Days of Our Lives - Thu., Feb 26, 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
A little jumpy today, folks moving around a bit, tried to keep the "flow" pretty straightforward for you....

Jordan rushes in for a meeting with Abigail, apologising for being late. Jordan mentions she's broken up with Chad. Abby wonders if this will affect Ben's case, Jordan wants to help him, but is afraid it will make things worse. Abby has to go do something, leaves quickly.

Clyde runs into Rafe in the Square, asks for an update about Ben. Clyde's confident that Chad will drop the charges, rather than offend his girlfriend. Rafe informs him Jordan & Chad are broken up. Clyde asks if this is just wishful thinking on Rafe's part, Rafe tells Clyde to check around. Rafe points out while this is bad news for Ben, it's GREAT for Jordan. He leaves.

Kate's sitting in the study, Chad is glaring at her from the doorway. Kate asks if he's ready to talk; is what she did worse than what Chad did? Chad thought about it all night, and really isn't that mad at Kate anymore. Convincing Jordan that he was a good guy was a waste of time, with everything else that was going on. Kate reminds him that she advised him that he was better than Jordan Ridgeway. Now I can focus on work, Chad says, like that Big Board Meeting. Kate's not sure if he's being earnest, angling...or both. Kate hopes they'll make a good team, and is glad they've cleared the air between them. She leaves, and Chad immediately calls Stefano, who was just thinking about him. Chad needs Fatha's help to destroy Kate. Kate rushes to the bushy clearing, where Clyde is impatient because she's late. He explains how Ben's situation has changed thanks to Jordan's breakup, now Kate feels bad. Clyde wants more info. Meanwhile at the Dmansion, Stefano thought Kate & Chad were good, but Chad explains how Kate torpedoed his relationship with Jordan by ratting out what Chad did to Rafe. Sounds like my Katerina, Stefano laughs, adding that he should thank her for getting rid of "that useless distrrrraction." Despite this, it will be his pleasure to help Chad destroy Katerina.

Paige is texting & walking, bumps into Eve. Paige doesn't want to hear it...Eve is surprised that Paige doesn't remember what day it is. It is the anniversary of the day Paige's dad left, Eve was ready to give up, but Paige wouldn't let her. Paige didn't give up on her, saved her life. (It was 8 years ago today.) Paige realises she did forget, this is the first time. Eve apologises about California, but Paige doesn't want to hear about JJ...she's done dwelling on him. Paige tells Eve she's won...but Eve isn't gloating. Paige hasn't forgotten what the day meant, even though she forgot about it; Eve tries to make plans to meet up later, Paige reluctantly agrees.

Jennifer drops some papers (actually working today!!), flashes back to Eve taunting her about her mystery boyfriend, comes up and collides with Daniel. Jenn admits she needs a friend, and can't let her son's breakup go. Even though it's been resolved? Daniel clarifies; Jen is stymied. Daniel tries to backtrack, Jen continues to push, begs Daniel to tell her what he knows. They go to her office. Jen keeps trying to interrupt, but Daniel explains how JJ learned from their relationship, had to face things, and needed to handle the situation with Paige on his own. He advises her to let JJ work this out on her own. Jen promises she will try, acts curtly, tells Daniel to go.

JJ is meeting with a friend (Roxanne) from boarding school. He asks her to do him a solid to get out of a situation. He's finally calling in his payback from St Elbin's, where he saved her bacon several times, until he was expelled and she had to find a new dealer. JJ has been researching her "PalPage" account, which she keeps close to her vest because corporations look back at that stuff, and she wants to protect her future. JJ thinks this will help him with his plan, Roxanne wants details. He explains there's a girl, Roxanne assumes she's pregnant, JJ explains he's been trying to shut her down, but she won't let go. He says he's not into anything long term, has said he's with someone else but his girl didn't buy it, won't drop it. He needs to show her that he's with someone; Roxanne thinks this is a rather complicated plan just to throw someone off. She thinks he's holding back info, he denies it; she says this is not for her. He continues to fumble for an explanation, something about karma, bla bla. Roxanne still isn't buying, wants to know why she had to come down from Chicago when there are certainly other girls who'd fall all over themselves to hang out with JJ. JJ explains that this is Roxanne's thing, but she thinks he's just being mean to this girl; he explains it's the opposite, he's trying NOT to hurt the girl. Roxanne looks at Jack's picture, remembers how sweet JJ was before Jack died. JJ swears he's not trying to hurt this girl, finally Roxanne's on board.
Jordan's in her office, Rafe comes in to check on her. She says she's okay, has been known to take care of herself. Although Jordan tries to stop him, he apologises to her, if he hadn't been a jerk, Chad would never have been in the picture to hurt her. Rafe also mentions that he told Clyde the news, and how Clyde was quick to react to the news and worry about Ben.

