Days of Our Lives- Thurs./Fri.,July 17-18, 2014


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Dec 30, 2012
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Well, the show aired in some parts of Canada today (I'm guessing it will not air there tomorrow to keep up with the schedule). So, I've managed to gather what happened, and putting it here in my own words.

Abby and Ben are talking in the club, she is shocked Sami told him about her having sex with EJ. She feels awful, wishes she had told Ben before the wedding, but he figures it is really none of his business, especially after Abby tells him the affair ended before they even met.

Ben doesn't want to make her feel bad, but she starts to tell some details, and her cuts her off, not wanting to hear it. He thinks EJ was flirting with her during the wedding planning, Sami pretending to be Abigail's friend, feels sorry for her. Abby is still ashamed, and scared of Sami's next move.

Ben doesn't want to think about EJ anymore, but asks if he is Abigail's rebound, and if she was in love with EJ, or if she still loves him. Abby tries to answer, but Ben gets a text, is really stressed, and leaves. Abby is just sitting there, pouting.

Jordan looks up and sees Clyde, who admits he sent the text, asks 'what kind of name is Jordan?', wants to speak with her. Jordan asks what he wants, and he says something about dads always worrying about their daughters. She says he isn't her dad and tries to leave, but alas, he grabs her wrist and warns her to watch her tongue.

Clyde lets us know (whilst talking to Jordan) that Jordan's biological father drank himself to death, wanted nothing to do with her. So Clyde married her mother, evidently had Ben (so he is really her half-brother). He asks if Jordan has heard from Ben, she says no, but Clyde reveals he knows better, forces her to get in touch with her brother. Jordan refuses, but Clyde says if she doesn't, Ben will be harmed. So Jordan sends Ben the text he gets while talking to Abby.

Clyde and Ben meet in the Square, Clyde says something about how pretty Jordan has become. Ben calls him a name, he is still the same man he was before. Clyde won't let his family slip away this time, but Ben says he is a grown man now, not a boy anymore, and Clyde has gotten old. Clyde reminds Ben how he and Jordan ran away while he was a minor, stole the money, could go to jail, so warns Ben to stay on his good side. Ben thinks he is making a threat, but Clyde says he is just demanding respect from his son.

Ben wants to attack, but Jordan gets in the way, tells Clyde he shouldn't be in Salem, but Clyde says he has people at home taking care of the 'business'. He says they need to come to an understanding, produces the fake IDs of Jordan, taunts her running away, and says her cop boyfriend would be disappointed in her about the Fake IDs, and tells Jordan he will be in town for quite some time. He takes his leave as Jordan looks nervous.

Jordan wants to turn herself in but Ben reminds her they stick together, and as a team, can fight this. She ignores her ringing phone (Rafe is calling) because her worries are all coming to get her.

At the jail, EJ's visitor is Will. He blasts EJ for cheating on his mother, thinking he could get away with it, and taking advantage of Abby, who was already heartbroken about Chad. EJ is apologizing, telling Will that he still loves Samanther, but Will doesn't believe him, because if he loved her he never would have had an affair. EJ says when he is a free man he will win 'her back', but Will sarcastically asks which woman EJ will win back.

Will and his mom both wanted to believe he changed, but he showed his true DiMera colors. Will also reminds him how 'hell hath no fury like a scorned Sami', that Abby is his cousin, never thought EJ was her mystery man. EJ says he has a family with Sami, loves her, will get her back, but Will isn't buying it and leaves.

Then Abigail arrives later, says they should have known the truth would come out at some point. EJ hangs his head as Abby says things cannot get any worse. He apologizes for Sami's attack on her. Abby lets him know that Sami told Ben, EJ says Ben must have had a lot of questions. Abby tells him Ben asked if she loved EJ, awkward moment. EJ says what they had is over, and Abby retorts love had nothing to do with the affair, which is what she will tell Ben. EJ confirms this, and Abby asks what his next move is. EJ plans to win back Sami, Abigail is disgusted. She tells EJ sadly that he and Sami deserve each other, then takes her leave.

