Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 7, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Johnson home, Kayla sulks. Roman arrives, Kayla tells him Steve is gone, she gave him his ring back. Kayla tells him of her worry for Joey, and her reasons for dropping Steve. In particular she's miffed about how Steve doesn't sweat the small stuff, can't go back to living like Steve, always on the "tightrope." Roman tells her how he wishes he could come home to someone, but Kayla doesn't want to take Patch back because she's desperate. Roman says there's another way, knows Steve would die for her, Joey, Stephanie. She's tired of planning Steve's funerals. Later, Roman has to leave, has to be at a crime scene. Kayla stumbles, attributes it to skipping lunch. Roman tells her to take care of herself, she says that's what she's trying to do. He implores her to think through a reconciliation with Steve, should Steve make an attempt.

Steve sits at the Pub drinking. A lady in a sexy dress comes up to him, her name is Tina Bradley, Steve saved her life once. (In the Caribbean while her husband was sick, from a gang of toughs.) Tina tells him her life needs saving again. She updates him that her husband, who was some kind of accountant, went to work one night, never came back. Her husband had worked for criminals, and had stolen money from them, before he was killed. She's being followed by some scary guys. (While she's talking, an image of Steve separates from him, walks over behind Tina.) Steve is asking Tina questions while his split image yells at him, did you not hear what Kayla said, etc. Steve gets Tina's address and phone number, while his breakaway image berates him for ignoring his wife and kids and being a "danger junky." Tina has written down her address, but Steve tells her he's not the guy who saved her in the Caribbean anymore. If she had nothing to do with the money, the police are her best bet. He wishes her good luck, goes outside, and tells his other self that he's a smart dude, but don't gloat. His other self gloats. (Great effects here, too.)

At the police station, JJ is speaking with someone on the phone. He wants a call as soon as the guy is ID'd. He calls Abigail, who is dreaming of Ben telling her she's crazy. Chad picked up the phone, learns that a guy looking like Ben was picked up in Calexico. In the bedroom, Abby gets a blocked call. Abby talks herself into picking it up, it's Ciara. She wants to babysit, will come over now. Abby goes to the living room, gets updated about the Ben situation, as she remembers her dream. (Nice special effect here.) The doorbell rings, Ciara and Theo are let in for their appointment "with Mrs DiMera," (the guard's words).

Chad arrives at the police station, and she and JJ talk about Abby's mental state. At the DiMansion, Theo and Ciara talk about Stefano being gone, and how it feels for Theo, who came along without thinking. (Thomas is sleeping.) Abby comes in with lemonade, asks if Ciara has experience, tells her that Chase was here, but Chad turned him away. She knows what Chase did to Ciara, wants to make sure she's going to be OK. Ciara won't let Chase's actions change her. Abby tells Ciara she's getting stronger, too. Later, Ciara and Abby talk about Ciara's schedule, Thomas fusses, Ciara calms him, tells the baby he's named after her great-grandpa. Everything's set, so the kids leave, although Theo offers to stay until Uncle Chad returns. Abby says she's okay, the kids leave. She locks the door, goes bakc into the study. A guard is checking the door, she offers him lemonade (he declines until his break). Abby locks the door behind him, turns around, there's Ben.

At the police Station, JJ tells Chad that the picture might take a while, the guy has to be shaved for a proper ID. The computer beeps, JJ has a picture. Back at the DiMansion, Abby closes her eyes, Ben is not real, he is not here. She opens her eyes, he's gone. She goes upstairs to get Thomas' bunny, leaves her phone on the table. Chad calls, leaves a voicemail about the guy in California. (We see that it's not Ben.) Upstairs in the bedroom, Abby tries to get Thomas to smile. Outside, Ben strangles a guard and swipes keys from his pocket.

In the Square, Ciara is flummoxed over the requirements for the AP English class she wants to take this summer, worries she'll have no time for herself, or to watch "those really great summer movies" with Theo. She kisses him, if she's busy, she doesn't want to spend their time together in a movie. She goes home, they'll talk later.

Back downstairs at the DiMansion, Abby has Thomas in a carrier (looks like a carseat to me). She listens to Chad's message about the guy not being Ben, Chad's on his way home. She turns around, sees Ben, does her usual chant. When she opens her eyes, Ben tells her he's real. One guard's having a smoke, one is knocked out at the front door. They have maybe 10 minutes together...let's make the most of it.

At the Johnson house, Steve enters with a big bouquet of flowers, calling for Sweetness. He leaves the flowers on the table, with a note that he's not giving up on them, and the ring. Meanwhile, Kayla has gone to the hospital, and collapses outside the elevator.

Ben wants him and Abby to be together, wonders why he wasn't good enough, why she loved Chad. She doesn't get it either, but the truth is it's always been so much better with him. She kisses Ben.
I laughed when Ciara called Abby and said "This is Ciara Brady". How many Ciaras does Abby know if Ciara had to identify herself by first and last name? Not like Ciara and Abby are related or anything. :sarcasm:

WHO is the actress playing Tina Bradley?? It's driving me nuts. I know I recognize her from somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it.
I laughed when Ciara called Abby and said "This is Ciara Brady". How many Ciaras does Abby know if Ciara had to identify herself by first and last name? Not like Ciara and Abby are related or anything. :sarcasm:
Oh, I am totally identifying myself by full name next time I call one of my cousins just to see what their reaction is! :rotfl::clap::wink:
I was working on a file that had me pulling my hair out, so when I glanced up and saw Steve talking to Tina, while Other Steve stood behind Tina, I channeled Roman Brady: "What 'da hell???". I thought Days editing department really screwed up at first.
Thank you Jason. Gotta say, poor Abby is truly going thru a lot. When she pretends to Ben, & kisses him, her arms are around him, but she lifts them, clenching her hands, expressing her disgust with what she has to do.
In her dream sequence, gosh, Ben was so creepy, even rubbing noses as he talked of how perhaps she really is crazy.

