Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 15, 2014

Sorry, but I disagree, I LOVE LOVE the revenge Sami is putting out. If anyone I was with and loved was cheating on me, well, I probably would have caught a case, but Sami on the other hand, waiting for the right time to attack and be patient.

Sami going to Ben was a move to tarnish Abigail in his eyes since she knew they were getting close to dating. I'm tired of poor poor Abigail, it's time she feels the wrath of Sami Brady; and with Kate Roberts help, Sami is not being so impulsive, more so calculating, seems like Kate is advising Sami well, like how she operates.

I felt bad for Sonny and Will....geez they already had so much drama before and after getting married, now this. But Will is right, it's best they don't get involved. Really none of their business so much. Though they seem concerned for Abigail, for sure, with Will remembering his talk with Abby made him feel for her a bit, I think.

Abby was lucky that Eve did not attack her back in the public square. Eve easily could have overpowered her; that tall woman would have tackled her down. Eve played it smart and threatened to call the police on Abby with plenty of witnesses around.....kind of why JJ stepped in and Abby ran off, scared after what she did (cause the dumb girl knows she could end up in jail).

Though I am super impressed with JJ's character development. He seems the most reasonable Horton out of all of them. He even was okay with Eve even after her fight with Abigail.

As for Theresa, well she may end up back in a LA prison soon or a Salem one once she is discovered. I feel this storyline will lag on for months, John being in a coma, Brady staying with Theresa by his side. Until John wakes up and doesn't remember much what happened.....then, suddenly, BAM, John will remember eventually being hit in the back of the head by Theresa in which A: He may turn her in. or B: He may blackmail her with that info and make her leave Brady to stay out of jail.

edited to write out text-speak word....again....JS
Yeah, I was on Sami's side until the day she started blubbering about how she loved & trusted EJ, never thought he was a liar & cheater, etc. At that point I checked out. And today's scene with Ben was ridiculous, meanwhile Abby & Eve have a childish confrontation in the square, ICK ICK ICK is all I can say. Also the "Deveraux love" train derailed today as both the offspring of Jack Deveraux started dropping B-bombs like P-Diddy. :(

I actually had to stop watching today, about 10 minutes before the show ended. Couldn't take any more. :( :( :(
I think Abigail was taking out her aggression on Eve that she probably would have liked to use toward Sami. Eve really knows how to turn the screws in people. She totally got in Abigail's face about Jack. I don't really blame Abigail for smacking her. I liked JJ calling Eve out on her crap. That was fantastic.

Sami is just so caught up in her own revenge that I feel like the other shoe has to drop at some point. She seems so sure of herself and her revenge plan. I'm interested to see Rafe and Lucas's reactions to this. So far Sami seems very fixated on the affair (understandably) but I want her to start getting reflective about the past 8 years.

Anyone else notice Abby had a ponytail for most of the episode but then when she walked into the club to see Ben it was down again?

I abhor Theresa. I see no way to redeem her now. I suppose as time passes her indiscretions and crimes will be forgotten but there is nothing rootable in her character. The actress does a great job but I just can't take this girl anymore. Tricking Brady into marrying her and taking his money or feeding his drug/alcohol abuse is one thing. Whacking his father over the head nearly killing him and then making Brady believe he did it is just unconscionable. At this point I'd like to see her killed off or sent to prison. And then a few months later she can return with blonde hair and go by the name Belle. :wink:
I just finished watching. I really enjoyed today's show, though I thought it was ridiculous for Sami to go to Ben and tell a mixed up version of events that imply Abby was cheating on him with EJ. He didn't seem like he believed her. I hope he asks Abby about it and they have an actual conversation--I'm tired of couples breaking up because some third person said something that was either embellished or made up out of whole cloth.

I was wondering if Daniel overheard Theresa telling Brady that Brady was the one who hit John when he came out of the OR. Although Daniel knows what a nightmare un-sober Brady has been, he also knows what a nightmare Theresa is in general, and I think if he had heard that he would have been suspicious. I also wonder if he will ask his new friend Eve what she thinks of the situation.

I liked Daniel's scenes with Eve except that I couldn't help wonder how he and Parker were having that wonderful conversation on the phone since Parker does not speak. I know I tend to be a little :beat: about that but it truly drives me nuts... and yes I know, it was one-sided, but I can't even imagine Parker's half of the conversation since I think the last time I heard him utter a single word was last Christmas. Anyway, I may take back what I said about wanting to see Eve and Theresa compete for Brady. Although Theresa is totally horrible, the insistence on having a grown-up drink with Daniel made me think Eve would not exactly be good for him either right now.

