Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 8, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 8, 2015

Bad storm here, so lost some of the first 10 minutes or so, as the TV kept breaking up, and would lose picture.
But, it looks like mostly replays of last show's endings. Chad is telling Abby how much he cares, pulls her into this big kiss, she passionately kisses him back, but then pulls away and runs off. She leaves behind some envelope, and as Chad stands, just staring off and thinking of her, she returns, just goes up to him. Without a word, she embraces him, they are kissing, ripping off clothes, and those lawn chairs are pretty handy. Where the blankets come from, who knows, but they are covered in them, as Abby gasps at what they have done, she has to leave now. She is grabbing her clothes, the pink blanket over her, Chad has his pants on....but tells her that she really doesn't want to leave, and all he wants to do is carry her upstairs to his room. He kneels to pick her up, her arm goes round, and that is exactly what he does....carries her upstairs, lays her on his bed, and they are going for round 2.

All through the show, Clyde sits with Ben, filling him in on the article that Will wrote, and how there might be unflattering things about him in it. Oh, he is Mr. Innocent, as he tells how Will went to Poplar Bluff to get info, how folks there still hold a grudge for how Clyde behaved in the past, blah, blah. Then he gets to talking of Abby, Ben assures him they are solid, but Clyde isn't so sure. He tells of Chad & his daddy buying Sonix, with Stefano probably not liking that Kate is with Clyde now. And so, when Abby would read bad stuff about Clyde, she might not want to be with Ben any more. Ben again is positive he & Abby are solid, no worries about Chad. Clyde encourages him to make sure, suggesting Ben marry her. But Ben tells of asking her to move in, she was not ready for that, and they are taking things slow. Clyde is very understanding of that, he says sometimes slow is good. But not always.

Eric is demanding Serena tell him about the picture. She hems and haws around, trying to be evasive, he is getting pretty angry, telling her to stop lying, he has had it.
Meanwhile Xander is being read a riot act by Victor, who is furious that Xander did not listen to him, and Vic is so angry, he tells Xander he is out. And he says it a few times. Xander tries to apologize, promising it won't happen again, too late as Victor literally throws him out. He is over, done. Xander even asks why Vic is so forgiving to Sonny, to Daniel, not even a member of the family, to Brady, but not to Xander, his own flesh and blood. Victor gave Xander his chance, he is done. Xander storms out, and is having a screaming fit. He gets to the park area, is kicking things, calling Victor an S.O.B. a few times, ranting, raging, and definitely looking for revenge. When he wants something, he takes it, no one stops him.

Daniel is telling Parker he will fix the elephant later, right now he has to go to grammas, and when Daniel goes back to the apt. he will fix it. They run into Eric in the square, Daniel mentions the elephant got broke, Eric is sorry, but Dan can fix it, but wonders what is with the secret compartment in the base. Eric knew nothing about it.
In her hotel room, Serena is on the phone with Xander, telling him that the pciture has ruined everything, Eric knows it all. Xander figures big deal, he knows how Serena had a small affair after Eric went to play priest. She is mad, Xander ruined her entire life.

Eric is pondering that secret conpartment, having all sorts of flashbacks of Serena's curiosity about the elephant, where it was, who he gave it to, her persistence. He storms over to her room, telling her he figured it out, knows about the secret compartment, (she is playing dumb) asking her what was in there, what was it she put in there so he, Eric, could get it into this country. She is still being evasive, playing dumb.

Nicole is in her office, trying to gather info on Xander....figures he probably committed the murder in Scotland when he was there, under the Alexandros name. Her assistant comes in, Miles wants her to chase down a lead, an informant has come forward on a piece she was working on last month. She is reluctant, but agrees to go, but is leaving her office lights on, and will be going out the back door.

Nicole appears in some area of the park, with a handy bench. The person is not there, she will only wait 2 minutes. She hears a rustle of leaves, turns, lol, it is Daniel, the fake informant. He is pretty jovial, but actually figures he has been patient enough, wants to know what is going on with Xander, with whatever she is working on. She cannot tell, refuses, he gives her 5 minues, as he is tired of all the excuses, evasiveness, etc. She can't. Needs a few more days. In fact, she is worried about being seen talking with him. He realizes this is big, and she is worried someone is watching her. He tells her he does love her very much, and kisses her. and now he will be gone. She stops him, asks when Chloe is returning for Parker. Tomorrow. O.K. Give me til then, and I will tell you everything then. All of it. Have to get my ducks in a row, etc.

Daniel agrees. Until tomorrow. A deal. She seals it with a kiss. And from the bushes, Xander stands, watching.
I enjoyed the show today, mostly because I can finally see the stupid elephant storyline coming to an end.

