Days of Our Lives, Tues., Sept. 27, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Good show!! At the cop shop, Roman is filling in Abe on the events of yesterday, Clyde about to shoot Kate, Orpheus getting ready to do away with Marlena & Claire, John coming in, the two convicts getting away. Rafe & Hope are busy with something, Aiden comes along, wants to talk to them about the Stefano case. They go in another room.

Theo is there, wanting to talk to his dad, but Abe gets a call, will be right back.

In another room now, Aiden is going over some aspects of the case, Andre' stealing Hope's gun, but not getting rid of it, dumping the body in that warehouse, blah, blah. he leaves the room, Hope panics, talking of how she snapped, shot Stefano, dragged Rafe into it. He calms her down, Roman comes in, Hope & Rafe are a bit worried, but Roman assures him that suspicions are nothing, it is evidence, and Aiden has none. Aiden returns, tells the group that he really has nothing to bring to the grand jury, so is dropping it all, case closed.

At the doctor's office, the quartet anxiously await the doctor's results on the blood tests. He says emphatically that Deimos is not the father, Deimos doesn't believe it, the doc gives him a refrigerated box with left over blood samples, tells Deimos to take them to any one he chooses, re do the tests himself privately, but results will be the same. Philip & Chloe breathe sighs of relief, now Deimos can leave them alone. He is very upset, Nicole reminds him he said he would back off if the tests proved he was not the daddy, and wonders if she can trust him. They leave.

Kate comes in, telling her huge tale of running into Clyde Weston, being too late to get to the lab, Dr. Wright already picked up the results (mind you, there was a long series of flashbacks of them asking Kate to help them, get them switched, etc.). Well, now Phil & Chloe are both disbelieving, tell Kate that Deimos is not the daddy, Kate figures Chloe lied, had someone else, berates her, leaves. Now it is Phil's turn, he wanted to help, she lied to him, she is denying, cannot explain at all , doesn't know what is going on. Philip walks out in disgust, is through being a sucker.

Orpheus is bandaging himself up, Clyde is giving him a hard time, relates to Xander how they had guns on 3 women, but Orpheus would just not stop talking, and they lost their chance. They argue between themselves about plans, what they do, where they go after they take care of all those Salemites. Clyde says they need another hostage, ransom money, then use Joey for a shield, they need money & transport. Xander suggests they then go to the Kiriakis compound on Mykonus, his family won't be using it, they will all be dead. Big grins. Orpheus says they need different clothes now for their disguises. Clyde goes to see what he can rummage up. Evidently, because of the blackout, there is looting going on, so easy to get into places.

Abe returns, talks to Roman, looks around for Theo who is gone. Theo is in the room where he got his therapy, his mom took him there nearly every day. There is a young boy, Theo talks to him, tells him about all the time he spent there, his mom passing away, & he doesn't go to cemetery when missing her, comes here. Later, Abe finds him there, figured this is where he would be. (these are very good scenes). Theo is berating himself for not doing anything, was to take care of Thomas & Allie, the lights went out, they were upset, he did nothing. Abe assures him that just being there helped those kids, that he was there for them, and then Adirenne & Lucas came to help, right. Theo nods. Abe tells him his mom would be so proud of him, he has worked so hard to overcome his challenges, even getting into college. He says he doesn't tell him often enough, how very proud he is of him. Theo is starting to break down, is sobbing, as Abe embraces him warmly, telling him how much he loves him.

Deimos & Nicole arrive at the Kmansion, she sees the champagne in the bucket, Deimos thought he would be celebrating. They talk really seriously, Nik knows exactly how he feels, having lost her babies, every time she got pregnant. They talk lovey, dovey, and it is not long before they are on the sofa. In afterglow, with a throw covering them both, they drink champagne, with Deimos commenting how this bad news brought them closer. He talks of all the plans he had for his son, what a good mother she would be to him, how they would raise him together, teaching him things, he would take him to the office, Nik would take him to soccer games. He loves Nicole. They sort of double talk, but seems Nicole perhaps will move in after all.

Chloe is alone in the dr. office, trying to figure out those results. She & Philip never slept together, Deimos is not the father. You can actually see the lightbulb go on.....Oh, my gosh. That's it. That has to be it.

Rafe & Hope go to another room, where they hug, happy that the Stefano case has been dropped, they have no more worries. Hugs, a kiss.

And back in the original room, Aiden has picked up his phone, which he had left there, recording the conversations. He has his earbuds in, and is listening to Hope saying she shot Stefano, dragged Rafe in helping her cover it up, Rafe saying she did not drag him into anything.
Thanks for the summary. A good show indeed, full of lots of plot twists and turns! So Deimos isn't the father, but neither is Philip. Then who is? And now Aiden knows the truth. Well, this storyline is not gonna be one I look forward to, as I can't stand Hope & Rafe as a couple, or Aiden. Wish they'd have him be the hostage of the serial killers.

