Days of Our Lives, Monday, Aug. 29, 2011


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Jan 1, 2011
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Not a very exciting episode today. I’m sorry I couldn’t get it up sooner. Could you guys give me a hand? When I write these, I chunk scenes together (so it doesn’t jump around as the show tends to do) They aren’t in the exact order as they are in the show. Would you guys like this better if I wrote it in the same order as the show? Would that make things easier to follow? Just wondering if the way I write it makes sense. I’m finding these hard to follow myself. Thanks ! Have a wonderful day.

Short Summary:
•Sami goes into the surgery but when she comes out she starts choking.
•Hope, Bo, Rafe, and Roman question Mandy, but she can’t come to identify or describe her attacker.
•Taylor used to be “with” Quinn and she got busted for prostitution by mistake. Now it’s on her criminal record and Nicole knows. She confronts Quinn and is angry. He wants to protect her, but she’s not into that idea at all. She wants him to leave town.
•Chloe sees her baby boy through an online chat and moves along steadily down the road to custody.
•Gus goes to Vivian to declare her love, only to have Vivian send him for a gift for Quinn.
•Quinn and Vivian make up and go to celebrate, leaving Gus fuming.

Full Summary:
Roman is talking to Daniel, who will be there during the questioning to watch Mandy and make sure that she’s ok. If Mandy gets agitated, Daniel will be stopping the interview. After Roman takes her statement, he’ll be waiting with Rafe for Sami. Meanwhile, Hope talks to Mandy. Mandy wants this over and done with. She’s nervous and had no idea that anyone but Hope was going to be watching her and asking questions. She also didn’t know that she was going to be videotaped.

Chloe walks into the Cheatin’ Heart, over to Justin and Adrienne. They have a surprise for her!! They bring her to the computer and the cutest little baby is on the screen! She can see and hear him and vice versa. It was Philip's idea. This baby is so cute! It’s time for him to go to sleep so she turns it off. As Chloe is about to leave she is stopped by one of the Johns who wants to go have some fun. He’ll pay her double. She says (looking the other way so to Justin and Adrienne it appears she isn’t talking to him) she can’t talk to him right now. She asks him to act like he doesn’t know her. He goes to a table and sits down.

Adrienne doesn’t understand why Philip doesn’t just help Chloe out financially. Justin says that he has offered, but Chloe wants to make it on her own. They call Chloe over. Justin plans to tell Philip how well the internet chat went, and about her gigs and about her apartment. When Adrienne and Justin leave, the john goes up behind her and tells her that he’ll catch her next time and then leaves.

Gus has a bouquet of flowers. Vivian is apologizing for pursuing her relationship with a son who betrayed her. He proclaims his love for her, as does she. They embrace. We hear scratching records and then it’s back to reality. Vivian asks him why he has flowers. What’s the matter with him? Did he have a stroke? (She wasn’t saying that in a worried tone, just her normal sarcasm) She has an errand for him. She needs him to get Quinn. She is going to tell him that all is forgiven. She wants Quinn back in her life. They go to the pub. Vivian explains that she has no one. Gus says what about him? He is offended. She laughs and tells him that’s hilarious. He explains why he’s offended, she apologizes. He means a lot to her. She would be nothing without him. She needs a favour.
Vivian asks Gus to buy a gift for Quinn to show that she cares and loves him. He’s angry, but goes to do it. On the way, he throws away the flowers.

At the pier, Taylor talks to Quinn that she overheard that Mandy is going to tell the cops everything. She wants him to leave Salem. Quinn trusts that Mandy will keep him a secret, just like any devoted prostitute would do for her pimp. Quinn hints that Taylor would know about that. Taylor explains that when they were in school there was a “high roller” party. Quinn bought her a designer dress. Apparently there was going to be lots of major players and he told her it wold be ok if she went home with one of them. She was uncomfortable, and he told her to just go home and forget all about it, but then the cops came all the johns went home and all the girls got booked for prostitution. The cops found drugs and added that to the charges. Quinn got her out of jail so she didn’t have to spend the night, but she still got a criminal record. It’s going to haunt her for the rest of her life. And now Nicole has the mug shot and is threatening to give it to her boss. If Nicole finds out the truth, she’s going to make sure everyone in Salem knows about both of them. He promises to protect her, because she’s still one of his girls and still very important to him. Taylor says that she doesn’t need his protection and she was NEVER one of his girls and struts away.

Rafe asks Sami how she’s doing. She says she feels stoned. Sami asks where he’s going to be while she’s in surgery. He says he’ll be right there, waiting for her. She gets wheeled into surgery. Rafe tells Lexi that Sami is his whole life. Take care of her.

Outside, Rafe has memories of all of the times he spent with Sami, while a gentle love song plays. Roman walks over and asks him if he’s okay. He thinks Marlena would be the best support for her right now, and he talks about their relationship. Roman asks Rafe to help with the interview.