Kate explains how she "accidentally" told Chad in front of Jordan about the letter Chad sent to Rafe. Clyde doesn't buy it, knows Kate hates Jordan, has ignored that for the most part, knows Kate can't keep her nose out of others' business. She's gone too far; Kate says that Chad's not likely to press charges anyway, Clyde says for her sake, that Ben doesn't end up in prison, before scooting off.

Stefano asks Chad if he understands how this will work, admits he will enjoy Kate's downfall more than Chad. Remember, this is for the long game. He'll be in touch. Abigail comes in, asks to speak to's important. She's just checking on him, she knows him and that he does things without thinking; feels he did what he did to Rafe for fear of losing Jordan. Abigail also wants to talk about Ben, whom Chad apparently has the power to send to prison. Chad is angry that Jordan/Abigail thought so little of him that he'd send Ben to prison just because Jordan dumped him. He's angry and wants Abby to stop pretending to care about him. She does care about him, she claims.

JJ and Roxanne Trenton are strolling through the student union looking for Paige when they awkwardly run into Daniel, who was down there for a meeting for another guest lecture. Roxanne steps away for a moment; JJ explains he wants to clear the air with Paige by introducing Roxanne to her, get a fresh start. Daniel leaves; Roxanne remarks on the funny look Daniel gave her. They go to the Square, where Paige spots them. Somewhat reluctantly, JJ and Roxanne approach Paige, JJ tries to introduce them, explains how he & Roxanne went to boarding school together, now she's at Loyola in Chicago ("about an hour away"). Roxanne steps away, JJ tells Paige that she was wrong about knowing the girl JJ hooked up with. Paige calls him a jerk and that she doesn't give a damn. Paige tells him he's off the hook, doesn't need to run anything by her, etc. She stalks off. Roxanne thinks this was almost too easy.

At the hospital, Eve has a big package she's trying to take to Jeannie T, Jennifer comes up behind her and starts laying into her about JJ/Paige, everything Eve does is suspicious (bla bla bla), Eve tells her off and storms down the hallway, leaving her keys (engraved E.L.), which Jennifer picks up. Later, in Jen's office, Eve's music plays as Jen fiddles with Eve's keys. Daniel comes in, asks about the fight Jen got into at the nurse's station; Jen recounts her fight with Eve, Daniel says it'll be easier now that JJ's going public with Roxanne. Jen is shocked.

Rafe and Kate run into each other at a storefront, Rafe needles her a bit about her victory with Jordan/Chad, Kateagain claims she did it for him, Rafe wonders how long she knew. He doesn't believe her truth.

Clyde comes to Jordan's office, worried about Ben, can't believe what Kate did. Jordan points out he doesn't know Kate that well then. Jordan's not sure what to do, is sure Abigail is working on it with Chad right now.

Paige is sitting in the student union, woefully looking at a picture of her & JJ, declaring she's done with him.

Jennifer wants to know about this girl. Daniel remembers her name is Roxanne T--, Jen completes Trenton. That's it, Daniel says. No way they're seeing each other, Jen declares.

In the Square, JJ apologises to Roxanne for bringing her from Chicago for nothing, calls him out for still being into Paige, and gives him a hug. Eve walks by and sees it.

Jordan explains how Abigail rushed out the moment she heard about Chad/Jordan. Clyde is furious that Ben is facing prison, he gets his temper from Clyde. Ben's better than me, Clyde states. Jordan is taken aback, Clyde really does love Ben.

