Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 30, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 30, 2015

Gloom, despair and misery continue to plague the residents of Salem, except for John, who is breezing around town, truly a breath of fresh air.
Kate walks into the Club, orders a drink from Ben, while various strangers take pictures of her with their camera phones. (This was such a stupid silly scene, in my opinion). Seems word has gotten around about Stefano besting her in the board meeting, and curious folks want pics for their scrapbook. She gets a martini, throws a few digs at Ben about Chad, Jordan leaving town (Ben in happy she no longer is in chad's orbit) and then gives the parting shot of how now Chad has time to concentrate on someone else, maybe his ex-girlfriend.

At the hospital, Chad bumps into Abby, her files and papers spill everywhere, he lets her know the board has approved getting her some help for that project, she thanks him for some quotes or something he made from her father's book (no idea what that was about) but she printed them all out to show her mom & brother. Chad sort of is in a hurry, but one can tell he is doing this purposely.
She goes to the club, Ben takes a break, spots the paper she printed out, she explains it, he gets into a bit of a huff. But then talks of having asked her to move in with him, and her indecision regarding it.

Replay of Will coming upon Paul & Sonny, and having a huge hissy fit. Sonny tries to shut him up, he is the one who called Paul, they argue, Will is accusing Paul of trying to see Sonny every chance, Paul talks of leaving town right after the benefit, decides to leave the two alone, but John comes around the gate, glad to find them all. He asks Sonny if he will Club TBD will provide the refreshments for the benefit, Sonny agrees, then John apologizes, as Marlena reminded him that the date of the benefit is the date of Will & Sonny's first anniversary.Both of them don't say anything. John thanks them again, Paul says "so your first anniversary is tomorrow. Will snarks at Paul, saying and so you will be there. Paul leaves, Will figures after the benefit, Paul will find some excuse to stay again, so he can go after Sonny, who now gets angry. That was you, Will, not me. You think so little of me, you think I would be taken in by the charm etc. (And yes, you will want to smack Will, for sure here).

At the Kmansion, Melanie is starting to pick up the broken glass, Brady stops her, will get someone to clean it up. She mentions Brady being right about Theresa thinking she was pregnant. Maggie comes in, was supposed to go shopping with Melanie, will get her purse, they will be off. Later, they are sitting at the Pub, with Maggie noting that something was going on with her and Brady.Mel talks of being worried about what happened to Brady, that it was all very strange. Maggie agrees. She gets a text, says it is from Sarah, that they have been talking over something.......then explains that a friend of Sarah's wants her to be a surrogate for her, as she is unable to carry a baby to term. Melanie notes that would be nice, and isn't that how Maggie herself had Sarah? Yes, best decision of her life. Maggie goes on about a child being a blessing, any child, and some day, maybe Melanie herself will experience that, if it is what she wants.

John is at the Kmansion, a bit upset that no one told him what happened to Brady, that he had to hear it from Abe. Brady says he did not let Victor know either, he had his reason, it is all over now, all is well. John knows he said he would not interfere in Brady's life, and hasn't (Brady appreciates that), but he would want to be there for him. Brady knows that. Tis all fine. John talks of how proud he is of Brady, taking responsibility for everything, talks of Marlena, how she is the love of his life, and things are getting back on track for them.

Lucas runs into Adrienne in the Square (gosh, she looks beautiful !), heard Justin went back to Dubai. Yep, he did his parental duty, nothing else to keep him here. They talk of Will & Sonny, Adrienne emphatic on how Will hurt her son, Lucas apologizing for not telling her when he learned of it, but felt it was not his place. She tells how she found out, Lucas is sure it only happened the once, and that Will would not be seeing Paul any more. Adrienne just comments how when Sonny nearly lost his life, Will was with Paul.

Lucas meets his mom for a meal (no idea if this is lunch or dinner) in the square, they talk of Stefano pulling a fast one on her and she got dumped. She is ticked, Lucas though, notes Stefano only did to her what she originally did to him. She claims there is a difference, Stefano had it coming. Now she talks about the good job he is doing at Mad World, but there are a few divisions that could use some change, she has a few ideas. Lucas cannot believe she is now going to ask Victor to give her her old job back, that she would throw her own son under the bus, despite loving him, for her own agenda. He loves his job, but especially that he doesn't have to answer to her, gets up and leaves.

