Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 30, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Apologies in advance if I miss anything - I'm watching the show from my non-profit office (we finally got cable!) so I can get back to work after. No rewinding here!!

In their bedroom, Chad and Abby discuss Chad's anger at André. Abby believes André, not because André helped her, but because she believes him. Chad refuses to argue about it, and is being killed by not being able to help Theo. Despite their disagreement, Chad is thankful for Abby's support as she tells him Theo will be OK. They're lucky to have each other, and never won't (not an anvil at all). She continues to try to convince him to give André another chance to prove his innocence.

Downstairs in the study, Kate tells André she's the reason Theo was shot. She also admits she's been lying all this time. She recaps the whole story, including her initial reticence to involve Theo and her suspicion of her husband. And how she rethought the mission after regaining trust in André, but Theo didn't get the message before getting to the warehouse. She's responsible. André plans to out her, as she doesn't know what to do. They go back and forth about this and the upshot is she's afraid of jail, and he doesn't want to go. He realizes she messed with the voicemails, she admits it and admits she didn't have time to delete his as well. Chad and Abby enter.

In the Commissioner's office, Hope and Rafe review whether or not she wants to get married. ('No' appears to be the answer.) Rafe's relieved she's finally admitted the truth. They go back and forth about why she's hesitating, with him finally declaring he's not someone she doesn't know (like Aiden), and asking if she is hesitating because he's not Bo. She is mildly enraged at this, talks about their past loves. He says he's moved on from Sami, not pining for her like she is for Bo. Hope admits that though Rafe will never be Bo, as nobody else can be, she still fell in love with him, even though she had thought that was impossible. She likes how things are, wants to keep going, but he thinks it's better if they end things. Hope doesn't want that, wants him to reconsider, but he stands strong. She gives him back her engagement ring.

At the Townhouse, recap of drunken Lucas telling a skeptical John and an inquisitive Marlena about Will's kidnapping. He desperately pleads for their help, he can't lose Will again. Later, they are seated and John has called Susan, who has been in the sanitarium with Roger at her side since they left Memphis. Marlena notes the page in the book Sami was reading, and gets a flash.

In Ben's apartment, interspersed scenes of Ben strangling Will in 2015 and 2017 with a necktie as Sami watches with her gun drawn. Ben stops, he can't hurt Will again. They are both worn out, Ben admits Sami put him up to this. Sami tries to explain as the goons hold Ben. Will seethes, and eventually shouts that she's a terrible human being whom he never wishes to see again. He bolts. Ben lets some insults rip, Sami blames him for failing to bring Will's memory back. The goons drag him off.

Back at the Townhouse, Marlena has to make a call before filling in Lucas, who is flummoxed. Will enters calling Sami appropriate but unprintable names. (Marlena's face: Priceless.) Will recaps, Lucas is furious and says he's going to kill Sami, who immediately enters. Will bolts to the other side of the room, demanding she stay away from him. Will tells the group what Sami did to him in detail. Lucas accuses her of losing her mind and trying to brainwash Will. Marlena is disgusted and Sami won't stop talking about how she got the idea, blah blah. Marlena scolds her, Will demands she leave. Lucas wants to call the police, Will just wants everything over so he can move on. Sami wants Marlena to hypnotize Will again, thinking he will recall the murder. Marlena uses strong language to refuse. There's some more back and forth before Will tells Sami that he would rather never remember his life than remember that Sami is his mother.

In the DiMansion study, Chad announces that André can stay. He's his brother and he doesn't want him to leave. Kate tells the group that she's 100% convinced that André is not responsible for the hacking or what happened to Theo. She somehow worms her way out of telling the truth (sorry, hubby called about something important). Chad and Abby go to check on Theo; André tells Kate she's still a DiMera, won't look good in orange, and they have a common enemy. They can get better results working together. Kate admits she wouldn't have done the same for him.

In the Square, Rafe is looking at his ring as he meanders; Sami comes in from the other side and looks downtrodden. She leans into him and weeps that she's lost her son forever. They embrace.
Well, now that Sami's little "experiment" didn't work, wonder how Will's memory will be regained?

Or, maybe he will be like John was saying yesterday, a guy who doesn't remember his past and starts his life from this moment on?
Thank you, Jason.