Lucas is at Sonny's apartment, talking about EJ having sex with Abby. Adrienne overhears outside, and barges in, cannot believe it! (Nice that Adrienne and Lucas are in the episode, having scenes with Will & Sonny). Lucas and Sonny confirm it, Lucas speculates Abby was seduced by EJ and his mind games. Adrienne goes to call Jennifer and offer her support, but first, says she can't believe EJ did this after what the Deveraux family has been through with Jack's death.

Sonny texts Will, asking where he is. Adrienne gets off the phone with Jennifer, calls Sami a word that rhymes with witch, as Jennifer told her how Sami came to the Horton House. Sonny is trying to calm her as Will enters. Adrienne keeps complaining about Sami, despite Lucas clearing his throat and trying to get her attention so she will stop. Will says nothing would surprise him, asks what she has done now.

Adrienne tells of Sami's episode at the Horton House. Adrienne whispers to Sonny that she is sorry, Lucas wants to take Adrienne home. Lucas lets Will know he has to go out of town, but when he gets back he will be sure to get Sami off Abigail's back. Will gets worried about this all backfiring on the kids, Lucas says he will do his best to get them out of the mansion if he must.

They leave, and Sonny apologizes for what Adrienne said about Sami. Will says she is right, Sami is spiraling out of control, he can't believe everything that has happened. Sonny puts his arm around Will, says at least nobody is dead, he thinks everything will be alright, kisses Will, but Arianna starts to cry so Will goes.

Later, Will is on the phone, ending a conversation with a 'thank you', Sonny wonders who that was. Will tells him the editor wants him to work on the magazine's cover story. Sonny thinks it is great, encourages Will to take it, but Will is hesitant, because the story is about EJ and Sami.
And now, the big juicy part. Kate is drinking a martini in the DiMera living room, is ready to drive DiMera Enterprises into the ground. Sami is grumpy, doesn't want Kate making herself at home but Kate says that, since the company owns the house, she is living there, already claimed the master bedroom. LOL.

Sami is not happy, doesn't want to deal with Kate after her bad day, so Kate tells her to go drink away her problems in one of the many empty rooms (Kate forgot, Sami is not Brady, lol). Kate finishes her drink, Harold refills it and tells Sami the house is big enough for both of them. They toast when Kate happily talks of destroying the DiMeras. Kate suggests they plot their revenge, as now Sami is in the big leagues.

Kate waits for Harold to leave as she talks of Stefano going crazy when he learns what they did, talk of replacing the portrait (this excites Sami, lol). Kate has two files for the divisions of the company, one of which the DiMera men invested heavily in, and those are to be destroyed. The other half will make them profit. Sami is getting excited.

At the police station, Abe (good to see him) meets with Rafe, Rafe is glad the DiMeras are paying for their sins. Abe tells him the DA is having DiMera Enterprises produce financial records, but there is an issue of subpoena. Rafe doesn't think Stefano would allow this, but Abe tells a shocked Rafe that he isn't in control anymore: Kate and Sami are. Rafe can't imagine the DiMeras handing control of the company over to them.

Abe just wants to see that mobster family pay for everything they have done. Rafe goes to take the subpoena to Sami himself. At the manse, Harold tells Kate and Sami that Detective Hernandez is there to see them. Rafe greets them, Kate offers him a martini but Rafe declines. He wants to know what is going on. Sami can't stop grinning, Rafe brings forward the subpoena. Kate laughs about knowing the divisions for the subpoena. Rafe thinks her behavior is weird, Sami leaves because Sydney is upset, according to Harold. So Rafe asks how Kate and Sami came to be business partners, and Kate explains everything (the affair, the takeover, etc).

