Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 27, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 27, 2014

Lies rule the day today, some for good reason, some for bad ones, but the fact Lucas is around is saving grace. Chad comes to the apt., Sonny says Will not home. but gives him the article to read. Chad is impressed, thinks it excellent, approves, cannot wait for Will any longer, leaves.

Over at DiMansion, Will is floored by the offer from Mr. Goldblatt. Sami is all eager for him to agree, she is taking the kids, they would want their big brother there, Sonny & Ari would love it. Mr. Goldblatt assures them the company has a house for them to stay in, plenty of bedrooms, a pool, a blue ribbon school just a couple blocks away. Will talks to mom privately, and is excited but wants to talk to Sonny first. He leaves, Sami tells the man she has made up her mind, will go.

At the club, Abby seems to be waiting impatiently, Ben is not returning, Lucas arrives, joins her. They chat a bit, he is keeping her company, gets a text from Sami, and leaves.
Mr. Goldblatt is just leaving as Lucas arrives, she introduces them, and then sits with Lucas, telling him the whole story. She is figuring that Lucas will not like the idea, but he surprises her. He thinks it would be good, not only for her, but the kids as well. He doesn't ,like the idea of Allie being 2000 miles away, but Mad World has offices in CA, he will come out often. He is happy for Will, telling Sami that there are a couple of things he would rather don't get included. They tease about who would play Lucas, she is saying Seth Brogan (???) they laugh......and we are all treated to a series of very young Sami/Lucas flashbacks. One is when he comes to take her to the prom/dance and is in his military uniform, another when they were camping and a snake got in the tent, another in the car the first time he kissed her.
Lucas has to leave, tells Sami that they have been thru so much thru the year, the fighting, making up, fighting and making up again, he is going to miss that. She will, too, tells him she has never had a better friend. He replies he hasn't either. (and sorry, but I teared up watching this, and tearing up writing it as well. Wonderful scenes)

Paige has run into Jill in the park, confronts her about that big party night. Jill has discarded her hat & sunglasses disguise, tries to pretend she doesn't remember, but Paige presses her. So Jill makes up a believable version of events. That she did not drug JJ, that he was all true blue to Paige, but Rory got drunk, and Paige left JJ alone. Someone else must have drugged his drink, he started acting different, talked of the gals in England where he got a lot of action.....Jill pours it on. He wanted the selfie pictures, was really acting odd. Jill infers that he was coming on to her, but finally, Paige doesn't want to hear any more, and leaves.

At her apartment, JJ has arrived looking for Paige, Eve has caught her heel on a table leg, and fallen while carrying a big box. She is o.k., but moaning, JJ is concerned, wants to drive her to a hospital. Nope, she refuses, hurt her wrist, He gets an ice pack for it. He hangs around to make sure she is o.k. but she moans about the wrist, now claiming a cramp in addition. She doesn't want to go to hospital, they will give her pain pill before taking x-ray, and she cannot have anything like that before her surgery, says Dr. Chung. (sheesh, is she really going to finally have it??). JJ knows a trick for the cramp, learned when he was playing baseball, pulls or massages her hand, all is well. She is looking at him oddly when he is holding her hand, that weird music plays. Finally he is gone, she actually thinks about him holding her hand again, but then Jill calls, and Eve wants to hear all about the conversation with paige, what exactly did Jill say.

Ben is trying to comfort Jordan, wanting to know what Clyde said. And while we don't know this at first, Jordan has this huge fantasy about Clyde telling Ben that Jordan murdered his mother, the truck, Jordan without a scratch, Mama dead, no tire tracks, but the truck wrapped around a tree, Ben calling Jordan a *****, and telling her to stay away from him.
Ah, back to the present...and now Jordan tells Ben that she was making this all about her, and this is not the case. It is him and his father, she should not come between them, or be telling him to stay away from his dad. Clyde is grinning, Ben is thankful, making sure Clyde really will pay for college, he can start in the January semester. Jordan leaves, Ben thanks Clyde again, leaves, Jordan returns. Clyde knew she had not gone far. She warns him that he had better keep his word, because otherwise she will tell Ben everything, and while he may not forgive her, he will never, ever forgive Clyde. She takes off. Clyde grins...we'll see about that.

