Days of Our lives - Thu., Oct. 13, 2016


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Western Wisconsin
At the DiMansion, André is holding Adrienne and Lucas at gunpoint. Clyde wants to know where Thomas is. Adrienne would rather die than let Clyde have 2 seconds with Thomas. Clyde feels that Adrienne and Lucas's presence proves that Thomas is here. While Clyde is menacing them, André shoots Chad, off-camera. André offers Clyde the credit as Adrienne cries; Clyde hears the baby and runs to get him. Lucas calls André a freak show as he and Adrienne try to help Chad; in the crib, it's a fake baby and a speaker.

At the police station, Hope and Rafe are talking about giving Aiden more work from more arrests; apparently cops are coming from Brookville to help. They talk about John's plan, which Hope worries could go wrong. Later, Rafe goes to help Roman prep for the night shift. John is to call his cell. But Hope will have his desk's calls transferred to hers, just in case. (This made no sense, help.) She sees a gift on her chair, Aiden wants her to open it. It's a special dress for their night together. He's not giving up on her, she's busy with work, Rafe doesn't believe her, etc. If she doesn't date him, he will arrest Roman and Rafe. Rafe interrupts.

On the pier, a thug named Laszlo has delivered something to Orpheus. They arrange a second meeting for further instructions. Orpheus plans to make it rain fire in Salem.

At the townhouse, John frets as he and Marlena wait for the phone to ring. The plan hinges on keeping the three baddies separate. John feels that Marlena's part in this plan is the lynchpin, and all their success will be thanks to her. This worries Marlena, due to how unstable the Terrible Trio are. They may not respond as expected. John assures her that if things go sideways, he and Steve are good and can think on their feet. He'll be back, that's a fact.

At the Pub, Kayla has found some leftovers and encourages Steve to eat. Kayla likes working with John & Marlena, and feeling like she & Steve are a team again. She recalls the past danger with Orpheus, and feels for some reason this is worse. Steve gets a text from Joe, who wants to help. Steve orders him to text Kayla every 15 minutes or the cops will be after him. He gets a call from André.

At DiMansion, Adrienne demands André untie her. She was not expecting blood. It had to be convincing, André argues; Lucas points out André is always convincing as a psycho. (Cue creepy grin.) Chad actually blacked out, Adrienne is worried because he hit his head. Clyde should be right where they want him. In the panic room, Clyde is furious as he realises he was duped, and is now sealed in the panic room. Later, JJ has arrived, backup on the way. JJ goes to Clyde; Lucas stares at André, everyone is flummoxed that André helped. Just playing his part, per André, though he gets a pensive one-shot as Lucas calls John. JJ brings Clyde back, he realises he was tricked, warns Chad that André will double-cross him. To rub salt in the wound, Gabi steps out of a panel with Thomas. Clyde goes bonkers, Chad points out this is MY son. A uniform drags Clyde out and André leads them to a quick exit.

John gets the call from Lucas, tells them great job; he reports to Marlena that Weston took the bait, one down. More supportive talk about Doc's plan while Marlena worries that she didn't have as much time to profile Xander, and that Orpheus is the most dangerous. John will take odds that he and Steve could take Orpheus and Xander any day.

André calls Steve, tells him that everything went well, Steve wants to make sure Adrienne's OK. She is, André reports, and so am I, I played the scorned brother perfectly. Years of practice, quips Steve; André laughs it off, he's not the first to say that. Steve thanks André, Kate was right, he did well. Steve tells Kayla everything's going right.

At the police station, Rafe is trying to get Aiden to back off, Aiden is looking to Hope, Hope is looking away. (Ed note: Thankfully) this is interrupted by the arrival of Clyde. Rafe takes Clyde away; Aiden says he'll see Hope in that dress in his hotel. Hope checks with JJ, thinks that since André helped, the end must be near.

Kayla calls Chad, thanks him, and tells him to thank André. Chad wishes her good luck on her end. Chad thanks André for his part, wonders how he knew where Clyde would be. André wants to "put a pin in that" for now, this learning to trust thing is hard. They toast to the good guys winning.

Orpheus gives Laszlo bombs and instructions on how to detonate them. He's not worried about evidence because nobody will be around when he's done.

In the interrogation room, Aiden shows Clyde his jacket from the recent havoc. They talk about Clyde's botched attempt to kill Aiden; Abe will be all right, Aiden is sure Clyde will go to solitary confinement.

