Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 27, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Tripp meets Kayla in the Brady Pub, although he's unsure if he's OK to be there. She wants to speak about Jade, who cannot be trusted. Tripp doesn't believe Steve's story about Ava's death. They quibble a bit as the cover story is recapped, but are interrupted by Roman having an apparent allergic reaction. Kayla saves the day with an emergency tracheotomy.

JJ meets with his "Uncle Steve" in the Square. They talk about Lani's drugging; Lani was not assaulted. Steve agrees to come to JJ if he turns anything up during any investigations. JJ doesn't want Lani involved with the Snake investigation.

In Lani's hospital room, Abe visits Lani, is glad she's getting the spark back in her eyes. Lani doesn't want to be taken off the case, though Abe is trying to order it. He's not acting as the mayor, but her father.

At the nurses area, Valerie is discharging Julie. Gabi is relieved. Valerie invites Eli & Gabi to dinner. Elie refuses. He's grateful for Valerie's care of his "grandma" but is still peeved about growing up without his father. Eli stalks off; Gabi and Valerie talk a bit about apps for Julie to help with her meds, Gabi is skeptical, but quickly backtracks. They talk about how Julie is sometimes challenging to deal with.

Nicole and Brady are in their love nest. Nicole is glad they've found each other on the run, but then freaks when someone texts Brady. He calms her down, later she is cruising Salem's news sites, relays the info about Eduardo's arrest and the dead prostitutes. Brady leaves, someone is watching. Inside, Nicole is now convinced she is safe. She heads to the back. Brady returns and Nicole screams. Turns out that it was just a faucet explosion. Brady reveals he's purchased Elkhorn Hardware. They fantasize about their life in Canada and raising Tate & Holly running the store. Later, he tells her that Scooter & Hillary emailed him, they are blissful. They joke about the store, kiss, and run to the bedroom. Someone's still watching.

In Lani's room, Lani retorts that all the murdered girls were somebody's daughter, this is her case, she is planning to pursue it. Eli enters, gives them update on the drug, which is new and causes erratic behaviour. He leaves. Lani is resolved to keep pursuing Snake, and will do it solo.

Eli and Gabi are talking at the Nurses station again. She is not trying to soften him on Valerie, though. JJ enters, and he and Eli discuss the drug and Lani's involvement in the case.

Gabi meets up with Abe in the Square, but there's nothing more Abe can do. But Gabi actually wanted to talk about Eli and his mom. She wants to figure out a way to remind Eli how much Valerie loves him, Abe likes the idea of a plan.

In a hospital room, Roman is okay, probably won't even have a scar. (Apparently the Pub switched muffin vendors, and Roman didn't read the ingredients.) Roman tells Tripp (without whom Kayla would have surely failed) he owes him one.

Lani is packing in her room, gets a call from "baby" and plans a meeting tomorrow. JJ enters. Lani has promised Abe can take her home, and to take it easy. JJ doesn't want to see Lani hurting that way again.

Back at the Nurses Station, Tripp tells Kayla that what she did was cool. She suggests he consider a career in medicine, she was disappointed that Stephanie and Joey didn't have any interest. She invites him to a family dinner where they won't hassle him about Jade, he accepts.

Tripp visits Roman in his hospital room, says he doesn't owe him anything. Roman says the Brady clan (his "brothers and sisters and in-laws") looks out for each other, doesn't keep score. If you're a part of the family, we've got your back. Outside, Kayla updates Steve about Tripp's attendance at dinner, Steve admits that Tripp hasn't had many nice people in his life. Kayla asserts that Steve's son is her son, but worries that it will all blow up if Jade tells Tripp that Joey murdered Ava.

Eli and Gabi meet in the dusky private area. Eli admits he likes JJ, didn't want to, but he's a good cop. Gabi admits at first she was jealous of JJ/Lani, but is over it. Smooch.

Also smooching in Canada after some sort of bed-related activity, Nicole and Brady continue to muse un-ironically about how lucky and safe they are as someone in a snug knit cap (the kind that covers the entire face) enters their home.
Got a kick out of Kayla yelling for Tripp to get the smallest, sharpest knife in the kitchen, clean towels and a straw. LOL I was surprised the shot did not help Roman with the allergic reaction.

Good for Roman tho, as nothing was sterilized and they were on the floor. Tripp really was good, must say. :)
Tripp has an interest in medicine? Who knew? Kayla should buy him a copy of Dr. McScruffy's best-selling Guide to Tabletop Surgery. If he likes it, he could enroll in Salem University Medical School's quickie course (no college pre-med required) and have his M.D. by Christmas. This way, the highlight of this year's Horton Christmas party could include hanging a "Dr. Tripp" bulb on the tree.

Pity poor Roman. After years without a kiss, he is now the chosen victim of a classic soap-opera medical crisis. Maybe if he turns on the charm, one of the nurses will take pity on him and give him a peck on the cheek.

Brady a hardware store owner? Could this be the start of a trend for Kiriakis family members who can no longer stomach Deimos's leadership. As mentioned in another post, Sonny could open a Big Boy hamburger franchise, and Philly K. could join the Roto-Rooter team. He'd be a perfect fit after a lifetime of dealing with the dirt, slime, and gunk that's an inevitable part of life in Salem.
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So far he has always liked biology. Wait..he will have taken premed classes at night, or sometime when he lived near a med school. Heck, if Lexie could manage it in 6 mos., and Melanie became a nurse in less than a year.....why not?
Christmas? Why, is he on the extended program for school? More like he'd be a full-fledged doctor by at least August.

