Days of Our Lives - Mon. Nov. 28 , 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 28, 2016

Evidently it is Thanksgiving Day in Salem. Jade arrives at the Pub, Claire says it is closed due to family function, Jade says it is why she is there. Claire spouts off about how Joey is just not into her, so stop chasing, Joey arrives, Jade brags how they are expecting a baby. Claire's jaw drops, Kayla tells Jade that it is not the time to be telling everyone yet which doesn't stop Jade at all. People are milling around. Abe arrives with Theo, Valerie comes with wine, Theo is not happy, but she offers to help peel potatoes. Kim, Roman.

(I will apologize as I missed parts of the show, but truly it did not seem as though anything important was going on.)

Over at the Horton house, Jen brings a Thankgiving dinner up to Abby in the very clean & neat attic, lol, along with a picture of Thomas. She reminds Abby that it is also Thomas's birthday, and tries to talk her into giving him the gift of his mother back. Downstairs, Gabi has arrived with Ari, then Chad comes in with Thomas. JJ walks in, happy to see Gabi, takes Ari to the kitchen with him, says Mom is upstairs looking for Gramma's gravy boat in the attic. Doug & Julie arrive, Julie is cold and miserable to Gabi, Chad doesn't like it, Julie spouts off about Gabi killing her cousin, Chad retorts that Hope killed his father. Shouting, yelling, Doug shuts it all down in the spirit of the day. Later Julie apologizes to everyone for getting carried away like she did. It was uncalled for, rude, she is sorry.

Shawn & Rafe have gone to visit Hope, talking over something or other (I missed this). I know later on Shawn says something about the picture being torn up??? And we do see Hope putting some torn up picture pieces in an envelope, Rafe arrives, they hug, guard says not touching, he shows his badge, she backs off. At the end she comes to take Hope somewhere, & Hope is alone by then.

Over at the Pub, Roman suggests they all say something about what they are grateful for, he starts, it is family, great sisters. (There was mention of being a year since Bo died earlier) Kim says mostly the same, except that her daughter Theresa is not there. (Neither is Shane or Andrew, but I did not hear them mentioned).

While sitting around the table, Jade constantly refers to being pregnant, morning sickness, and being "with child". She really rubs it in and makes sure everyone knows she is having Joey's baby. When they are leaving, Joey is taking Jade to a friend's house, she babbles on and on about sleeping on the couch, how uncomfortable, but her parents threw her out, at least Joey's did not do that. Kayla gets a text message from the hospital lab, Jade is pregnant. Jade observes she would never lie about that to her baby's father. (Yep, you will want to wring her neck today, for sure). Joey suggests she perhaps can be put up somewhere else, like "our house". Kayla is frustrated, but reluctantly agrees. Steve at one point hugs his son, is proud of him for manning up, taking responsibility.

And back to the Horton house, where they are celebrating Thomas's birthday, opening presents. In the attic, Abby stares at the picture of Thomas, makes a decision, and goes downstairs, just as everyone is singing Happy Birthday to Thomas. She sees Thomas, Chad, who moves a bit, she takes off, he glances up having thought he saw someone. He goes to the staircase, Jen quickly calls him back, talking cake she baked herself. He says he thought he saw someone......Nope, everyone is in here. Chad returns.

Gabi & JJ are talking, watching Thomas & Ari with Chad. Gabi thinks Ari may be a little jealous at all the attention Thomas is getting, and all the presents. Jen had given him one of Abby's old stuffed toys, so now JJ thinks there are more things in the box up there, he will go get a couple for Ari. Gabi is delighted.

Abby is sitting looking at Thomas's picture, as JJ opens the door to the attic rooms. He says "Abs"??? She is startled, both stare at the other.
The show starts with Roman, Kim and Kayla at Bo's grave. There are flowers on it. Kayla asks who brought them. Roman says Caroline had him bring her early that morning. Kayla says Ma shouldn't have gotten out of bed with that bad cough. Roman said there was no way he could keep her from coming. The three siblings talk about Bo; can't believe it's been a year since he died. They talk about family and Roman says he, Rafe and Shawn-D will do everything they can to bring Hope home.

Shawn-D and Ciara visit Hope in prison. They bring her a leaf from the tree that she and Bo planted the day he died. They all talk about Bo. She thanks them for the leaf and says she'll keep it in her journal.