Although I'm quite afraid that Xander just might attack Nicole, even rape her. He was scary today, when he threw his tantrum, saying when he wants something, he takes it. On a side note, isn't it amazing how people hear secrets but can't hear a man screaming at the top of his lungs and throwing a park bench ? :eek: !!!! Great acting, though, on the part of the actor who plays Xander. Really, really creepy.

Anyway, I am glad also that Eric seems to have somewhat of a brain today, remembering all the times Serena talked about the elephant. And I'm glad he stood his grounds, and this time, his anger wasn't aimed at Nicole.

I must say, also, that while I usually like Victor, I hate how he acts when it comes to Xander. And I know Xander is screwed up, but I can't help but think Victor played a huge part in that. And I do agree with Xander about Miracle Dan and Victor's adoration for him. :rolleyes::beat: Enough with the All Mighty One, already !

Speaking of Dan, so it's O.K. for him to keep secrets from Nicole (for instance, all his meetings with stupid Jennifer about equally stupid JJ and his disgusting affair with Eve), but he has to give an ultimatum to Nicole to come clean. Yeah, that's fair. :sarcasm: So, unfortunately, the words "I love you" kind of lose their meaning in that context, me thinks.

I really, really don't care about Clyde and Ben. Really, I don't !

And abigail and Chad : I like them together. Too bad Abigail will once again pull a "what have I done ?". :rolleyes: Oh, come on, either restrain yourself, or live with it. Enough with the games ! And she's the one who's been constantly playing games with Chad for quite a while now. She knew Chad was after her, but loved it all too much to put a stop to it. She kept finding excuses to go see Chad, so I hope tomorrow, she, again, just goes with it and dumps boring Ben.
I think I heard Clyde refer to Lucas as Will's uncle today when he was talking to Ben? Of course, it's a day off, I'd had a rough morning of medical necessaries and the episode wasn't helping me stay awake, so I may have heard him wrong.

Bed sheets just conveniently out in the yard. :rolleyes: Maybe if they were hanging on a clothesline, but this is DiMansion, not the Beverly Hillbillies' (or my house) LOL.
The episode today was alright...glad the elephant storyline is almost done and I'm kind of liking Daniel & Nicole for now. I still don't think it will last too long.
Not a big fan of Xander, but the way Victor has been treating him is horrible! I blame the writers! Like Stefano, Victor has always been caring about family. This just doesn't make sense.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Chad & Abigail lovemaking. They need to be the soap's next super couple. So much chemistry! Clyde and Ben are so dry, they need to leave town already. Boring!
Now that you said that, yep......that was it. Clyde was calling JJ a druggie, Ben said no he isn't, but Clyde mentioned JJ's arrest. Ben wondered how he knew about that, Clyde said he thought Kate had mentioned it, having heard it from Lucas, who is, after all, "that boy's uncle". (meaning JJ)
I do have a hunch that Victor helped Xander with his name change when he came to the U.S. with the understanding that Xander would be working for him at times, do what he was told, etc. Vic was pretty adamant that he "made him, and can break him......RIGHT NOW"!
I don't even have to tell y'all what I think about Daniel tricking Nicole into a meeting and then telling her if she didn't come clean, he was done with her for good. Why can't he just take being dumped like the superhero he is and get lost. He just won't rest until Nicole is falling all over him again so he can slam a door in her face or tell her he just can't trust her. Victor belittling Xander because he hurt poor Danny boys feelings only served to increase my hatred.

Ben and his daddy can leave any time now.
I have to say that it IS odd that Victor has ALWAYS had this soft spot for Daniel. I know he was the Godfather, and also that he promised to look after Daniel when his parents died, and also, Victor DID put Daniel thru medical school.
And while there has been different writers since that all happened, I was thinking that THESE present writers (who are no longer with the show) just MIGHT have had an idea of making Victor Daniel's actual father. After all, Daniel's mother had in vitro, so the fertilization would have had already to have taken place. I truly hope they don't go that route.
In re: Xander....Victor HAS taken nephew Justin, has had him part of whatever business dealings Vic undertook, and Justin is a lawyer.
I watched the first 15-20 then fast forwarded through most of the rest. I should be making lunches, I need to drop the boys at school in 20 minutes but no, I'm here posting.

At least they finally addressed Xander's accent kind of - Nicole read off the computer that his arrest for murder was in Scotland.

Parker did better today. He actually had a couple of lines which he delivered clearly and I thought his silly play was age appropriate. He's lost his bottom teeth, my eldest finally lost his first tooth this week which is why I noticed.

Edited: ErasofDiMeras I can see an Abby pregnancy too.