Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 16, 2016

Why is Shawn not involved in the Hope-Aiden story?
Why should he be? He's just the father of one of her daughter's friends, after all!! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Whole lotta nothing today. I'm still on Jade's side, I'd like to think she's playing along with the gang because she's in a rough spot. Meanwhile I have no feelings that are positive concerning Teen Ciara. I'm not sure Chase intended to hurt her. He DID hurt her, but I don't think that was his intention. She may, however. (Still not buying the performance from the young actress though.)

Meanwhile...REALLY sick of Rafe running his shields around Hope. Get a life. Joey's actor is doing a fantastic job as well.
At first glance, thought it was Sonny in a hospital bed, turned out to be JJ. :)

Hope: "Discombobulated" At least one writer reads Spectator posts! :)

Aiden should tell Andre that he considers his gambling debt "paid in full."

Rafe told Hope that he is going to "give her time!" :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Both of her competing suitors are giving her the rush. :rolleyes:

Marlena almost fell while walking behind John (at Paul's bedside). This after I warned her about those heels! :eek:

Note to private eye: A BSA/Triumph motorcycle is definitely not called a "Hog". :rolleyes:
I have a Hawaiian shirt that I wear at appropriate times, such times are very infrequent. :)

Jade should very soon be hearing the loud sound of the aforementioned motorcycle as it departs that commune!

Hope didn't have a clue that there was something different about wedding-night Aiden? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Thanks for the summary. Good episode. I'm guessing they had this epidemic for Sweeps because we've already had so many shootings. I think the last time there was a virus like this was back in November 2010, with Melanie and Nathan.

I totally get why some here hate the virus storyline, but as long as it gives JJ & Gabi some material to work with, it's good enough for me. Plus, Marlena, John and Paul have gotten the most screen time they've had in months with this. Finally, and most importantly, it keeps Summer off the screen. Yay! Let's just hope they continue with all of these trends once this virus is over.

Joey & Jade...oh brother. I thought this storyline had potential, but I really am getting sick and tired of Joey getting into trouble. It seems the writers of Days are obsessed with the teenage guys always involved in crime or just acting troublesome in general, besides the autistic Theo. Further proof of this was when Ciara mentioned the other day to Claire something along the lines of good guys being boring, and wanting a bad boy (despite what happened with Chase). This is not sending a good message, and is not realistic. I hope Joey does the right thing and that Steve can help him soon.

Finally, poor Rafe. The dude was once a cool-talking cop, but is now reduced to being a lapdog for Hope. He needs to be given a real storyline. He should be seen more with Nicole--that would be much more fun. As far as Hope & Aiden, this story needs to pick up the pace. I do wish Shawn-D or someone else would be more involved with Hope's life instead of Rafe.
I wonder if any psych textbooks have been written re the appeal of bad boys (and girls?) If so, I would like to read a couple. :eek: All animals select for superiorities at breeding time, so I guess rebelliousness may provide some kind of evolutionary advantage. :eek:

Once noticed a yard sale book by Masters/Johnson that said something on the cover about inappropriate relationships; regret not buying it. :(

A lot of nice/good people fake badness because they think that will make them more attractive. Is it too late in the season for me to break out my black leather coat? :)
If the writing team had been fans of old-time mystery writers Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, the detective would have been wearing a fedora, trench coat, a wide 1940s-style tie, and a shoulder holster; might have been smoking unfiltered Lucky Strikes; and could have had a secretary named Velma. If so, when he walked in, Steve might have said: "Dude, you look like somebody out of an old movie" or "who do you think you are, Sam Spade?"
I like Aiden, and I'm glad he's back. But I wish there didn't seem to be a twist in every darn story! I'm afraid there is a twist with Aiden - he told Hope that he was kidnapped after he proposed, and told Andre that "he told Hope" that very thing, but we "saw" him get kidnapped the night of their wedding. Maybe he's just trying to get out of telling Hope that he was making plans to kill her, but whatever it is, I don't really like it.

Combine that with Aiden talking to Ciara and not bothering to apologize for Chase as the FIRST thing out of his mouth, and seeming to be more concerned over getting Hope back than anything to do with Chase, I'm just suspicious. I hope he's just stunned and confused and a little desperate over what he's been through and missed, rather than another imposter situation or some nefarious agenda. If either of these is the case, I'll be disappointed!
While I understand fully Aiden's concern about getting Hope to believe him, and convincing her that he always loved her and both of them were victims....(and he is telling lie about his kidnapping to do that) I am very upset that he has made no effort so far to see his son. That is horrible, in my opinion.