Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 19, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Doug & Julie are eating breakfast in the square, he wants some of her French toast, which looks heavenly, she shares always. They chat, she notes that the government is selling Club TBD at auction, and they reminisce about the club Doug owned back years ago, Doug's Place. Lots of work, but lots of fun. Tis where he first saw Julie and swept her off her feet. She talks of him doing something like that again, he says that time has passed.

Hope, Rafe, JJ & Lani are standing around the cop shop, pretending to be doing some work, but really just jabbering. JJ gets a call that his tux is ready, leads to chatter about the upcoming weddings, how quickly they are occurring and then to JJ & Lani wanting to know when Hope & Rafe have set their date, after all, been engaged a while now. Awkward moments, Hope & Rafe just look at each other, he says they are in no hurry, but adds any time Hope wants to go to the courthouse, even right now, is fine with him. JJ gets a call about a mugging, takes off with Lani, Hope pulls Rafe into the interrogation room, wants to know why he embarrassed her like that. She thought they both agreed they were enjoying everything as is right now. So, we get the "was just joking", & I'm sorry, & yes am fine with all. Hugs, Kisses, Doug walks in. And believe it or not, he starts asking when is the date for the wedding. But Rafe gives the "we're happy just as we are right now" speech, satisfies Doug, Hope as well. Doug doesn't know where Julie is, she just jumped up, said she had an errands, he figures she is up to something.

Nicole reports for work, brings her framed family pics, a small vase of flowers from Brady, chits chats with Eric, sends Brady a text. At the Kmansion, he reads it, obviously not all that happy about her working with Eric. Chloe comes in with a gift for Holly, who is sleeping. She inquires about Nicole, Brady gives the news, Chloe asks if he is o.k. with it all. He comments about offering Nicole a job at Titan, but Julie wanting her back at the Center, so she is there, working with Eric. Chloe gingerly asks if o.k. with Brady. Oh, sure, he had some reservations, problems, but the 3 of them worked it all out. Chloe gives a sigh of relief, glad Eric was open about his feelings for Nicole. Uh, oh. Brady pretends he knew this, just did not know Eric told Chloe.

She starts to leave, then admits to an ulterior motive. She beats around the bush a bit, but finally says she wants to buy Club TBD, which is being auctioned today, be her own boss, not relying on others for her livelihood, stability for Parker, lots of ideas, including adding a stage, Karaoke night. Brady thinks it great, agrees to give her the loan. She thanks him, he talks of her being a good friend, having a great voice, etc. and finally mentions being an ex-husband.

Chloe leaves, and Brady curses Eric, is very angry, seems about to take a drink, but smashes the glass. He is VERY angry.

At the center, Nicole has set to work, comes up with a proposal to get a grant, talks of a fund raiser, in comes Jason. He wants to thank Eric for talking to him at the hospital, tells Nicole how he was drunk, hit someone (who survived), but was so down on himself. Eric helped him, told of his own experience, was so kind. Jason has sworn he will never drink again, served his 6 mos. in jail, now is trying to find a job. But he did turn his life around, thanks again to Eric, and for that is grateful. Nicole gives him the business card for the center, says they find jobs for people at times. Jason leaves.

Nicole praises Eric for being so kind, so selfless, talking of how mean she always was to him, but he was kind to her. He does help others, all the time.

Abe was at the Pub, trying to talk Roman into coming back to the police force, commander. He says no. Abe tries harder, answer is still no. Roman asks why Abe doesn't resign as mayor, take the badge back himself. Then maybe Roman can run for mayor. Abe laughs, then asks Roman if he has any suggestions.

Back at the cop shop, the 4 detectives are standing around again, the mugging was routine, but is the 3rd one down at the docks this week. Abe walks in with the news that Roman turned him down. But he had a couple of suggestions. He looks at Hope.....Roman suggested Hope Brady....he turns to face her partner....and Rafe Hernandez!

Chloe walks into the Club, lots of empty folding chairs, figures perhaps this will be easier than she thought. Then Julie breezes in, sees Chloe. What are you doing here? Chloe replies she is there to bid on the club. So am I! responds Julie.

At the center, Nicole comes in to show Eric, the resume' she just got from Jason. She is next to Eric, he is reading it, she is sitting on the desk, yep, smoldering looks. Her hand is on his chest, he is bending his face closer to hers.
This show was a big letdown compared to movement and great writing/acting that has been shown as of late.

Can Julie's money even compete with Brady's loan? Maybe they will end up partners if the club is insanely priced, but I do not like that idea.
The government may have a minimum, but at an auction, you could get a real bargain.

Julie does seem to have $$$$, as she bought the Martin house, then gave it to Eli as a gift. So...the thing is, the Horton kids all have trust funds...Hope does, Jen, Julie, don't know about grandchildren, but Tom & Alice created those trusts for the kids long ago. Hope once bought a "Fancy Face" boat with hers, then she gave $100,000 to Aiden, plus donated to the hospital at times.

Meanwhile, Ciara was said to be having a great time in Hong Kong, according to what Hope told Doug. He wanted to know why Ciara was not back for the Fall term at college. This has me chuckling that Ciara is having a good time, visiting with her brother and his wife (Shawn & Belle) but THEIR daughter (Claire) is back here in Salem, all by her lonesome, with family to talk to at all. Such is life in Soap City. LOL
@macgyverswife, I'm a Brady fan but I too am growing weary of him being written as a jealous nit. However, Brady has that nagging feeling something isn't right and is continually jealous. But only we on this side of the screen are witness to the possible validity of his suspension as we are seeing the flirty vibes and facial innuendos flying back and forth between
Nicole and Eric.