Jordan runs into Chad, who asks how it went with Ben. She looks upset, he kisses her a few times, then takes his leave.
Ben comes into the club, telling Abby the good news about his dad helping with college, so now he can use the money he saved for a decent apartment. Kiss, kiss, kiss.
Will comes home, all excited, Sonny tells him about Chad being there, approving the article. Will has to send it off to Zoe, but is bursting with the news. He tells Sonny about Greenblatt's offer, how Sami is going to Hollywood with the kids, he was made this fantastic offer. He goes on about how the money is so good, they can put it aside for Ari's education, invest it. Ben & Tad can run the club.... But while Sonny is happy for Will, he cannot go with him, but Will should go. Seems Sonny wants to expand the Club, has been looking at some property. He did not get a chance to talk to Will about this, as Will has been dealing with so much. He thinks Will should go, it is only for 6 mos. Ari wakes up, Will goes to take care of her, telling Sonny he can come out to CA and see them. When Will goes into the bedroom, Sonny is not looking all that happy, as he says, "yeah, right"!

JJ finally runs into Paige in the square, learns she found Jill. He wants to go there, but Paige says no, she is gone. She tells him of overhearing Rory say maybe JJ doesn't want to find Jill. No true, replies JJ. She says that Jill denied drugging JJ, said someone else must have done it, others had their drinks drugged, too. She is vague, distant, finally telling JJ that she wants them to take a break. He should not call her, text her, try to see her. Just stay away. JJ is floored.
More screen time for Lucas -- a real highlight! Otherwise, it was more displays of very bad judgment, which is quite something since neither Brady nor Theresa were on screen today.
1) Bruce Greenblatt -- not only does he think that "Sami: The Movie" is a great idea, but that Will has the makings of a great screenwriter. Think again Bruce, Will has only shown the ability spill dirt about those close to him.
2) Will -- he thinks he can be a screenwriter? According to the article, "Do You Really Want to Be a Screenwriter?," at the Writers Store website, successful screenwriting requires: "study, talent, training, practice and an immense level of commitment." Will's TruVista hatchet job showed clearly that he has no talent, and based on what Days viewers have seen, he comes up zero in the study, training, and practice department.
3) Paige -- This girl has to be Salem's most gullible resident to believe what the likes of Jill says about anything. JJ really needs a nicer, more intelligent girl friend whose mother isn't Eve Donovan.
4) Jordan -- Now she sells out Ben to homicidal Clyde (RIP Miguel) because she's afraid that her image might get tarnished. Remarkably, things were better when she kept her mouth shut.
Thank you for the summary. I won't watch until later in the evening. I'm really looking forward to Lucas and the flashes back in time. I'm not looking forward to Paige, Jordan, Ben, Will, Clyde or Eve. I wouldn't care if they all left. Golly, that wouldn't leave many characters in Salem, would it?
The Lucas and Sami scenes were nice but that pretty much was all the episode had going for it, in my opinion.

Jordan: My patience with this story and sympathy for this character have about reached their limit. I'm starting think the real reason why she won't spill the beans is not because its so painful or shocking but its because she knows that if she tells she won't have anything else interesting to say.

JJ and Paige: Can these two get anymore irrelevant? Their scenes today either had me flipping channels or counting the number of hairs on my head. I just can't find any reason to care about their problems.

edited to write out text-speak phrase....JS
I will also look forward to the Lucas scenes.
I am sure it's too much to hope that JJ and Paige actually take a break.

Thanks for the summary!

Loved the Lucas/Sami scenes. REALLY REALLY hope JJ/Paige are REALLY done.

Eve's scenes were gross, I can't even like her anymore. And the moaning music came back...:sick:

I'm starting to wonder if Bruce Greenblatt is a Liam-esque psycho who's going to kidnap Sami en route to LA. He knows way more about her than he could have learned from Will's 4th grade essay TruVista article.
Sami and Lucas - I :rotfl:and I :cry:

"I'm proud of you....whatever gets you out of the haunted mansion as soon as possible"

Lucas saying Channing Tatum should play him in the movie

Teen Lucas dressed in his military school uniform picking up Sami

"I mean I love you" - "And I love you too"

"I'll never have a better friend" - "Neither will I"

:cry::cry::cry: Why couldn't we keep them.
Oh Eve, don't even go there! Yuck. That is ridiculous. I kept waiting for her to find some way to blame JJ for her being hurt, saying he pushed her or something. Would have been better than what she was thinking. Paige is swayed pretty easily. Love the flashbacks with Sami and Lucas. Sami hasn't been my favorite but she's always been there. Going to weird with her gone.
Honestly Troy, I wish you would tell us how you really feel. LOLOL. Am sure Jason diSpeech will be joining you in counting hairs, (o.k. sorry, I am just laughing so hard. Thank you!