Hope, Bo, and Daniel are in Mandy’s room. They reassure her. Roman and Rafe join and they start the cameras and start the interview. She explains about the attack, but when they ask her what she looks like she has a panic attack and can’t do it. She can’t talk about that night. Daniel tells everyone to leave. Mandy says she’s sorry to hope.

Later, Hope and Bo ask how Mandy is doing and Daniel says that they had to sedate her. They’re disappointed that they can’t go back in.

Sami wakes up and is feeling ok. Lexi is off to get Rafe when Sami appears to be choking or unable to breathe. A nurse comes in and Lexi tells her to go get some drug (couldn’t understand the name) and the nurse runs to get it. Sami passes out. Rafe is freaking out. He asks Lexi but she doesn’t tell him much. She leaves to check on Sami. Roman walks in and is just as crazy. Lexi returns but when they ask, they cut away.

Vivian and Gus find Quinn on the pier. Vivian apologizes. She hasn’t been able to eat or sleep since she yelled at him. After a long discussion they make up. They are going to celebrate. Vivian tells Gus to give Quinn the gift. It’s a Victorian era wine goblet. Quinn and Viv will toast the glasses and drink champagne. Gus walks the gift over then drops it on the ground purposely. Vivian gets mad at him and Quinn says that it’s fine. Quinn invites Viv to Chez Rouge to have a toast, leaving Gus behind to fume.

Next time:
•Some lady tells Nicholas “Nicholas, I was hoping maybe you’d stay.” Carly says, “I thought this was a private session?!”
(A picture of the lady and a picture of Nicholas)
•Carly says, “I love you.” Nicholas retorts, “No you don’t!”
(A picture of Carly and a picture of Nicholas)
•A crying Carly says, “I don’t want to face that maybe he can’t forgive me for killing his father.”
I have to type the show from memory, and I have always found that most readers like the stories told all together (which is not always possible) I used to take notes, lol, but that was when I had the show on tape, so could stop it, and go on. But now, I have to watch live, and if I try and take notes, it will detract from my viewing.
But I always try to put the various stories together. The show jumping around the way it does is distracting enough while viewing, so ...this is what happened between these two....or these 4, today. Like Kathy, sometimes the stuff at the end (2 or 3 very quick scenes, just cannot get added onto any of the paragraphs, so I put them at the end, too.

I can see the show has slowed up a lot. Looks like Vivian keeps putting her foot in it. For a supposedly smart woman, she is sure acting like a ditz. How she can be so blind to how she is hurting Gus. Of course the idiot keeps doing her bidding, however, droping that vintage glass. LOL, just a tad of revenge on his part.
NicoleMarie - thank you so much for doing these previews for us - I am just happy to see them in ANY form! We are most grateful to you for taking the time to do them. Keep up the good work!
Nicole, I was just about to say the same thing Lovo said. I'm so happy to get to read the summaries and I really appreciate the work you put into it. I think all of you do a fine job. I don't have any trouble following the write ups.

It makes me cringe to think of how Chloe is being set up for a big fall. I wish she'd had the courage to do the right thing. Even taking money from Philip would have been better than what she's doing!
You hit on something that has been bugging me. Philip offered $$$$, she refused, saying she would have to do this herself.....and then she takes money from Quin instead. Did not make sense. Chloe has known Philip since high school, she could have taken what she could call a loan, try to pay it back, but do it on her own.

O.K. it was the writers', I know. Just wish they'd have used a bit more common sense.
I thought it was one of those "I see your life is in shambles so I forgive you for doing that to me"-type deals.

I guess I was wrong. :confused:
Like others, I am thankful for the postings in any form. It does help with them being grouped together instead of jumping back and forth like the show does. I don't really read it a day before though as I like it all to be "fresh" and new when I watch, but I do enjoy going back to read the summary since it helps catch things that I may have missed, or forgot.

Either way, thanks for the summary and taking the time to do it for everyone! :)
I thought it was one of those "I see your life is in shambles so I forgive you for doing that to me"-type deals.

I guess I was wrong. :confused:

Ah, but sometimes what we see in the previews is a bit misleading. Who knows what will actually happen. Though, since you are a day ahead, you probably aready know by now.

Thanks for the summary.
Well fiddlesticks, apparently the satellite that all of my local channels uses has been down the entire afternoon. It went off a little ways into Days and has not yet come back at 6:00 p.m. Guess I'll try to finish watching the show on SoapNet at 10:00. For now, I will go back and reread the summary so thanks again for writing it up!
Hey OCG, I had almost the same problem last Tuesday, except the only local channel that was down on the satellite at work was the one that Days comes on. I was not a happy camper. Fortunately for me, my sweet hubby has the DVR at home set up to record Days "just in case."