This serves as the setup leading us, the viewers, to be prepared for the proverbial "writing on the wall" outcome. That being said, Brady does have reason, he just doesn't know it yet, but we do.
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So far, Brady has no reason to be angry at Eric, or jealous of Nicole. It has been unreasonable on his part. Heck, Nicole has had a lot of lovers, was married to Brady's grampa Vic, was in love with the now dead Deimos, ....was married to Lucas. Wonder if Nicole should be just as jealous of Brady and......oh, Chloe, to whom he just gave a big chunk of money, or Tate, who has to be a huge reminder of Theresa, and we could go on.

Just because WE have seen Eric's looks at Nicole or even his daydream about her, doesn't mean there has so far, been anything for Brady to get so upset. He, obviously is extremely insecure in the relationship, tho he did not used to be.

Does he think that Nicole working for Titan would change anything? Nicole has told Brady over and over how happy she is, how she loves their family, all she has wanted all her life.

If there is going to be a problem, Brady is going to cause it by his unwarranted actions, unreasonable jealousy.
Eenie, meenie, miney, mo: Pity poor Abe. His top in-house commissioner candidates and possible long-shots aren't exactly stellar: a convicted felon, a washed-up FBI agent who was an accessory to a serious crime, a woman who's afraid of goats, and a former window-smashing petty drug dealer. Perhaps, it's time for the old "nation-wide search" routine.

Stay focused: Chloe should have stuck to scrounging money from Brady for a possible TBD purchase. Instead, her loose lips have set Salem's most-jealous man off again. Thanks Chloe.

A grand old tradition: Abe should reconsider about taking over as police commissioner and letting Roman become mayor. Back in the nineteenth century, lots of city officials also ran saloons. Watching Roman "Boss" Brady run Salem from the Pub and grease the wheels of its bureaucracy with beer, chowder, Brady burgers, and Wanchai Ferry could be entertaining.

Hobby vs. Career: Hopefully, Julie won't get snippy about Chloe bidding on TBD. After all, she and Doug already have a career, cruising, while Chloe is badly in need of some way to spend the rest of her working life.

Occasion of sin?: Yes, Eric and Nicole work well together, but being in such close proximity to each other seriously ups the chances of an affair that will cause all sorts of problems.
Thanks, Poirot.

I think we all know the real reason why Roman didn't take the job. He's gotten
kissed twice at the pub. I'm sure he's hoping Ms Right will be there soon :)

I'm glad we're seeing Doug more. I was disappointed no flashback scenes
with Doug and Julie when they talked about Doug's Place. Probably because of
copyright laws for songs.

I was afraid Hope was going to smack Rafe when he mentioned wedding date.

I don't like the idea of Hope or Rafe being commissioner. I wish there
was another choice.
This Brady/Nicole/Eric love triangle has become really quite tiresome. :sad:

The two guys are Salem's biggest sourpusses. Nicole fuels the fire.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS
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Roman suggested Hope Brady....he turns to face her partner....and Rafe Hernandez!
This was the man who was going to restore integrity to the department? I can't say what I'm thinking here.
and Wanchai Ferry

I could watch Doug & Julie do recaps and be adorable all day. Seriously. But the Doug's Place story would track better if Scotty were in town, or even Sarah Horton.
Probably because of
copyright laws for songs.
It's not copyright laws, it's how expensive it is to use the licensed music. Days just can't afford it.

Even other daytime shows can't afford to use snippets. I remember one time Donny Osmond was on The Talk (on CBS) and was about to sing a line or two of an old song (Puppy Love, I think) and Julie Chen (the host) quickly blurted out "NO, don't sing it, we can't afford it!"
That happened on the tonight show a couple of times. Guest sang ONE line, host interrupted saying that is going to cost us a bundle!

Agree with KL, I think the best bet is going to be ELI. Days really doesn't have much choice. Heck Abe's son is dating/sharing an apt. with Hope's granddaughter, Rafe's brother is on the run & Rafe already lost his badge once for covering for sis, Gabi.

JJ is far too young, Lani is Abe's daughter.....Eli would appear to have no ties to anyone presently ON the force, and has a good record in FBI. Well, we will see, won't we.

Personally, I think Roman gave bad advice to Abe, and cannot fathom why Abe would even consider either of them, except he is evidently desperate.
Meh episode for me

Love Brady and Chloe together but I feel like I'm being teased. The show just doesn't seem invested.

Ditto with Eric and Nicole. What a wasted year with Daniel. What could have been. I think we all know this won't end well on account of the casting news that was posted here in another Daily Days forum.

Loved everything with Doug and Julie. They need to be on more often.

I do hope Chloe and Julie pool resources because it would give both characters a new purpose. Both are underutilized at the moment.

Anyone but Rafe or Hope for commissioner. I could have gotten behind either had it not been for the Stefano debacle.

And the fake angst the show is trying to create with this delayed wedding stuff is just silly and it makes no sense. Why have Hope accept the proposal if she doesn't intend to get married? They could have created more natural angst by having her not accept the proposal. I still think the show should have kept Shawn in Salem and have him be against Rafe. That would have created more natural angst for this couple instead of the forced angst we keep getting.