Chad sits with Sonny at Club TBD, going thru his tablet, commenting that the club's profits have gone up, Sonny is doing a good job. Blah, blah. Then he mentions that the hospital board is changing it's policy about the blood supply there, due to what happened with Sonny, how he almost died. Lucky a donor was found with the same type, etc. Chad flashes back to meeting the woozy Paul, who had just given blood. He blurts out he knows who the donor was.......Paul Narita.

Replay of Theresa reading the note from Clint, getting all upset, goes to see Eve again, is sad, crying, mopey. Eve is sorry she brushed her off before, is sympathetic, Theresa talks of knowing Clint was a loser, but still feeling so bad, that she is aching, and doesn't know for what. Love, replies Eve, something we all ache for, love.

Will storms in his apt., sits at the laptop, is very angry, is typing away like mad, babbling about how Paul had better go away when he said he would, or he will be sorry. On his laptop is a pic of Paul, winding up to throw a pitch. Underneath, it says......Strike one, surgery ends career, Strike two, coming out of closet. Strike 3....he is a DiMera. .

Melanie is back at her laptop, doing research, fertility, blood work, and mulling over a few things. She talks to herself, murmuring "embryo, surrogate", seems at a loss to figure out exactly what it is, what is going on.

Now we see a hand, rocking a basinette, with a baby inside.
Today is April 2 in Salem since Paul stated to Will and Sonny that tomorrow is your anniversary. The benefit is on their anniversary which is to air on Friday so we have all this week for only 2 Salem days.
I was joking around on twitter about how contrived and cheap it is to have a youth baseball league benefit fundraiser double as an anniversary celebration for Will and Sonny. The only thing that would make this entertaining for me (other than the fallout that's obviously coming) is if some of those baseball moms were in the background mumbling & asking who the heck are Will and Sonny and did their champagne come out of the baseball teams budget. :rotfl:

Ben, read Jack's book. It will solve at least one of your problems. :rotfl:

Adrienne telling Paul he should leave town. If things go any further with her and Lucas while she's still married to Justin, will she usher Lucas out of town too?

Ahhh Maggie, Sarah the best blessing ever?? Yet Dr. Dan Tan is your favorite???? And you weren't there or aware till he was an adult with children. I love Salem's families, so near and dear and fake.

If I can get out from under work today I'll watch live otherwise tonight. Thanks for the summary.

Edited to add: watching the show now; missed Thursday and Friday of last week. What in the world is Melanie wearing??
I actually loved the interaction between Eve and Theresa today. These were some good scenes that showed Theresa's vulnerable side and Eve's support of her. The two sisters can snark away at each other the majority of the time but when one of them reaches rock bottom, the other one is there for her. Much better than seeing Eve scheming to take away her daughter's boyfriend.

I have about reached the end of my limit with Sami Jr. I don't like breaking up established couples, but with Will's behavior, I am beginning to ship Sonny with Paul. It will be interesting to see how Sonny reacts to the news that Paul donated the blood that saved his life. I can't wait to hear Sami Jr's reaction to that bit of news (probably Paul orchastrated it so only he could donate blood to Sonny:rolleyes:.)

I'm glad Lucas told Kate he loved his job but he especially loved not having to answer to her. With Kate's experience she should move on and start her own company and give both Victor and Stefano competition.

Finally, loved the scene with the baby at the end of the show. Typical soapy ending, but I figured that was how the baby would be introduced on the show.
I not only want to slap Will, I want to disassemble him atom-by-atom. What a whiny twit.

I don't know why these writers try with the business stuff. Kate's doing the same stuff after getting fired as she did before - it's not like she was eating out of a trash can or something. Meanwhile, Club TBD's profits are up. Does that mean up from their first losing day ever? Why do they even bother?

Ten bucks says Sarah Horton's coming to town since she's been mentioned twice now.

I was a little surprised Lucas was taking Will's side. Son or not, he knows what it's like to be cheated on, both "just that once" and "ongoing," so he should have at least taken the fifth. I also liked him telling Kate off.

I'm really hoping this Donovan-Black baby thing gets turned around quickly. Neither one of them deserves a child.