Rafe tells Hope that Clyde's phone is en route to John, Hope adds they must act fast to keep word of Clyde's arrest from getting out. Rafe tries to talk about Aiden, Hope shuts it down, tells him to back off, let me handle him. (Aiden walks by, sees this, gloats.)

At the Townhouse, Steve and John talk about the phone, which has been dusted, processed, and downloaded. They can use it for one call, then must return it. Steve can't reach Adrienne, is worried about her, didn't want her in the middle. It was necessary to make it look real, Marlena points out. They had to fool Clyde. John calls the first number in Clyde's phone, plays mindgames with Orpheus, gloats about Clyde's arrest. John offers himself in exchange for Orpheus leaving the town alone. They arrange to meet at Pier 28 in 20 minutes, alone. Steve wants to book, realises Marlena and John need a minute. John promises he'll be home for dinner; she won't lose him to this craziness. John assures her, "These guys are toast."

Gabi brings Chad a new shirt, thinks the blood-splattered look wouldn't suit the boardroom. They talk about Ari, who thinks she's at a party since all her friends are there. Gabi tries to leave as Chad changes in front of her, Chad thinks it would be unwise to leave, and that JJ would agree. Chad bets $50 JJ will want her to stay (Gabi takes the bet, but loses). He offers her champagne. There's a crash upstairs.

At the cop shop, Hope and Rafe react to the explosion.

On the pier, John and Steve react to the explosion, it must be Orpheus.

At the Pub, Marlena and Kayla react to the boom, Kayla ushers her to the back (out a door in the side). End.
I absolutely loved today's episode. Probably one of my actual favorites in quite some time. Mainly because there wasn't so much whining, or corniness, or the same thing over and over again. The spoilers didn't state much of any of this, glad they don't give out as much as they used to years back.

So this was definitely a Andre episode and hands down to Thaao Penghilis (Andre) for his amazing performance. The majority of the episode was tons of wit and funny quirks all because Andre saved the day LOL!

Though I have a feeling Clyde may be foreshadowing something to Chad about Andre. I don't know I have a pretty good feeling we will be seeing flashbacks of Andre and Chad bonding as brothers in today's episode in the next month or two. Andre has been on the phone with someone mentioning that no one knows about this. So he is definitely hiding something still.

I liked how a lot of the actors were getting somewhat of a kick out of the episode. I caught Adrienne somewhat holding in laughter after Andre was telling about how real his performance had to look.

All and all I was happy with today's episode good job writers!
Andre could have been talking to Kate on the phone. Did not someone mention that Kate was right - that Andre could pull it off. ???

Saw only a bit of the show, so am waiting for NBC to put up their clip so I can watch the last 2nd part of it.
Hope need not worry about Aiden. LOL Clyde could be an octopus with many arms and one might find him sooner or later. Now wouldn't that hit the spot?
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Though I have a feeling Clyde may be foreshadowing something to Chad about Andre. I don't know I have a pretty good feeling we will be seeing flashbacks of Andre and Chad bonding as brothers in today's episode in the next month or two. Andre has been on the phone with someone mentioning that no one knows about this. So he is definitely hiding something still.

I think you're right about Andre. No way they would redeem him that easily. This has to be setting up something else.

What did Clyde say to Aiden after Aiden mentioned solitary confinement? Sounded like he was threatening him. I watched 3 times and couldn't make it out because James Read (Clyde) was mumbling.

Kayla has yet another head scarf.

LOL at Hope calling JJ "Deveraux". Why didn't JJ call Uncle Steve and Aunt Kayla instead of Andre and Chad? And why did both need calls if they were together when Andre called Steve?

The scene where John and Steve called Orpheus was hysterical. Right down to the looks and Steve and Marlena's faces in the background.

The bomb sound effects were awful. I didn't realize that was a bomb until John mentioned it.
Good point, YPG.

I enjoyed the episode too. It was interesting to know Andre did so much to trick Clyde.
Hope said "Andre helped. The end must be near" :)

Drat, Clyde is arrested. I was hoping he would kill Aiden.

John said Clyde's phone had two phone numbers. One to Orpheus. The other number
might be Jeremiah's. Is he in Salem? Clyde seemed confident he wouldn't be in jail long.
Makes you wonder if he got caught on purpose. It's Salem.

