Days Of Our Lives - Tue., Aug. 11, 2015

:OT:On Little House on the Prairie, half the town calls Mrs. Ingalls Caroline the other half Carolyn. Since my family pronounces names differently (you should hear Beatrice pronounced 2 ways: Bee-AT-triss and Bee-a-triss). That doesn't bother me.

:back:The show was more like it used to be in my opinion. I liked the flow of it, compared to the recent mess
Thanks for the summary. Good show today. The scenes with Maggie & Nicole were just lovely!! But I wonder why Daniel and Eric, who both love Nicole, didn't defend her to Victor! Nor did Kayla, but I don't expect much from her on that front anyways since she doesn't interact with Nicole. And what was that last tidbit between Victor & Maggie? Is this a hint that they'll split up soon? Weird, and I hope that isn't the case.

I also liked the whole get together at the Horton House, but I wish Abigail would confide in JJ. She and him have made similar mistakes, and I feel she needs to tell someone besides Kayla and Will (he knows, right?) about her affair. He wouldn't judge and can help her. However, is it just me, or are the Deveraux siblings always in some kind of Maury-esque situation?

Hope/Aiden/Ben/Clyde were dull filler today, mostly.
I zoomed through yesterday's episode last night. There was only so much I could take of Abby making her self absolutely miserable when she does not have to be. You'd think this girl has no free will and was Ben's hostage.

Anyway did anyone catch Maggie saying she'd couldn't stand Daniel when she first met him and she thought he was a dog :rotfl:
If this is what Ben thinks of Abby, why is he with her and why did he propose to her? Is he marrying her simply because he's being pushed by Clyde? Is this all about not letting Chad have Abby? Is he staying with Abby to punish her because he knows she wants to be with Chad but will stay with him because it's the "respectable" choice?
Because he can gloat over Chad--haha, I won.
I wonder if it's sunk in yet that Jenny's gonna be a granny!
Jen's face 1.jpg
Victor tells Serena he has heard a lot about her mostly bad. Serena says she heard the same.
I am going to have to watch these scenes!!

What parent tells their child that?
A drunken, abusive lout! LOL

I'm no fan of the egg-family but the Maggie/Nicole scenes sound kinda sweet. Maybe too sweet, but still. :)

The Maggie "jibe" at pre-egg-Daniel...funny, but it won't wash the taste of her tearfully declaring, "That was before I loved you!" to him. :sick:

I think I'll love the Deveraux family scenes, but I have no words for the silliness of the Abby triangle.
After watching the episode, I want to add that I loved the Caroline & family scenes. I loved all the Serena scenes, too. The main fail with the Serena character is that she was boring, and her story was boring. Stefano and EJ have done/did much worse and people root them on. But it was hard to get motivated for/against Serena because her story draaaagged on so.

I know many think it's cheesy but I still get chills when they show the Bicentennial image. (OK, it's a crummy clip art thing, and if they were going to show it this much they could have spent more time on it for sure!) I definitely think it's a signal to the audience to stay tuned and I'm hoping it also means we'll see more long-term planning in the stories.