Rafe is shocked that Abby was EJ's 'other woman', and Kate says it is poetic justice: Sami cheated on Rafe with EJ, and now EJ cheated on Sami (loved this!). She says Abby isn't so innocent after all. Kate asks if Rafe is happy with Jordan, he explains he really is. She loudly says that she will hide their most recent sexcapade from Jordan, just as Sami is coming down the stairs (she hears everything). Sami stays in the foyer, eavesdropping as Kate and Rafe say they had too much to drink that night (I guess Kate drank a lot offscreen...hmm...). Rafe hates lying, but he knows the romp would hurt Jordan, and he doesn't want that.

Sami yells for the nanny so the duo know she is approaching. She returns, Kate asks how Sydney is, Sami explains it was a nightmare about EJ being missing. Kate jokes he will be missing a lot longer, but behind bars. Sami asks Rafe if he wanted anything else, he gives her his condolences about EJ. Sami is upset Kate told him, but Kate points out Sami already told all of Salem. Sami tells Rafe she can handle it, but he knows and grins, almost feeling sorry for EJ. He takes his leave, and Sami teases Kate about her roll in the hay with Rafe recently, Kate mutters something about temptation.

Kate lets Sami know that soon, Rafe will know Jordan isn't a saint, as he believes. Sami is skeptical about that breaking them up, so Kate informs Sami that she wants her to spill the beans about their roll in the sack to Jordan, in case Kate's plan doesn't work out. Sami is too busy, but Kate wants her to help spare Rafe the pain.

Sami thinks Kate only wants Rafe for herself, which leads Kate to ask..."do you want Rafe back, Sami?" Sami says she only has time for one man in her life (EJ) and she is making his life a living hell. Says something about 'till death do us part' but first wants to focus on the 'richer or poorer' line, opening a file and grinning.

So sounds like a fantastic show.
There was a post on FB from NBC saying that Today's Day in the US will air tomorrow.

Now that means until they (NBC) changes a day all Friday's cliff hangers will be on Mondays!!

I am assuming too like the others have said they will have to adjust somewhere the days as now Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be out of sync...
Evidently, the show aired in some Canadian areas early before NBC decided to pre-empt all programming from mid-morning on. It was 11:30 Eastern (but 10:30 Central - 8:30 Pacific) and at the start, they were just doing "breaking news". So, some Canada areas did get the show, but tomorrow, will either have to rebroadcast the same show, or will be showing something else.

With the way Days films, it is no wonder they run into a problem like this, but....they will probably just pull some scenes out, rearrange a few. After all, A Salem Day sometimes last a week for the rest of the world. LOOL
Well, it is reported that in the conversation, it came out that her bio dad drank himself to death, so then her mom married Clyde, who is father to Ben. I am betting still that not only did Clyde beat Ben, but he may have sexually abused Jordan. He definitely is a creep, and am also guessing his "business" is something not exactly "legal".
Clyde being Jordan's stepfather does not surprise me one bit. I was actually wondering about that as she kept referring to him by his name and not as Dad. Plus it sounded like they had a really distant relationship. I hope she doesn't end up being Stefano's kid!
Because the episode not shown over there today i didn't expect it to be on,i was surprised when i got home from work and it recorded.
But if your episode that airs Friday was originally Thursdays we won't get an episode on Monday.Because we are up to date with US.
Actually, I am thinking you won't get a show on Friday, 7/18, but will get the same one we do on Monday. Or is it the huge time difference???

Oh, wow, I just checked, and while it is 6 a.m. Friday, here in the U.S. where I live, it is 9 p.m. in Sydney.
I still love Kate and Sami. I hope Sami is done with Abby, and now Kate/Sami are going to concentrate on destroying EJ and Stefano. It would be hilarious to watch everyone worrying about what Sami will do next, and she does nothing except find evidence to send EJ and Stefano to prison.
I'm sorry everyone ! I'm having a "duh" moment. :confused: The show for today, (Friday) is the same here where I live as the show presented to us yesterday. (Thursday). It's simply a repeat. What am I missing ? :confused: I'm so sorry if I'm slow today... I'm already on vacation. Leaving tomorrow for Europe with my family. :)