Days of Our Lives Thursday 7/24/2014

I love how the Dimera liquor bar has been replaced by tea and scones:rotfl:

I watched this show twice because I missed parts of it initially. I still tuned out Jordan/Clyde, EJ/Sami and even Kate/Rafe. Snoozefest!

I wonder if Aiden will end up going to New Orleans. Very interesting about the beach house and that he doesn't miss it.

I was glad Ben told the truth but disappointed we didn't hear most of it. Seems we still know the same information about Jordan and Ben.

TEAM WILL all the way!!!!!!!
Ciara pushed Hoped buttons and their vacation plans changed. I think South Dakota would be better than hot and humid New Orleans.

Personally, after having been to New Orleans many, MANY times both on business and pleasure, it's not a place where I, as a mom, would take a little girl or boy. Yes, there are historical places...but not many I can think of for kids, unless you show them the cemeteries <not>
At least it's giving us something to ponder. Maybe the mom was having an affair at the beach house? Or maybe she was drunk driving (near the beach house) or swimming drunk and died? I'm actually interested as to what happened to Aiden's wife, whereas Jordan and Ben's "secret" is snooze-worthy.....