Chad keeps arguing with Abigail about her motivation, maybe Ben should go to prison, it builds character. How important is Ben staying out of prison to Abigail? How far will she go? He moves close to her.
The summary that almost wasn't - my computer took nearly 30 minutes to reboot!! Started the summary on another computer - also started late because I was on the phone with insurance. :angry:

My thoughts:

I'm not sure what's worse - watching Daniel stink on Nicole, gush over Melanie, or fret about JJ with Jen. No really good option there!!

For once I'm on Paige's side, please girl, do move on!!

I officially want Ben to go to prison. Not only will it rid us of his temper, but hopefully Clyde will kill Kate!! :)

Roxanne's a lot of fun, I hope we see her again.

I liked how everyone was mixing with several characters, but still wish Rafe weren't such a tumbleweed.
Not sure what Jen meant that no way JJ and Roxanne, but it would be nice if she stays around because they would appear to make a nice couple. I believe Eve was jealous when she saw JJ and Roxanne together.

It appears Chad is going to use Abby to get what he wants.
Maybe Roxanne is married already and JJ is also friends with her husband too. Or another theory maybe Roxanne is a lesbian.

I'd hate to be Kate right now, seems like everyone is mad at her and everything will blow up in her face. I sense Stefano may force her back into marriage and be under his control again.
Ohhhhh, thank you, Jason. Good job. Roxanne was a delight, for sure. Though I only saw bits and pieces of the show. At one point, through the windows at the student union, I thought it looked snowy outside???
Who, in heaven's name, celebrates the anniversary of a husband and father running out on them? So Eve was depressed, but Paige got her up and they went to a carnival??
Yep, guess that now gives Eve the right to completely control Paige's life, every breath she takes.

I guess seeing people who have been absent for a while is why it seemed so jumpy. (Actually, I do blame the editing, which is awful)
Ahhhh, Stefano has made plans with Chad to take Kate down. Yayyyy.....finally! Plus she now has Clyde ticked off at her. Added bonus. LOL
Thanks for the summary, Jason. Wow, they mentioned Loyola Chicago! It's a sister school of Loyola New Orleans, where I went last year. Got pretty excited about that. And Roxanne kind of looks a bit like Abigail.

I'm sorry, but I just can't stand Jennifer & Daniel's gossip over JJ. And her keeping Eve's keys was absolutely wrong! Can't Eve press charges for that? Speaking of the moaning witch, I can't believe she's going to be jealous of JJ hugging Roxanne. Gimme a break!

Kate's about to get what's coming to her! Still, I hope that maybe this'll give Roman a storyline. He can save her and they can get together. But my WORST fear is that instead of Roman they'll use Rafe to save her--and they'll end up back in the sack!:sick: I hope not.

I can care less about Ben, Jordan and all that crap. I hope his sorry butt DOES go to prison, just so we don't have to see his temper, or his loud kisses/lovemaking with Abigail anymore.

KathyLu, I was also thinking about EJ & Sami and the rape when I saw the scene at the end. I hope the writers don't go there.
Thanks for the summary, Jason.

I wonder if Jen will tell Daniel how she knows Roxanne and JJ
aren't seeing each other.

I laughed at the Daniel's comment about the cat burglar suit

Jordan must have the Salem brain today she knew where
Abby really went. Interesting to see her and Clyde at the
end agreeing about Ben.

Kate better watch her back after Chad talked to Stefano and
Clyde broke up with her.

At the beginning of the show, three people were texting and not
watching where they were going.
I liked Roxanne with JJ today. She would be a great addition to the show on a longer term basis. I don't think Eve is going to like JJ hanging out with her. However, if Paige would back off it would be worth it for JJ to move on.

Chad is such a jerk. If he can't have things the way he wants them with Jordan, then he will make sure Ben goes down. Only in Salem would they be discussing prison for what Ben did, anywhere else he would have community service or counseling for his temper. While Ben is not the most exciting character on the show, he was provoked into that fight with Chad.

I still don't care for EJ 2.0 (Chad), even though he has been on the screen now for awhile. I find the character pointless when other character could have been used instead. The writers cannot even write an original story for him.

Payback has finally arrived for Kate. She is finally getting what she deserves for the way she has treated Jordan. Stefano and Chad are plotting to take her down, and even Clyde is mad at her now. For the past few years, Kate has gotten away with a lot of stuff with no repercussions while others took the fall for stuff she was involved in (trying to drown Nick in the river, taking over DiMera Enterprises with Sami).