Days of Our Lives - Friday, Dec. 22, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 22, 2017

Hallelujah! It finally happened. Jennifer is pleading with Abe to forgive her son, telling him how much pain he is in, how he is beating himself up, and lots more in that vein. Abe won’t, cannot. She understands, because she also is a parent who would do anything, go thru anything, to help her son. Abe is adamant, says he doesn’t fault Jen for what JJ did. And then then asks him to remember how he felt, when he was in the same position as JJ, when he shot Brady.

Abe is startled, but Jen goes on, at how it all happened, how Brady was paralyzed. Abe insists it was different, Jen says no it wasn’t. There was a warrant out for him, you came up these kids horsing around, Brady had a toy gun which you mistook for the real thing, just as JJ did. Abe says thought he was in danger then, Jen replies just as JJ thought he was in danger. Theo had what appeared to be a gun, did not drop it, turned and JJ thought he was in danger. It was a split second decision, just as you had to make. Abe says he hasn’t thought of that in a long time, Jen says he has to remember how he felt then. She goes on at how Brady recovered, Abe notes he was sued, but it was all settled. She again talks of all the pain JJ is in, asking Abe again to remember how he felt at the time. He says he will give it all some thought.

Replay of Lani just walking into JJ’s room without knocking, seeing him & Gabi embracing. Tears fill her eyes as she closes the door and leaves, straight over to Eli’s room. He is just getting back, so they are in the hall, as she cries, but doesn’t say what happened, despite his queries. He brings her inside, and while it takes her a while, she finally spills that she saw JJ & Gabi in bed together. Eli is angry, all set to go there, but Lani stops him. She admits eventually, she had feelings for Eli, evidently he did for her as well, he kisses her, she kisses back. And…they kiss again, over to the bed, clothes coming off as they fall on the bed.

Meanwhile, JJ is thanking Gabi for saving him, insists she have the bed, while he goes to sleep in what appears to be a most uncomfortable chair. In the dark, Gabi talks every JJ to promise to see a therapist, tomorrow, definitely. Maybe Marlena can recommend someone. She reminds him he is a good person, a valuable one and more along t hose lines. She also encourages him to get back with Lani, as she will with Eli.

Sonny thinks Will wants him to remain for sex, Will doesn’t, wants to know him better. Asks how they met, and Sonny goes thru the entire thing, meeting on the pier, how Will struggled with realizing who he was, that he was gay, and several flashbacks are used, from when this actor formerly played the role. Will asks questions, Sonny goes on, how it was a few months before they had their first date, how he was the one who proposed, how Will casually mentioned telling his gramma he was gay, and dragging out a picture album, even talking of their wedding vows. Nothing really triggers Will’s memory thru all of this, but he is glad to know it. They end up in a kiss.

Eve is bragging over how her remodeling has transformed the place, to Brady, commenting she has better taste than Maggie. She begins talking of Basic Black, Brady says it is Christmas Eve, let’s forget business. She agrees, sits on the sofa, asking Brady why he wasn’t here earlier, celebrating with the Kiriakises. He says he preferred doing so with his parents, brothers. She figures he just did not want to be around Victor. He denies it, she tells overhearing them arguing, Brady does a flashback of the fake one he & Vic had, then says how she must have heard Vic say he was weak, etc. She tells him she told him that to begin with, Sonny is going to run Titan, Brady will never be CEO, Brady pours a drink, Eve has a proposition. She has big plans for Basic Black, but really not the experience. She offered to hire Gabi, who took an offer from Kate instead, Eve thinks Kate wants to give Basic Black a run for the money. So, how about coming work for me. Brady hesitates, she asks if he would rather work for Sonny. Well, o.k. but he wants certain things, writes them on a piece of paper. She wasn’t prepared to give what he wants (always makes me laugh when they don’t mention dollar amounts, but, she will take this to her atty, and have him draw up the contracts. Meanwhile, we can shake on it, offering him her hand. Hey, they are under the mistletoe, why shake hands, when you can kiss. He pulls her into a big one. She backs off…….what was that? She backs away, holding his piece of paper, talking of seeing her atty. And then runs up the stairs.

Brady pours himself another drink, smiles, looking very satisfied
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Hallelujah! It finally happened.
And then then asks him to remember how he felt, when he was in the same position as JJ, when he shot Brady.

Thank you so much for the write up and for Jennifer making sense for the first time in a long time. I wonder if the writers have been reading this board. People have been clamoring about Abe being in JJ's shoes. Finally and then some.

Lani hurting about JJ and immediately goes to bed with Eli. More grief sex? Where in this universe do the writers think makes any kind of sense?