Outside at the pub, Kim's on the phone with Shane, asking if he's heard from Theresa. He hasn't. Roman comes out to see if Kim is OK, when Ciara walks up. They ask how her visit with Hope was. Ciara talks about it being especially difficult since it's the anniversary of Bo's death.
Earlier, Ciara and Shawn visited Hope and they brought a picture of the three of them for Hope to have. The guard came in and quickly grabbed Hope out of her chair saying that visitation was over. The picture was left on the table. Later on, Rafe visited Hope and she went to show him the photo but noticed that the photo was ripped in half (across the top of the photo, so the heads were missing). When their visitation was over, Hope asked the guard for the names of the prisoners who were in the room for the day. The guard responded that she minds her own business, "and I suggest you do too."

The only other part of the dinner at the pub was that Valerie agreed to stay on until Kayla found a full time replacement.
Valerie also calls her son; says she had a nice turkey dinner with good friends.

It was nice to hear Steve and Kayla mention Stephanie a few times. I loved when Patch leaned over and kissed Joey on the head. Gotta love a guy who shows that kind of affection to his teenage son. :love:
I don't get to see the show often to see who the newer players are (Joey, Ciara, Theo, etc) but was able to work from home today. Whoever cast Ciara did a great job. She's almost a spitting image of a young Hope!
Eh, an alright show. I'm just really tired of the teen scene. It's bad enough we have to deal with this Jade pregnancy, but now to be watching Theo get mad at Valerie for no reason? Silly. I have no use for this. I did appreciate the families being together. That was a nice and much needed touch to the soap.

I'm so over Rafe and Hope but I love the fact that she had scenes with her children first. More of this please, writers. Also the Abigail thing needs to end. Have her be revealed already! So silly she is trying to let Chad move on with Gabi when Gabi is with JJ.
Ok big blooper today or bad editing. Abby finds her elephant (the one her parents gave her on her 1st birthday) in one of the boxes, she gives her stuffed elephant to Jen to give to Thomas on his 1st birthday. Jen does that in front of everyone. Then they flash to Abby upstairs and the elephant is back up with her. Then, again, another living room scene with the elephant on the couch. Boy that toy moves fast.
Boy that Jade is quite the.... young gal isn't she? I think if there's one thing that the Johnsons can all be thankful for is the fact that Jade doesn't have any money. Because I think if she could afford to announce the "blessed event" via skywriting she would not hesitate to do so.

Now that we are no longer subjected to scenes of Rafe and Hope having frantic whispered conversations about how she killed Stefano in public places I'm mildly interested in Hope's story again. I realize it's still the same story that's been going on for the past eight or nine months now but at least Hope and company will be doing something different.

What can I say about Julie other than :angry:

I would give her credit for apologizing but she took another swipe at Gabi in her little prayer with the veiled reference to Nick. Oh the sentiment behind the prayer was heartfelt and sincere but still there was a swipe. Then she scoffed at the soccer ball. But Gabi being the class act she took it on the chin. But eventually I want her to stand up to Julie. I'm stocking up on microwave popcorn for the event.

And how cute is that Arianna spoke in full sentences. She kind of got a little tripped up asking if Thomas could open her present first but that just made it all the more adorable in my oh so humble opinion.
Today was kind of slow but I liked the overall moments we saw. The cliffhanger was great but very understated. I said this on twitter but JJ said "Abs" before he opened the door. That's bad directing. And he didn't even seem shocked. Maybe we will see that tomorrow.

I loved when Patch leaned over and kissed Joey on the head. Gotta love a guy who shows that kind of affection to his teenage son. :love:
Roman has done the same thing to adult Eric several times:love:

I am glad that Bo was remembered and REALLY nice touch to include Kimberly today. These are the types of episodes that make you realize how much you miss a character. It was great seeing her with her siblings and I'll refrain from commenting on Shane's sudden absence.

LOVED that we got Shawn and Ciara alone with Hope. I can understand why Claire may not have been there too but would have liked a mention at least, especially during the conversation about the tree when Shawn mentioned grandchildren. It also would have been nice if the kids had given Hope a 2nd photo with just her and Claire. The stuff with the mean prison guard seemed kind of repetitive from Hope's last prison stay but I guess we shall see.

Tuned out the Rafe/Hope repetitive stuff but I am happy that Roman and Rafe appear to be including Shawn.

Enjoyed all the Thanksgiving events around town. The right people seemed to be included for the most part as well though Lucas should have been with the Hortons. I realize he is still in the hotel room probably.

