Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov., 21, 2017

While the whole storyline is ridiculous, I did enjoy Susan's scenes today. They all did a great job (except Sami yapping like an ankle-biter dog). I felt so bad for Susan as her fragile sanity started to unravel with the truth.
:angry::angry::angry:Sami: It seemed as if she would never end her screechathon. It was as though she was trying to live up to the name of "Screechy Sami." (She gets an extra :angry: for being rude to poor Paul.)

:clap:Roger: He gets a big hand for talking sense to both Susan and Will. Perhaps, Julie could reward him by booking his Elvis impersonator act at the Doug's Place.

:clap:Marlena: Kudos to her for being another adult in the room. Without her, Will would probably still be tending bar in Memphis.

:clap:Maggie: Good for her for caring about poor downtrodden Lucas. It might be nice if fickle Adrienne gave him a thought every so often.

:clap:Will: He rates a big round of applause for posing the question about Sami that many Salemites have been asking for years: "What is wrong with you?"

:sick: Brady: How low has he sunk that he devised a frame-up that Eve not only easily escaped, but is now using against him? Maybe he should go back to Manitoba to see where he left his Salem street smarts and common sense.
Looking forward to seeing this episode. Shut up, Sami!!! So what if Paul waited to say anything? Same to you Sonny for the other day. No one has even stopped to care about what Paul is going through except for John and Justin. Who wouldn't be tempted to not say anything if in Paul's position? In the end he couldn't do it and did the right thing for which he was berated for and still is by some. In my opinion it's made him more human and portrayed the struggle he wrestled with and the real fear he has. Sorry but my opinion about Paul and Sonny has really changed. Sonny doesn't deserve Paul. Kudos to Adrienne the other day for being concerned about what Paul might be going through.

Kritter, Kritter, Kritter, you old battleax!! So many inappropriate words for laughing at Susan's pain.

Sounds like a good episode. Thanks Poirot and everyone else for the time put into the daily write ups.
Okay, so when Kristen first came to town, with her brother Peter, it was years ago and I was watching as best as one could with active kids. I probably missed more days than I watched. Did Peter ever mention having identical triplet/quad sisters?? Before he left?

Peter and Kristen were the only children of Rachel Blake. Actually I think the backstory is that Stefano killed Kristen and Peter's real father in order to kidnap Rachel as his, raising Peter and Kristen as a result. Basically what would have happened to Marlena had not Roman and John rescue her those many times.
So how long before Brady and Eve are sleeping together?

About halfway through this episode, in started fast forwarding their scenes. But why on Earth were their final scenes in a bedroom set???

EJ is not back. He is mentioned at being alive, that is all.

To play devil's advocate for a minute, all Kristen said was little did Susan know she could have had the real thing. Can that be interpreted differently than EJ being alive?

And I'm sick and tired of them talking about EJ as if he and Susan had a close relationship. When exactly did this happen and where??? Because it wasn't what we saw onscreen at all the last 11 years.

That final scene would have been much more effective had it not been spoiled in recent promos. Also, why was Kristen leaning against a bed with one leg behind the other? That just looked so odd.

The Marlena and Will scenes were the best part of today. I also loved how Marlena and John were the leads in the pub scenes and during Susan's breakdown. Kudos to Eileen Davidson(Susan) too. I wonder if we will see her again.

And how did we go from John chasing after an upset Sami to Sami leaning against John in the bar? Was something cut?

Glad Lucas was mentioned and Brady seemed to be in the know about Will.
Thanks, Poirot.

Were the scenes with Brady and Eve done the bedroom for a reason? I hope
she won't be the next one on his do to list :)

I thought it was interesting Will told Marlena about how Susan kept saying he
wasn't gay, but he felt that way.

Nice scenes with Roger and Susan. He loves her a lot. Will we see them again?

Paul wasn't very happy Will is going to Salem.

Will Kristen tell someone EJ is alive or is she keeping that secret?
John follows to try and reason with [Sami]
Talk about a fool's errand.
Will comes forward, she hugs him, sighing, obviously not wanting to let him go, but she does.
I smell some Emmy®s.
He sure has hate for women now, that's for sure.
The spirit of EJ lives on!
Sami just is tooo much, and needs to be taken down a peg or two, more likely 3 or 4...........
I can't post my tweet here, but I suggested using colourful metaphors that Paul could get rid of Sami permanently.
Will: He rates a big round of applause for posing the question about Sami that many Salemites have been asking for years: "What is wrong with you?"
When exactly did this happen and where??? Because it wasn't what we saw onscreen at all the last 11 years.
It happened in between England, Salem, and Memphis in the 23 years that they SORAS'd EJ. LOL
To play devil's advocate for a minute, all Kristen said was little did Susan know she could have had the real thing. Can that be interpreted differently than EJ being alive?
That's really close to a quote of exactly what Kristen said. It implies that EJ could have been brought back to life (if things had been different). I'm hoping this is a bone being thrown to their rabid fanbase and he'll never be mentioned again. Based on how Will was brought back, EJ would have had to have had an injection before being gunned down in his drug-deal-gone-wrong.

I've had many, many problems with this story, but today was fairly satisfying. Will had injections before and after he was killed. That makes it harder to erase other deaths. The real Susan crept out and the real Sami stayed silent for a bit. It was mentioned that Susan couldn't hurt a fly, so never intended to kill Will. Sister Mary Moira is a hoot and the capper on this story. I still find it implausible that Susan was guilt-ridden to the point of brainwashing and stalking Will, and Sami is completely unnecessary here. But this story moved up a few notches today because the loose ends were tightened, if not altogether tied up. And Will and Marlena's grand chemistry works even after all these years.

Oh, big surprise, Kristen is alive.
this says it allll

That scene where Marlena asked if she could have a hug from Will was the best scene today.

I did like that scene with John and Sami in the bar in the end, but I wish we could have seen the scene where he talked to her outside.

I also think they cut a scene between Sonny and Paul that was indicated in the spoilers.

I really hope they are not developing a relationship between Brady and Eve, and I did not like that scene where Brady almost backhanded her. And can we please drop the Deimos references? I am really tired of hearing about that character.
The real Susan crept out

I forgot to comment on this but I also liked how they sensibly and quickly seemed to redeem Susan. While I like Roger, I would have liked an Edmund appearance even more. I always thought they'd have more kids offscreen.

And can we please drop the Deimos references?

Thank you. I said the same on Twitter yesterday.