Too funny to see Clyde making fun of Orpheus and his "won't stop talking" act! This is what the audience has been saying!
So Deimos isn't the father, but neither is Philip. Then who is?
I really hope it's her former boyfriend, Bryce (who was only mentioned, but not seen). Maybe they had a post break-up game of mattress polo that she forgot about?

Would be funny if somehow she was secretly seeing Rex in Chicago. Kate would pop her cork.
I lost power at around 1:50 so I'm going to rewatch this one. I was also disgusted by the Deimos/Nicole stuff so now I can FF that. How long before it's revealed that Deimos has an adult child hidden somewhere? Way too many anvils about him wanting to be a father.

As usual, we see NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER between Hope and her granddaughter!! Hope should have been beside herself worried about Claire since she was held at gunpoint. A Shawn mention would have been good too. Hope was on the phone initially. When she hung up, she should have said she was updating Shawn and Belle. Instead, we get her getting all lovey dovey with Rafe and worried about the Stefano stuff that should have been resolved ages ago. FIX THIS!

I'm all for a twist in the baby storyline even if I don't like what it is. Today was the first day the storyline was even remotely interesting to me.
I really hope it's her former boyfriend, Bryce (who was only mentioned, but not seen). Maybe they had a post break-up game of mattress polo that she forgot about? Would be funny if somehow she was secretly seeing Rex in Chicago. Kate would pop her cork.
Here's another theory. Kate really did fix the test so that neither Deimos nor her formerly-shaggy son appears to be the the father of Chloe's baby. This way she'd get revenge on Deimos by depriving him of a much-wanted child and make Chloe look like a tramp who looks as if she's been consorting with the gardener, mailman, pool boy, plumber, etc., which causes Philip to drop her like a hot rock. Meanwhile, the Orpheus Gang continues to look like the Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight. (Somewhere John Dillinger must be shaking his head.) Not only have they now learned that their bullets didn't kill Steve, but their idea of new disguises is to put on clothes that are much like their earlier outfits. If they really wanted to change their look, why didn't they raid the Salem Armani or Brooks Brothers and cleverly disguise themselves as successful businessmen?
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I thought of the same thing during the show. Especially since yesterday, Kate arrived at the dr. office, which was empty, but was not there when the young people arrived. Now yes, she could have gone to the lab, discovered she was too late, as she said.

The thing is, at the end of the show today, Chloe gets a brainstorm of some kind. You get the impression she thought of some liason just BEFORE Deimos. Then again, maybe THAT was her brainstorm. (that Kate lied to them! )LOL
I'm actually hoping Deimos really isn't the father. But is Chloe that dense that she wouldn't remember sleeping with someone else around that time? Or maybe she is farther along than she thinks?

I loved what Aiden did! I am still hating what they are doing to Aiden but I love that he caught Hope! People get away with too much. But it's sad she will take down Rafe and Roman too. Of course she probably won't end up going down for it anyway. Still not liking Rafe and Hope either.
So Deimos and Nicole are doing their thing on the sofa? Where are all the other people who are staying at the mansion?

I'm curious about Chloe's light bulb moment.

I can't stand Aiden. Not really a fan of Hope and Rafe together, or what they did concerning Stefano, but I just want Aiden gone. I think/hope his trick with the secret recording will lead to his undoing.
Would be funny if somehow she was secretly seeing Rex in Chicago. Kate would pop her cork.
That would be a nice twist. I can't figure out if Kate is playing this up and lying through her teeth, or if Chloe actually "forgot" she had sex with someone else. (Who is she, Kate?) Or did she realise her calendar app is broken, and she has miscounted how pregnant she is? LOL

Hope/Rafe - please, go to prison. Aiden tricked you fair and square. Aiden - please leave town so you can't be further ruined. :)

Nice show today - didn't drag at all, even though some plot points are silly. I do love Clyde needling Orpheus though - that can keep happening forever!
I found it interesting that Deimos was so upset that at the idea of Chloe being with Philip a few days after him. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Deimos pretty much have Chloe near convinced to pack up with Parker and leave the country with him. Then when he realized Nicole may still be in the picture he dumped them, then ran off after Nicole like thirty minutes later. Double standards thy name is truly Deimos Kirakis.

As much as I enjoy watching the Unholy Three squabble and take digs at each other I have to say to I was Team Orpheus today. Yes the heinous Hillbilly had a point that the Big O (as I call him starting now LOL) does like to hear himself yammer but with a voice like that who can blame him. But I have to say the the Dixieland dirtbag was doing a fair share of flapping his gums as well. I've said it before but it bears repeating these boys need to take the time to watch The Incredibles and see what that film has to say about villains and "monologuing." I think they will find it quite educational.