I really like how JJ is the most level-headed and diplomatic of the Horton-Deveraux clan at the moment. I also liked the strength he showed when talking to Eve today. I thought it was hilarious when he tried to reason with her and she immediately insisted on being called by her first name. As for Ms. Abigail, I didn't see much difference between the way she acted around Eve and the way Theresa acted around John except for that, luckily, Abby didn't have any weapon other than the palm of her hand.

In any event, I have a simple solution for the problem of the kids confronting Eve themselves, which Jen I am sure will never think of. She should just call Aiden and have him talk to both JJ and Abby about how anything they say to Eve could be repeated to her attorney and used in the lawsuit. That should hold more weight than Jen telling them both 1000 times to stay out of it.

I thought Jen and Eric had great chemistry today, until Eric started telling her to call Daniel and then Annoying Jen came back.
Theresa knows how to wipe her fingerprints off when it needs to
be done, but she put the poker in Brady's right hand twice. I guess
she hasn't noticed he's left handed since all they do is drink and have sex.

When Daniel looked at the hospital machine, I laughed when I saw the arrow
pointing down. John was lucky Daniel was on call since he wasn't when Nick was shot.

Sami needs to stop throwing so many stones before a boulder rolls on top of her :)

Nice to see Tad, Abe and Henderson today.
I would have liked to have seen JJ and Sami interact together today as we have not seen these two together in a scene before and I am curious how they would work together.

Sami had no business telling Ollie (oops, Ben) about the affair. She's just being petty and vindictive now.

Poor John :( . I'm sure it's the writers' revenge since they had to bring this character back and start writing for him again, but did they have to sacrifice Theresa's character for it? Here I had been hoping they were going to redeem her character since it seemed she had been showing a softer side and actually cared for Brady the past few weeks, but in two days all of that has been destroyed by showing her only interested in Brady's money and then whacking John on the head and making it look like Brady did it. I like Sparkster's suggestion that they write the Theresa character out, but bring the actress back to play Belle.
Sami had no business revealing the truth to Ben. He has not really even dated Abby. Sami was just her usual vindictive self, the smirks on her face as she pretended to Ben to be so nice and sweet as she exposed Abby & EJ's affair. She even intimated that it was going on just before the wedding, when it already had been long over.
When Eric tried to reason with Sami, mentioning her children, he said it, she cared about nothing really, except herself, and her revenge. And that was very apparent in her conversation. She whined at how she did not tell Eric that EJ knew beforehand what Kristen was going to do, but....oh, she loved EJ, and after all, .....yep, that old tired phrase actually came out of her mouth again "he's the father of two of my children". Wish Eric would have asked her if she cared about the father of her other two children at all in this mess?


Ben seems like a pretty smart and intuitive guy so I have a feeling he will give Abigail the benefit of the doubt. Sami was absolutely infuriating today. I wish there were a way for Abigail to file a slander suit against her. And I loved the scenes with Eric and Sami.

Really loved JJ today and his protective instincts. Jen was great again though I did tune out most of the Eric conversation.

I want both Eve and Jeannie Theresa out of Salem immediately. I can already see TPTB are shoving Eve down our throats. At this point, the only way I might care about Brady is if Chloe came back for him.
:confused: I don't get the comments about Abigail "cheating" on Ben? Have they even had a date? Are they exclusive? If so, I haven't read it in any of the daily summaries.

...did they have to sacrifice Theresa's character for it?
I have never seen her show that she actually has any character.
Eric getting upset with Sami for "figuring out" EJ knew Kristen drugged him and marrying him anyway... Ha. Eric was going to marry the woman who intentionally stole Sami's baby and had his dear friend Jen thrown in jail for supposedly throwing her down the stairs and killing her baby. Come on.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure the blubbering over EJ was to gain sympathy from Ben. And no, she had no business telling him, but she DID tell Jennifer she would tell whoever she wanted to, so... Start with the new guy in Abigail's life. It makes sense, she's out for revenge. I'm not surprised. I AM surprised she hasn't posted that picture on a billboard in town square, right over the Horton plaque.

Not even going to talk about Theresa. I'm so over her and Brady. I wish their jet from Vegas would have crashed.
I liked Daniel's scenes with Eve except that I couldn't help wonder how he and Parker were having that wonderful conversation on the phone since Parker does not speak. I know I tend to be a little :beat: about that but it truly drives me nuts... and yes I know, it was one-sided, but I can't even imagine Parker's half of the conversation since I think the last time I heard him utter a single word was last Christmas.
I totally agree on this; the child can barely speak (at least on-screen); and when he does, it's not overly clear. I remember when they had Parker in another room and he called out "Daddy, I need you" (clear as a bell). It was so obvious they had someone pretending to be Parker since he can barely say "Daddy" clearly enough to be understood.