I'll try not to sugarcoat my feelings so much in the future, Poirot. Anyway I'm glad I was able to brighten your day. :)

Now about Will, on one hand I certainly don't blame him for jumping at this opportunity. As hard as it is believe that is being offered to him on the basis of that article. But that is what we are being asked to believe so there you have it but there is a part of me that has practical questions like: Who is going to go up to the prison and tell Gabi she's not going to see her daughter for six months?

I know, I know, she's not on the show anymore and therefore is to be considered irrelevant. But I still keep thinking how Sonny said "We are going to come see you so much you'll be sick of our faces." And now? I imagine this won't even be mentioned. And that bothers me because I think it should at least come up.

If the writers aren't going to consider Gabi's (off screen) feelings then good golly gosh I WILL!!
While I did indeed love the Lucas/Sami scenes I wish they would have been over the course of the entire episode and not just a few scenes the last 20-25 minutes of the show. I just think they deserved more. Why not have Lucas show up to the mansion at the start of the episode while Will and Mr. Greenblatt were there? Would have been nice to include Allie here too for a nice family moment too. Missed opportunity. However, I loved the flashbacks! How young they both looked in that scene of Lucas all decked out in military attire to take Sami to prom!? I like that they both have remained the best of friends. They worked well romantically also so I might be open to that in the future with these two now that EJ is out of the picture.

The rest of the show was dull by comparison. I about vomited at the JJ/Eve scenes. Paige is even dumber than usual. Ben/Abigail is a snooze fest. I sort of liked the initial spark between Jordan and Chad but that kiss today did nothing for me. Will and Sonny, ho hum.
Forgot to mention - A FLASHBACK to earlier in THIS EPISODE...oy.

And Jordan (who's a well-paid hospital rehab therapist) and Chad (a **blank** DiMera) all gussied up to dine at THE BRADY PUB had me in stitches.

4) Jordan -- Now she sells out Ben to homicidal Clyde (RIP Miguel) because she's afraid that her image might get tarnished. Remarkably, things were better when she kept her mouth shut.
Right there with you DBF. And did anyone else notice how Jordan's fantasy portrayed a rather psycho Ben?

Am sure Jason diSpeech will be joining you in counting hairs...
LOL No - but it did have my fast-forward finger in full force!
Okay, now that I've watched it...

The Sonny/Will scenes were better than I expected. Although Will was just as ridiculously giddy as Sami was, it was nice to see the guys have an actual conversation. Sonny wasn't quite honest since he gave Will the "whatever you want" speech while secretly wanting Will to stay. I really hate how TPTB are destroying this couple all of a sudden.

I'm really aggravated with Paige, to put it mildly. I wish JJ would realize he's worth so much more than her. Too bad he has Jen as a relationship model. He probably thinks constant doubt and breaking up once every couple months is how relationships work.

As much as I dislike Kristen, I would have loved for that bug to remain intact and for her to get an earful of Eve's plot against JJ and also Eve's attempted seduction of JJ. She was once best friends with Jen, after all, and she would just love to get on Jen's good side by helping JJ out. As things stand, I wouldn' t mind Nicole investigating on JJ' s behalf.

Lucas/Sami :love: I think my favorite flashback was the one with the snake. I do wish they'd just been together all these years.

Lucas talking to Abby on the other hand... first of all, I don't like that TPTB keep Lucas off screen for long periods of time then we're supposed to believe he's close with Jen's kids, when he finally makes another appearance. I also don't like him talking to Abby about JJ. Ask JJ if you want to know.

Ben and Jordan must have split a stupidity pill today. It should have been super obvious to Ben that Jordan was being manipulated and Jordan should have texted him as soon as she was done with Clyde to tell him that she lied 30 seconds earlier and Clyde was still there. I'm also so sick of all the blackmail stories. At any given moment, it seems at least two or three people are forced to do someone else's bidding. The blackmail problem is even worse than the drug problem in Salem.
I enjoyed Lucas and Sami too. Surprised he was so easy going with
Allie moving away. I wish they showed more flashback scenes.

I laughed when Eve's theme song started when JJ was rubbing
her hand. Funny to me since she was moaning herself because
she got hurt.

Surprise of the day, Sonny is expanding the club so he can't
go with Will when he's leaves.

So Paige thought Jill was telling the truth and now wants
to take a break. I guess taking a break is better than a break up :)

I don't think Jordan realizes that in Salem the truth usually
comes out so lying to Ben was probably not a good thing.