I've been interested in reading the theories about Chloe's pregnancy since it appears that Deimos is the not the baby daddy after all. I think some of you are missing the most obvious explanation-which is so obvious it would be easy miss. That explanation is that the child is clearly a manifestation of the Force itself and will grow into a most powerful Jedi indeed. What other answer could there be?

Well I suppose I could be mixing up my love for Star Wars with "Days of Our Lives". No that would just be crazy.
I couldn't wait to come here to read everyone's theories on Chloe's baby daddy!

So Deimos and Nicole are doing their thing on the sofa? Where are all the other people who are staying at the mansion?
This crossed my mind as well!

I also enjoyed the villain trio even just in their hideout squabbling and coming up with disguises!
DrBakerFan, great idea that Kate did do something and lied. I thought it would be fun to have
a topic who's the baby daddy of Chloe's baby :)

Interesting to see the doctor give the blood samples to Deimos to run his own tests.

Clyde was funny talking to Orpheus, especially when he found out Steve alive and that he wasn't
the criminal mastermind he thought he was.

The villains talked about getting new disguises. They looked the same to me.

Why are so many police officers at the cop shop when looting is going on?

So Aiden taped Rafe and Hope talking about Stefano's murder. Did he get Roman
taped too? Will Aiden use the tape to make Hope move to Oregon?
I do not like Nicole with Deimos & I do not like Hope with Rafe. At least Deimos locked the door, but that was still ridiculous and in the past, others have entered that room through other ways.

Agreed about the 2 couples. I had the same thought about people entering from the door on the right side of the living room.

I thought it would be fun to have
a topic who's the baby daddy of Chloe's baby :)

Just started one before I saw this thread. Great minds.:)
Kate actually had me in laughter with some of her lines finding out Deimos really wasn't the father to Philip. The next scene it just already starts off with Kate saying "She has so many partners, one after another, who knows who the father is?" and Philip interrupts Kate so she stops. Reminded me of watching Two and a Half Men and Charlie Sheen talking to his crazy mother.

The thing is, when doesn't Kate lie? Kate can easily be lying, saying she arrived too late just so she can have some sort of leverage knowing who really is the father, maybe Deimos really is.

I enjoyed Deimos and Nicole as well, they definitely have the chemistry and it's natural. I am also glad it seems Chloe and Nicole's friendship is somehow surviving all this chaos. I just don't understand WHY won't Chloe get honest with Philip. There has to be another prospect.
I liked the show today, but why is Aiden, Rafe, and Hope so focused on Stefano's murder when there is a more pressing problem in Salem with the three criminals on the loose, power outages, and looting going on? There are bigger priorities at this time.

I am enjoying the squabbling between Clyde and Xander with Orpheus. Maybe they will eventually go out on their own if they can't work together.

I liked Abe and Theo's talk today. Theo remains to be the only teen that I am enjoying right now. I used to like Claire but she has become such a brat.

The baby story has become very interesting. I will say I hope Deimos is not the daddy after all. I would rather it be Bryce that others have mentioned. The one thing I do not want is Daniel's baby that Chloe was carrying as a surrogate for Daniel and Nicole.

How long before it's revealed that Deimos has an adult child hidden somewhere? Way too many anvils about him wanting to be a father.

I like the thought that Xander would be his son rather than his nephew, conceived before he went to prison. That might be good seeing him try to work with Xander, who has a lot of anger and other issues towards his family members.
I do not like Nicole with Deimos & I do not like Hope with Rafe. At least Deimos locked the door, but that was still ridiculous and in the past, others have entered that room through other ways.
Perhaps, Deimos has a supply of "Do Not Disturb Signs" that he can hang on any and all doorknobs of rooms where he happens to be trysting. The sight of such signs and the realization that that Deimos is likely "frolicking" within would probably be enough to send any other resident fleeing to the Pub or TBD with or without the threat of meeting the Orpheus Gang.
I loved what Aiden did! I am still hating what they are doing to Aiden but I love that he caught Hope! People get away with too much. But it's sad she will take down Rafe and Roman too. Of course she probably won't end up going down for it anyway. Still not liking Rafe and Hope either.
Aiden may not have such a valuable piece of evidence after all. Employers may place audio-recording devices in public areas of the workplace, but Aiden is not Rafe's and Hope's employer and his recording may be the result a legally-inadmissible warrantless search. And should he simply threaten to use the tape to reveal to one and all that Hope is a murderer, he's forgetting that many regard the shooting of Stefano as a public-service killing. Imagine Aiden's disgust as Mayor Abe declares a Hope Brady Appreciation Day after the tape goes public.
Why are so many police officers at the cop shop when looting is going on?
The better question is whether any cops are out on the street at all. Given the record of Roman's fearless force, they're probably over at the Brady Pub enjoying some chowder. And why not? History shows that most Salem bad guys show up there eventually.