I really liked the Eve/Jeannie T scenes as well.
I have about reached the end of my limit with Sami Jr. I don't like breaking up established couples, but with Will's behavior, I am beginning to ship Sonny with Paul.
Amen. Hack-writer Will is totally unbearable, and made quite the fool of himself today right in front of Sonny. And he's such a idiot that despite Sonny's clear disapproval of his attitude toward Paul, he rushes home to work on his libelous article about the ex-pitcher. As for other Salemites, Adrienne was once again on target about Salem cheats. Adultery is such a way of life in Salem that the locals appear to have become oblivious to its bad effects on people and relationships. Finally, to ask a what's become a familiar question: "Where is Rafe?" There was trouble at "Club Victor" and the waitress had to ask Ben to intervene. It's no wonder Days ratings are down when the foolish writers consign a popular character to the shadows.
Good use of Eve today and I liked that she was only in 3 scenes instead of dominating the show with her moaning music.
I also enjoyed the scenes with Jeannie T, especially when she was stroking her hair. I bet that wasn't scripted. And Poirot, how could you forget that Eve was standing outside Jeannie T's door when she opened it? I was thinking about you when that happened.

I was laughing when John interrupted Sami Jr. and company and seemed oblivious to the fact that they were all upset.

I find no use whatsoever for the new club. And since when is Ben the manager??? Where is Rafe?!?

Interesting that Chad was actually looking at a financial statement on his tablet.

Not a fan of Abigail's work outfit. She can do better than that.

Melanie's earrings were distracting. But I'm glad that she was as confused as the rest of us are as to why they took blood from both Brady and Jeannie T.

I was angry that John knew about Brady's attack but not Marlena. Also, I thought the "love of my life" comment was an awkward thing to say to Brady. Once upon a time, Isabella was the love of his life.

It's a shame that the show didn't cast Melissa Archer (Serena) as Sarah Horton instead.
Ben said Rafe left and he could close the club.

John talked about Marlena twice today :love:

John asked Sonny about providing refreshments at the charity event. Why
can't John pay for the refreshments since he has money? Oh yeah the plot :)

Nice to hear Sarah's name today and it helped Melanie
Drew figure more things out.

I'm glad Eve was there for Theresa.
Good show today. As much as I dislike Melanie being front and center in the Brady/Theresa baby story I'm glad at least someone is putting the pieces together. Although I kinda wish Melanie would tell someone everything she knows. She danced around the subject with Maggie today but perhaps Brady will tell her about Kristen's parting comment to him about carrying a part of him with her out of Salem and then Melanie will figure out what occurred there. I think this will lead to the break up of Melanie and Brady.

I'm glad Sonny knows that Paul was the one who saved his life. Adds an interesting element to the story. Will is still being his usual self. Should be a fun benefit/anniversary coming up.:sarcasm:

I absolutely loved the scenes between Eve and Theresa today. The way Theresa opened up to Eve about "missing something" and then Eve telling her it's love, tenderly brushing her hair out of her face and gently stroking her hand. Excellent scenes. The polarity between this and the garbage that is Eve/JJ/Paige is so glaring I've gone blind.

Welcome to the world baby Donovan-Black! :clap:
I was laughing when John interrupted Sami Jr. and company and seemed oblivious to the fact that they were all upset. Melanie's earrings were distracting.

Yes, John seemed kind of clueless... for a well-trained secret agent/commando/assassin.

Regardless of what William has done, I can understand his being angry about his husband meeting his ex in the park, after dark, among the bushes, "speak(ing) of love." -- Yvonne Elliman

I got excited when I thought Kate and Lucas were actually going to eat! Kate cut up some of her food, and put it on Lucas' plate. Kate looked to have taken two bites, but the camera had switched to a view of her back, which blocked the view. In the immediately-following frontal shot, she was not chewing... must have swallowed it whole.

Re the Eve/Theresa scene, is it possible that the writers are going to make Eve redeemable? :eek:

@cryin4days, good one re Adrienne running Lucas out of town! :)
Thanks for the reminder AG. I was wondering what the heck Kate and Lucas were eating?!? At first I thought it was antipasto but it looked more like a tray of gefilte fish. And they made such a point to serve themselves from the tray in the center of the table.

Then Melanie and Maggie had those delicious looking slices of Apple pie in front of them yet never touched them.