How come people don't hold a glass to a wall anymore to eavesdrop?
I was so happy finally someone talking to Abe about his past! Hopefully his anger will stop now. And I am still hoping for a Christmas miracle.

Jumping to conclusions and spreading false stories. Guess it's not a soap if they don't do that! But really Lani? JJ was not undressed. She watched them for 5 seconds or so. Did it look like they were having sex? No, they were hugging. Just hugging. They weren't pawing each other. She knows JJ has been in a bad place.

How does she jump to the conclusion that they are having sex? And now she has jumped. No going back now, Lani. And apparently she would be blame JJ if he was having sex to make him feel better and forget but it's ok if she does it. Frustrating. I'm glad Gabi got through to JJ. Yesterday was heartbreaking again.
I wonder if the writers have been reading this board. People have been clamoring about Abe being in JJ's shoes.
Except that these scenes were written and taped six months ago, long before we knew how it would play out. Long before we'd all be complaining about how Abe had seemed to forget he was in JJ's shoes, twice.
Since recycling and tropes seem to be the norm, I suggest that both Lani and Gabi become pregnant by both Eli and JJ. Just imagine the torment in Julie's heart if three Hortons were to have Gabi as a mother, including her first (that we know about) great-grandchild.

I like the Eli/Lani scenes. They are a better coupling than the ones that we've had. I found it interesting though that Eli lamented that JJ broke Gabi's heart without any acknowledgment that he actually cheated with Lani. JJ/Gabi, same. Better coupling.

I like Eve but she makes no sense in these stories. I also hope she's triple-playing Brady at a minimum - he needs a double comeuppance.
What's wrong with these dumb, irresponsible people??? Why don't they practice safe sex? Why do women end up pregnant accidentally? The storylines like this are based on very outdated ideas about women, men, morality, self-discipline, etc. Passion and sex are just fine. Stupidity, not for me.
:clap:Gabi: Once again she came through for JJ, talking good sense and staying with him during a very difficult time. Unfortunately, since it's Salem others weren't exactly paragons of good sense.

:cry: Weeping Lani: she may be an import from Baltimore, but she's now a real Salemite, seeing something, jumping to all the wrong conclusions, turning on the tears, and then jumping into another man's bed.

:eek: Fact-Free Eli: Fresh from his sterling performance in which he delivered useless opinions on the Theo shooting, he again drew all the wrong conclusions from Lani's tale of woe. If this behavior carries over into his professional life, he can't be much of a detective.

:sick: Angry Abe: The perpetually-angry mayor seemed to soften a bit today, but how many more hoops is he going to make pleading Jenny jump through before he finally forgives her poor, depressed son.

:eek: Gullible Eve: For a woman who thinks that she's really smart, Brady was able to easily set the hook and reel her in. And what was she thinking, hiring a man who hates her? Only in Salem.
The question is.....when Lani was with JJ, she should have been on the pill, unless they relied on other means. Seems Lani wasn't the least bit concerned about that aspect of asking Eli to "help her heal".
I'm not a fan of Lani and JJ, and will be happy when the truth is revealed and they split. That being said, what she did today was irresponsible, reckless, and childish--Eli as well. Why wouldn't she have just barged into the room and interrupted? As far as them having feelings for each other, I'm glad but it seems all of a sudden. Can't wait to see what the fallout will be. As long as nobody ends up pregnant.

Jennifer was a rockstar today. I had no idea about Abe and Brady in the past, so I double appreciate that for being brought up (and the writers, for utilizing old stories, as they have a few times already). It looks like it's the beginning of Abe softening. Let's hope it continues.

The Will-Sonny stuff is nice, but I still want Will to end up with Paul. Sonny, like Brady, needs a bit of a comeuppance right now. I really hope that Eve is secretly onto him, and that we find out later. Overall, today was a good show.
I have to say I was disappointed in the show today. is still Christmas Eve, everyone has already hung ornaments, partied, celebrated Christmas, etc. Do they do all that ornament hanging in the afternoon? And why did everyone leave then and go home? Or other places? They don't stay, drink eggnog & hot chocolate, tease about gifts under the tree, have dinner? No, instead we get the grinning Will asking Sonny about their lives, Lani with the usual misunderstanding, flying over to Eli asking him to bed, while Jen pleads with Abe & Gabi stays with JJ. The last two were fine, perhaps needed, but after ruining the ornament hanging by giving it all of two minutes.

Usually, they do half the show ornament hanging, the other half is with the kids at the hospital and reading the story of the birth of Jesus.
How long has it been since Theo was shot (in Salem time)? Because I think that's the last time JJ and Lani had sex.
It doesn't really matter if TPTB are determined to do a "who's the Daddy" storyline. EJ had sex with Sami in May and with Nicole in July, yet their due dates were at the same time.