Interesting JJ told Gabi to stay where she is.

I wonder if the Salem PD is embarrassed since no on in the department came up with
the plan to capture the Trio of Terror?
Cheers for today. One funny line was John telling Marlena to keep his dinner warm. EVERYONE knows she can't/won't/doesn't cook!

Thaao Penghlis (Andre), you did it again! Wonderful performance and thank you for your smirks, they make my day!!

Bomb, what bomb? My dog makes louder noises than that!!
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Did not someone mention that Kate was right - that Andre could pull it off. ???
They sure did...
Steve thanks André, Kate was right
I think this is referring to a conversation we didn't see between the Steve/Kayla/John/Marlena conspirators and Kate/Chad. I thought it was a nice touch.
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Good episode! I agree with Kat--too bad Clyde didn't kill Aiden. I can't bear him anymore. I've always liked Rafe but I don't know if I can stand to watch him trying to insist that Hope let him handle this situation one more time. Does he have any plan, other than to go knock the daylights out of Aiden? He's already done that once and what did it accomplish?

I liked the way Lucas and Adrienne moved around, when Clyde was holding them at gunpoint. They moved in a way that made Clyde turn and face a different direction, so his back was to Andre and Chad, enabling Andre to pull the fast one with Chad. I wonder if they had that part planned out.

There was something strange about that panic room. It looked like there were two doors. One of them was open while Clyde was peering into the baby crib but then when he threw down the toy and turned around, the door was shut.

I can't believe I'm enjoying Andre, but I am.
The bomb sound effects were awful.
I'll second that. I called them as I saw (or heard, rather) sounded like a crash at the Mansion, and like fireworks at the station. But, good effort, I'd say.

I loved the ending. Very suspenseful. Nicely done. But I'm flummoxed as to why these episodes are airing in the middle of October - these could have been sweeps episodes (minus the Hope/Aiden/Rafe junk - Kill em all, I say!!).

I also liked André being André for the first time today. This wouldn't have worked for us viewers with Tony. We needed to believe - if only for a second - that André turned on Chad. Nicely done.
The scene where John and Steve called Orpheus was hysterical. Right down to the looks and Steve and Marlena's faces in the background.
Agreed. Who needs young blood when Steve, Kayla, John, and Marlena are around? Not me, that's for sure.
I thought today was a darn good episode bordering on great.

I thought the plan at the DiMansion was actually pretty clever if predictable. I knew that Thomas would end up being with Gabi when Chad asked for her help the other day. I loved the grin on Andre's face when Lucas said "Figures you could play a psycho killer" or something like that. I laughed out loud in fact. I'm going to make a confession: I'm actually finding Andre a lot more entertaining then I thought I would. I still don't think he's really needed but I am enjoying the way he's being used currently.

That said I hope nobody really thinks Andre changed. Clearly he only helped out because he figures there's something in it for him. But the way everybody was giving him kudos for dong a "good Job" I half way expect the good folks of Salem to be falling all over themselves to invite him to Thanksgiving Dinner. LOL

Getting back to the over all plan I kept hearing Hannibal Smith from "The A-Team" (played by the late George Peppard on the show and Liam Neeson in the not-so-great film adaption) saying "I just love it when a plan comes together." LOL

Once again I am enjoying Chad and Gabi's friendship but I thought fifty bucks was kind of a steep wager for a bet of that nature. I would have said twenty at the most. I was actually kind of surprised that he really took it.

And finally Hope/Aiden/Rafe were on today? I had a piece of lint from my sock on my foot and BOY was it distracting.
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The only think I didn't like about the show today was Aiden. Enough. He is just beyond creepy.
He's not only creepy, he's crazy. How does he think this can ever end happily?? Hope hates him and now by threatening Roman and Rafe with arrest, he's put her between a rock and a hard place. Things ended rather badly for the last man who really provoked her. Rafe should also give up his overbearing Sir Galahad routine. It doesn't work and it's getting tiresome. Otherwise, it was a way above average episode. It was good to see creepy Clyde hauled off in cuffs, sputtering with rage. It was also quite something to see Andre playing the role of the hero. The pigs must have been flying in Salem today.
How did Orpheus find the time and money to hire his own thug?
Perhaps, there's a rent-a-thug hotline in Salem that takes stolen credit cards. With Chad supposedly taking DiMera Enterprises legitimate, some of Stefano's thugs may be looking for work.