I thought Roman's talk with Kayla was a really good one....and I loved the effects at the Pub, when Steve's other self came out, went behind the bar, giving Steve a hard time about being addicted to this stuff, a danger junkie, and Kayla was right, knows you better than you know yourself.

According to the credits, the actress playing Tina is Jackie Debatin
A few observations on today's episode: Two Steves are better than one. Should Ciara be babysitting? Only a few months ago, she needed one herself. Should kissless Roman be giving marital advice? It's too bad that Ruffles McRed is unavailable for Kayla. Chad's security guards failed dismally. What a surprise. Of course the Salem P.D. probably would have done worse. Another not unexpected event was Kayla's medical issue. When the writers are short of ideas, some poor Salemite ends up at University Hospital. This time it's Kayla's turn. Speaking of medical issues, the newly returned Ben appears to have that common Salem condition -- amnesia -- appearing to have forgotten his multiple murders. Why else would he ask Abigail what went wrong between them?
According to the credits, the actress playing Tina is Jackie Debatin
Thank you!! Just checked her IMDB page and I recognized her from an episode of Two and a Half Men (she's Mia's roommate) and an episode of Friends (the stripper/hooker Monica hires for Chandler's belated bachelor party).
I watched the show live today, and ate my lunch, so I did miss a bit. AND I got to see a car chase in LA too, because a convertible Mustang on the freeway in Los Angeles avoiding police is something EVERYONE wants to see.:confused::confused:

Anyway, may I give Abby a shout out for figuring out what pants were and wearing some. Not that I'm a huge fan of green jeans, but hey, they were pants!!! Now we need to explain if you are going to wear a black bra you shouldn't wear a very transparent white blouse. It may be the fashion for the younguns, but :tsk:

And Ben, sorry dude, you are just creepy. How long does it take Chad to get home from the police station??? Something has to detain him, because you can go through the portal to get to the beach in California in seconds but it takes hours to get to the DiMansion from the police station??

Thanks Jason.
Today's episode had some surprises I thought it was pretty good and great acting overall.

I enjoyed the actor who plays Ben, he did absolutely amazing today. Definitely liked how Ben's eyes got big and creepy when he said "I did it!" to Abby in regards to choking the guard outside. I also noticed Abby's hands turning into fists and clenching, after all she is kissing a serial killer. But I also thought it was weird that Ben had ACTUALLY thought he had a chance with Abby again. Despite the fact he had just tried to set her on fire and take away her son? Um hello?

I almost want to put the blame on Jade for everything happening between Steve and Kayla. Kayla inquired about running off with Steve and was perfectly fine until she found out Joey told Jade everything about Ava's murder. That's when I noticed Kayla's attitude start to change mostly out of worry, she is genuinely angry. Had Jade just shut her mouth and not impose on business not her own I don't think Kayla wouldn't of been pushed over the edge and gave Steve the ring back. That's my opinion.

Theo and Ciara were interesting as well. I thought the kiss was tastefully done considering after what happened to Ciara. It wasn't making out or anything just a quick peck on the lips and that was all. Though I found Abby and Ciara somewhat awkward around each other considering they are relatives. Though it could just be Abby overly worried after her nightmare of Ben.
It was funny Ben saying "what went wrong?". Umm, let's see . . you started murdering people? And Chad couldn't get more than 2 security guards? Seems lame for a house as big as the Dimera Mansion. We'll see how long it takes Chad to get home now. Honestly, Abigail should have never been left alone. They are worried about Ben plus she's going over the edge.
Thanks Jason.

I thought Chad said the house was surrounded with guards. Two guards does not make the house surrounded :rolleyes:

Good scenes with Kayla and Roman.

Theo got another kiss from Ciara......don't tell Roman.

Enjoyed the scenes with Steve and Steve 2. Interesting Steve 2 told Steve not to help the woman. 1. will she turn up dead?
2. Isn't John and Steve supposed to start a detective agency? Wouldn't helping the woman be something they would do?

Kayla fainted. It's good she was at the hospital.

Abby kissed Ben. I hope Thomas wasn't looking
Nice to see the Kayla/Roman scenes. Too bad we aren't allowed to see any Shawn/Ciara scenes. :rolleyes: I hope the show decides to have Kate move towards Roman now.

I love how the show dresses characters by plot point. Abby suddenly in jeans?! Just like when she was trapped in the cabin. Also, I realize it was plot driven but a uniformed officer using a laptop and basically doing detective's work seems a bit much. Where are Rafe, Hope and Lani? Rafe should be involved with this too since he was initially involved with the serial killer case.

The whole Ciara/Abby thing was just awkward and way too prolonged. That could have been done in one scene.

I'm surprised Claire doesn't call Hope and identify herself as Claire Brady, her co-worker Shawn's daughter and Ciara's "friend". :rolleyes:

The Tina woman seemed familiar to me as well but I've never watched any of the shows mentioned.