Days of Our Lives - Tues., Feb. 24, 2015

I didn't like Brady and Theresa the first time around, and I'm pretty sure I still won't like the pairing if DAYS decides to revisit them in the future. This woman purposely knocked John out so she wouldn't lose her sugar daddy. She then considered smothering comatose John with a pillow in his hospital bed when he first showed signs of recovery. Why weren't her actions made public? Why wasn't she made to bear the shame of the entire town calling her foul names and giving her evil looks like others have endured for their lesser crimes. Brady should want nothing to do with her for this reason alone. She almost killed his dad and blamed him! I know this is old news, but come on, that should be a deal breaker. Then again, who am I kidding, considering some of the pairings/unions that have taken place in recent years.

Agree 100 % :clap:

If TIIC really want a chance at redeeming Theresa (though I'm pretty sure I will never like this character), it has to be with someone other than Brady. No baby (still hoping this storyline will disappear), no pairing between the two of them. Nope, to me, that ship has sailed.
It seemed to me that Sonny was only upset about the fact it was someone he had asked to marry him, and not just the fact Will slept with somebody. He believes Will did it deliberately to hurt him. Even Kate tried to say that Will had no idea Paul & Sonny were ever involved. That is why Will said to Sonny about never telling him the truth. Sonny should have at one time mentioned Paul to Will, because he wasn't just any guy. Sonny had loved him and wanted to be with him for life. That is something a married couple should share, along with Will telling Sonny who he was interviewing.
and Will should never, under any circumstances, have taken off his wedding ring. right now, Sonny thinks that Paul knew Will was Sonny's husband, and that Will was cheating, and even cheated out in L.A. So Sonny is thinking that everyone was deliberate and on purpose. I think that with Sonny nearly dying, having such serious surgery, this is all entirely too stressful for him.
Paul started it by coming to Sonny just because the article was out. Hey, I have told the world I am gay, so we can be together now, even if you are already married. Yeah, I have been with other guys, even the one who wrote the article, but that was just once, did not mean a thing. You & I can now be together.
That was a huge blow to Sonny, one he had to lay there, stew about, remember past conversations, etc. Will compounded it by trying to deny, then partially blaming Sonny. And Kate's attempt to deflect her knowledge only piled it on all the more.
I think Will meant that if Sonny had told Will about his ex.....that he was very serious about someone else at one time, enough that he wanted to marry him, and told him the name.......then his sex romp with Paul would not have happened.
But then, know darn well that if you had told Sonny the name of the person you were interviewing, he never ever would have told anyone......AND, as it turns out, he also would have told you about being involved with Paul himself a few years ago. Right?

That's the whole problem--no one gave a name to anyone.
Does whether Will knew who Paul was really add up to an excuse? Because it seems to me that if you've cheated then you've cheated. The fact that you would only cheat with certain people (not your husbands ex, for instance) does not remove the notion that you WOULD cheat...or in Will's case, DID.

Sonny had no responsibility to tell Will anything about Paul. Will should not have told ANYONE about Paul, and furthermore, should not have had a roll in the hay with him
Thanks to dark horse for the information about mandrake. Another "mandrake" is Mandrake the Magician who appeared in a long-running comic strip and a few films. This Mandrake had psychic and telekinetic powers and could make himself invisible through hypnosis. If he could be persuaded to go over to the dark side, he'd make a perfect DiMera operative. As for Fred the Elephant, his presence in the Love Doctor's apartment suggests a story line that's totally inane, which means it'd be perfect for the current crop of writers: Serena gets into the Jonas apartment through an unlocked door, skulks past the sleeping babysitter, and snatches the elephant. An incensed Parker flings his toy locomotive at Serena, which hits her in the head and knocks her senseless. Serena is rushed to University Hospital where Super Jonas saves her life, which inevitably leads to a passion-filled tryst, which, in turn, leads to conflict between sourpuss Eric and the miracle surgeon.
I'll agree that it doesn't seem fair that Nicole keeps getting verbally abused by everyone over stuff she's done years ago, while Theresa gets away with whacking John in the head (and lying about it) a few months ago. While I enjoy Theresa & Brady being civil, I don't need them back together after what she did. Pair her up with someone else bad, like Chad.
It seems like Theresa completely forgot that Brady dumped her all because Dan wouldn't accept his help as long as he was dating her and then expected her to be waiting in the wings when that fiasco was over. That is when you should have realized how little he thought of you. He doesn't care what you did to the father he sent out of town as soon as he was out of the hospital. I have no sympathy for Brady and his drug problems.
Oh, I agree that Will really has no excuse for what he did. Sonny had it right when he told him, "Are you trying to blame me?".
In fact, Sonny even is of the opinion that Will did some cheating in L.A. And I bet that even if he did not engage physically, he thought about it back there.

Both men committed sins of omission to each Sonny's case, his previous relationship was not necessary. But not consulting Will about their money, that was not good. Yes, he did tell him later, which was good for him. But Sonny had to realize that club was a failing proposition, so why was he insisting on pouring good money after bad??
I agree, Barb, but I don't see how Sonny could have told Will about the money since Will wasn't returning his calls or texts. I guess he could have texted the information, but that is something that should be discussed. I doubt that much of the money belonged to Will anyway. That rotten apple didn't fall far....
But Sonny was committing to extra monies before that. It was one thing after another, and he was constantly saying, o.k. go ahead. That was when Will was not in Salem. And when Will just would not return calls, or else hung up in 10 seconds if he did. Sonny was unable to talk any of it over with Will, which perhaps was an indication of troubles in the marriage already.

And I think we have gotten far away from the episode today, so perhaps this discussion should continue in a Daily Days thread.:)