I actually like that Claire was not so nice to Jade. This would have been a better role for Stephanie but I'll take Claire. Nice to hear Stephanie mentioned. I would have liked Roman to mention Will and his 3 children as well (sorry I will never buy the alien twins as his kids). I still don't think Jade is pregnant or if she is, I don't think it's Joe's kid.

Even though the Abigail stuff is dragging, I was happy that Chad sensed Abigail and was thinking about her. It's about time.
I said this on twitter but JJ said "Abs" before he opened the door. That's bad directing. And he didn't even seem shocked. Maybe we will see that tomorrow.
I thought the same thing. He said "Abs" before he was even in the room to have actually seen her. And there was no real shock to his voice or expression.
I still don't think Jade is pregnant or if she is, I don't think it's Joe's kid.
I wonder if they did a blood test or urine test for Jade? Recently on B&B, a character pretended to be pregnant and used the urine from a pregnant lady to have a positive test result. I could definitely see Jade doing that. But if she really is pregnant, like you, I don't think Joey is the father.
Kayla said she was sent a screen shot of Jade's test results. I wonder if that has any significance? Someone could have easily doctored them to have Jade's name instead of another patient. Most hospitals these days let doctors log in to a system to check results on their own.
Also did not like Gabi's hair do. I keep wondering why Gabi never mentions that Julie's oh so wonderful cousin tried to rape her? Just because she previously was willing to have sex with him does not mean that it was o.k. And Julie goes on and on about Stefano goading Hope, but doesn't think Nick stalking Gabi, attacking her, etc. pushed her over the edge???
I think the reason Gabi lets Julie go on and on is out of guilt and she knows how much Julie loves him. But like I said in my previous post I'm anxiously waiting for the moment Gabi finally says-in the immortal words of Popeye the Sailor Man- "I've taken all I can stands and I can't stands no more" and hits Julie with some unpleasant truths. Like I said I'm stocking up on the popcorn.

I meant to include this in my previous post but this how I picture dinner around the Horton table going:

Julie: Gabi, could you please pass me the candied yams?

Gabi passes them over

Julie: Thank you. Say, do you know who really loved candied yams? Nick.

Julie: Gabi could you please pass me the rolls?

Gabi passes them over.

Julie: Thank you. Say, do you know who really loved rolls?
It was bad manners Monday in Salem as Claire, Theo, and Julie all unloaded on the objects of their displeasure. Have they been reading Sami's Salem Etiquette for Dummies or Victor's Beginner's Guide to Snarky One-Liners? Over at the cemetery, it was surprising that nobody noted that Bo's gravestone was larger than St. Daniel's and said that something ought to be done about it. And at the Pub, when Roman was counting his blessings, he ought to have silently made note of the fact that Melinda Trask never learned about his role in the big Stefano cover-up.
Kayla said she was sent a screen shot of Jade's test results. I wonder if that has any significance? Someone could have easily doctored them to have Jade's name instead of another patient. Most hospitals these days let doctors log in to a system to check results on their own.
Kayla should be more than suspicious of any Jade pregnancy test no matter how authentic it seems. In a town where paternity tests are regularly faked, fixing a pregnancy test should be a walk in the park.
Boy that toy [elephant} moves fast.
Maybe, Lulu the elephant is trying to impress on TPTB that it's time for another elephant-themed plot. E.g., Spoilers: "Chad is amazed by what Thomas finds inside Abigail's old toy elephant!!"; "Deimos is determined to get his hands on Abby's elephant"; "Kate and Andre plot to steal Lulu the elephant."
Abigail needs to come out of "hiding" already. Really, just stand on the stairs and watch and no one sees her. I was glad that at least Chad had a sense of being watched. And that is some attic they have. I can't even stand completely up in my attic. Theirs has like an 8 foot ceiling.

Hate women in prison stories and still don't see that Hope and Rafe have this great undying love. Just don't see it.

Did Ciara actually say to Bo's brother and sister, it was year ago today we lost my dad, like they don't know that?
Ok big blooper today or bad editing. Abby finds her elephant (the one her parents gave her on her 1st birthday) in one of the boxes, she gives her stuffed elephant to Jen to give to Thomas on his 1st birthday. Jen does that in front of everyone. Then they flash to Abby upstairs and the elephant is back up with her. Then, again, another living room scene with the elephant on the couch. Boy that toy moves fast.
I had to laugh at that too!