WOW! Will definitely has Sami figured out. Now she can pack her bags, and get out of Salem before getting her claws back into Rafe.

Kate is still all about Kate. I'm glad that at least Andre knows the truth now. He's turning out to be a better person than Kate is.
He's [Andre] turning out to be a better person than Kate is.
At this point, Andre is on the fast-track to be like Victor, a cuddle-bear who enjoys his warm milk and cook's homemade cookies, while dispensing snarky one-liners. Never thought we'd see the day that we'd root for Andre over Kate.
The scenes with Sami at the townhouse with Marlena, John, Lucas and Will were great. Everyone's reactions to Sami were so enjoyable to watch. John's facial expressions alone are worth it.

My only disappointment is that Marlena didn't "Samantha Gene" Sami when she put her in her place.
Tis a shame Andre interrupted Kate as she was about to confess to Chad, effectively stopping her from telling her tale of woe.

Really loved how John told Sami that she should leave, and she wants 5 more minutes, but everyone else chimes in with the same thing. Lucas, Marlena, Will.....................Sami.......LEAVE NOW!

LOL, 5 minutes for what? She already did all her explaining, what she THOUGHT might happen, (but didn't) & kept insisting how she constantly had it under control. Baloney.
It was a good day for Salem's felons as those who know all about their criminality declined to notify the police. In contrast, it was a bad day for Hope who lost her job and fiance in a single day. Elsewhere it was open season on Sami.

:clap:Ben: He told Sami that she was sick and suggested that she belonged in a padded cell. This shows that even mental patients realize how completely crazy Sami is.

:clap:Will: He really laid into Sami, saying among other things: "You are a terrible human being." Later, he told Sami: "I never want to see you again." In this, he echoed the wishes of many viewers.

:clap:Lucas: He asked Sami, "What is wrong with you?" before declaring: "You are completely insane." It's too bad he didn't realize this years ago. He could have avoided all sorts of Sami-related grief.

On other subjects:

:confused: Andre: He announced that DiMera Enterprises had an IT department. Who knew? What's next, installing locks on the doors to the DiMansion?

:sick: Rafe: The sight of Sami crying on his shoulder couldn't have been good for many viewers' digestion. If Rafe needs a little rebound comfort Jordan Ridgeway or even her cat Arthur would be preferable to the Salem screecher.
You know, once Sami became the love of EJ's life they made her intolerable. What is wrong with these writers? She is so unlikable. Never went to college, studied medicine/psychology etc but thinks a little blip on a page is the answer to her problems. OMG This has been nothing but the "Sami Show" and that means the totally insane, unlikable Sami show. She makes Susan look like a genius.

At least Susan loved Will not just in word but by her actions. Sami always talks about her son as if she is spitting out the word. Any mother would move heaven and earth. But I cannot believe Alison Sweeney (Sami) signed on knowing she would be this psychotic.

I hope Will can be the one to reach Lucas. That would be a good bonding story.

Kate is still a thorn in my side. I believe she and Andre have feelings for each other. It probably will develop into a real romance at some point. Andre really has been redeemed in a lot of ways. Chad will feel like a fool when he puts this all together.
The thought of a mother getting the serial killer to reenact her son's strangling while watching was so deplorable :tsk:on sooooo many levels that it gave me shivers. :cry: That said, I thought it was well acted and great soap material. Perhaps never done before.:huh:Poor Ben. They keep bringing him back to be burned, manipulated, and whatever. I hope if they ever bring him back again they also bring Jordan.:whack:
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I do think Sami's stunt is great soap story. I cannot imagine watching my child like that even though "everything was under control" Ben was actually choking him. I do think he began to remember things so he will probably keep remembering. And I hope this finally straightens Lucas out. I am really tired of him being drunk all the time. Sami does like to say she is a DiMera. And she is acting very DiMera like.

While I am happy happy that Hope and Rafe are done, it was sad to watch them. Well sad for them, I was smiling. Rafe runs into Sami. I'm sure we know where this is headed. Just my speculation. But then if he tries to get back with Hope he can use Ross's "we were on break" excuse (from the TV show, Friends). :rotfl: