I have decided that I will spend their airtime devoted to other more worthwhile pursuits like disproving Einstein's theory of relativity. I mean seriously E=mc3 square? Yeah right. LOL
When Deimos began ranting and raving at Nicole, I was appalled!

So was I. Where does he get off?!? Nicole and Deimos have been together for 5 minutes and he acts like they've been together for years. NO. And I'm still convinced he is only with her because he's vicariously reliving his time with Helena. I agree that he will probably beg forgiveness and Nicole will take him back.

My equally as big issue with today's show is when the heck did Chloe tell Nicole all of this???? This is not the type of information that should have happened offscreen nor is it the type of scene that should have been cut.

Speaking of cut or missing scenes, Gabi keeps referring to stuff that has happened offscreen with JJ. Instead of repetitive scenes with Hope/Rafe/Aiden or Brady/Jeannie T, these are types of scenes I want to see. And bring back my Belle and Shawn while you're at it.

When Chad and Ari walked into the hospital, Julie said "Arianna?" as if she had never seen her before. Then her next line was about how much she looks like Will. So which is it? At first I thought it was an actress flub but if Julie really knew Arianna she would have said "Ari" just like everyone else does. And Jen standing there looking equally as puzzled didn't help either. I know we talked about this last week but these are the kinds of scenes that confuse the viewer. You have 3 family members standing there and no acknowledgement. They should have referred to Jen as Aunt Jen or even Tia Jen. Instead it came off as if they were strangers.

I did enjoy the Gabi/JJ and Gabi/Chad/Ari scenes. Please stay friends. I thought it was hilarious that Adrienne picked up Arianna while she had Thomas in the stroller. All she had to do was hold her hand.
When Chad and Ari walked into the hospital, Julie said "Arianna?" as if she had never seen her before. Then her next line was about how much she looks like Will. So which is it? At first I thought it was an actress flub but if Julie really knew Arianna she would have said "Ari" just like everyone else does. And Jen standing there looking equally as puzzled didn't help either.
That scene got me, too. Julie acted as though she had no clue who the child in Chad's arms was, as if she had to guess. Even though we don't see it onscreen, one would think the Hortons actually spend time together, visiting, eating meals, shopping, exchanging pictures, etc.

Or was it meant to be like Julie was playing a "game" with Ari by pretending not to know who that big girl was? Either way, it came off as ridiculous, considering the Hortons are portrayed as being able to smell each other from across Horton Town Square, blindfolded.
Troy, glad to see you back.

I loved the story Chad told Ari.

Will Sonny and Paul get a chance to get back together now since Derrick is back
in Salem?

Nice to see Lucas supporting his sister.

I don't like violence, but I loved it when Nicole slapped Deimos. Please oh please don't
have her go back to him for any reason.

I hope Chloe is listening to her voicemail. She needs to hide since Deimos sent
someone after her. Will Chloe be brought to Salem without anyone knowing she's
in town?
he suggests they attend a meeting in 10 minutes, that she is going to have to be strong for JJ, no slipping. She agrees, they go.
I can't believe they remembered this. Good job!
But what was that crack Sonny made about the hospital having bellhops? He's never come across as an elitist before and I thought that was out of character and beneath him.
I'm still convinced this is not actually Sonny. Perhaps Alexander is an evil lookalike brother who has taken over his more popular brother's life.
Especially if Sonny and Paul are indeed the endgame.
Let's not pretend these writers do anything more than throw darts at a board when pairing off couples. :)

I for one am glad to see Derrick again, and find him far more interesting than Paul or this not-recognisable Sonny.
I thought it was an actress flub but if Julie really knew Arianna she would have said "Ari" just like everyone else does.
As far as I can tell, this was the family's reaction to the shock of seeing their Arianna/Ari with Chad rather than one of her parents or grandparents. But I agree there was something missing and overall the scene played as off.

OK, now I have been a big supporter of Deimos but's scene on the docks...NO. However he may still poison Maggie and run amok in any way he sees fit, as long as he stays far, far away from Nicole. I don't need a repeat of the abusive relationships she had with Daniel or EJ, or, much of the time, Eric.
Chloe did tell Nicole, on screen, that Deimos was the father. She also told her told her that the lab results were not true. Later Chloe learned Kate had not been able to get to the doc or lab in time....but he did not tell Nicole that