And the assistant chief of staff (if there is such a position) by November!

So Hilary and the slimeball sent Brady an e-mail letting "Freddie and Bridget" know they're having a lovely second honeymoon? How nice. Maybe if we're lucky someday we'll be "treated" to a scene of the couples sharing a good laugh about the time when What's-His-face tried to blackmail Nicole into sex over a couple of hands of Pinochle. *barf*

I really enjoyed the Gabi and Valarie bonding scenes. Since it doesn't appear that Mama Hernandez is likely to return to canvas, Gabi could really use an older woman mentor other than Kate and I kind of like the idea of that being Valarie.

Also I personally found it a joy go have Gabi scenes and not have the names "Chad" or "Abigail" being mentioned even once. :)
Thanks, Jason.

It would be interesting if Tripp does go into medicine.

I guess Roman didn't get one of Maggie's muffins she was passing around
earlier in the day. Roman was lucky there was a doctor in the pub when he
needed one.

So, Brady is an owner of a hardware store. Maybe he can do it.
At one time, Brady was smarter than he is now.

I hope Abe will tell JJ what Lani is planning to do since she's going solo.

Maybe Nicole and Brady should have remembered when things seem to be
working out,
something usually happens to ruin it.
Thanks for the summary, JasonD. I think today's episode was the best of the week. I enjoyed the fact that Gabi is interacting with Abe and Valerie more. I'm tired of Eli pouting constantly, so hopefully her plan to work with Abe and get the two to make amends will work. And while I'm not entirely opposed to her being with Eli, I still want her to ultimately end up with Chad.

This Lani storyline is piquing my interest for now. Hopefully it continues to do so.

Brady and Nicole were sweet today, though not exactly exciting. Of course, it looks like that's about to change.

Tripp is going to be a new doctor probably by the time Thanksgiving arrives, if not sooner (like July 4th):rotfl: Guess the hospital will decide they need a replacement for Daniel.
Wow, Daniel would be so proud of Kayla doing surgery on the floor of the pub.

You took the words right out of my mouth JS. Let's be glad it wasn't open heart surgery.

Also I personally found it a joy go have Gabi scenes and not have the names "Chad" or "Abigail" being mentioned even once. :)

Agreed. Issue is next time we see her she'll probably be moaning over Chad again. Gabi needs some direction and that direction should be between JJ and Eli.

Wow, poor Roman - but he seems to be getting more juicy scenes since retiring! I hope someone tells Eric about his dad!

My thought as well but we'll probably get Kate visiting him instead since Kate has to be part of every storyline on the show.

LOVED JJ with Uncle Steve. I needed more than one scene though. I still want a JJ-Joey solo scene too. I've been waiting almost 2 years for this.

So we are getting a lot of sudden storylines/plot points over the past week: Roman's allergic reaction, the Lani/Snake stuff, Tripp's apartment, Abby's new job, etc. I don't know yet whether these are just useless plot points or directional changes but I'm wondering if Ron has started tweaking stuff or if Ryan Quan has taken more control of the show. The show is still boring and awful but this stuff doesn't scream Dena to me.

I'm kind of ok with the Lani/Snake stuff so far. I'm betting it will lead to Eli rescuing her at some point.

The Roman stuff was super random and contrived but I liked how it was explained that they didn't know about the allergy. That actually made sense. I could have done without the closeup camera angles though.
really enjoyed the Gabi and Valarie bonding scenes. Since it doesn't appear that Mama Hernandez is likely to return to canvas, Gabi could really use an older woman mentor other than Kate and I kind of like the idea of that being Valarie.

Also I personally found it a joy go have Gabi scenes and not have the names "Chad" or "Abigail" being mentioned even once.
Great points, Troy! The scenes were brief but I enjoyed them.
It really has to be shocking to suddenly have a reaction to something you have eaten/used all your life.
Certainly. I also appreciated the dialogue that Roman switched vendors. It's the little details like that that can keep a show from lapsing into complete ham-skullery. Shading the dumb plot point of "Tripp wants to be a doctor" with such a slim line of dialogue is the difference between an :rolleyes: and a :clap:
Dr. Trippy segue: A local fake doctor was busted some years ago. He was young, and had been practicing for a couple of years. Some of his patients defended him, saying that he was the best doctor they'd ever had. :eek: I remember thinking at the time, "Hey, give me a Merck Manual, a righteous prescription pad, and an office, and I'm good to go!" :drunk:

Have Brady/Nicole ever heard about cell phone tracking? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I was a little disappointed that Nicole's latest blouse emergency did not require its removal. :rolleyes:

Hopefully, Lani is aware of a pimp's pattern behavior. Snake will try to make her feel loved, and dependent. Flash, Snake has an additional source of income. He is appearing in a "Geico" TV ad. :)

I wish that all concerned would not vocalize, or write anything about, Joey/Ava. :eek: :eek:

Lani and Paul should book a double appointment at an uncorrupted DNA lab. To quote Ronald Reagan: "Trust, but verify!" :)
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Great points, Troy! The scenes were brief but I enjoyed them.

Certainly. I also appreciated the dialogue that Roman switched vendors. It's the little details like that that can keep a show from lapsing into complete ham-skullery. Shading the dumb plot point of "Tripp wants to be a doctor" with such a slim line of dialogue is the difference between an :rolleyes: and a :clap:

Thanks Jason! I do try to slip in a bit of insight in with my oh so witty if a bit gratuitous pop culture references. :)