Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015

We should call this episode "Angry Men" starring Victor, Ben, Clyde and Aiden.

Sad to see Victor in the den. I'm going to miss the bigger set.
They probably needed room for new sets. Too bad they
can't take away the park set.

I laughed when JJ talked to Eve about telling his mom and how
he bagged Eve.

Today Anne seemed like the "cool" one with everyone else running
around the hospital.

Why oh why was Jen out watching a movie when she should have
been at work? Interesting to hear Hope and Jen talk about the
book club.

Daphne asked Paige if she went to the New Year's party with
JJ in the park. The Park :rolleyes:

I wonder if Ben will save the Jordan. Or maybe Jordan
kicks Clyde where it hurts :)
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. I admire you for watching all of this ! And of course, for writing the summary.

Jordan, Ben, Abigail, Anne, Chad, Kate, the reporters, the press conference : This has got to be the most ridiculous press conference ever ! :rolleyes: Seriously, not only were they at the nurses' station, they all looked like a bunch of amateurs trying to play in the major leagues (and that's an insult to amateurs). Especially Jordan, Abigail and Ben. Wow ! And, like the journalists wouldn't notice everything that went wrong ! :rolleyes: Again : wow ! These scenes were as boring as they were stupid. And I guess I'm heartless, because I felt nothing when Clyde grabbed Jordan. She is stupid to go confront him, yet again. And alone ! The woman is beyond boring and stupid, she's just annoying. And I can't stand the tortured look anymore, either. Does anyone care about Jordan or anything she does or think ? I know I don't !

I commented about this farce of a press conference in yesterday's thread as it really bothered me. Do your research people! A limbo set would have been better.

And as awful as it sounds, I didn't feel anything for Jordan either when Clyde pushed her onto the bed. Her emotions are just not resonating with the viewers and if she is a rape victim, viewers should be feeling for her. Perhaps, if she didn't have the same exact look on her face in every scene, regardless of her emotion, I would feel differently.

I tuned out most of this one. I don't like any of the new sets except for maybe Nicole's "new" office though I'll probably get sick of it once they start overusing it. And the new KMansion set is way too busy. It looks like it belongs in a museum in Europe.

I fast forwarded but Jennifer and Eve both looked horrible. I didn't like the hairstyle on either woman and they really should put Jennifer in more colorful clothing. The off white sweater washed her out. But I do like seeing her in a more casual look. I'm tired of this stupid, repetitive, and vile storyline too.
Every time Jen-Jen & Eve are on the screen, I reach for the mute button.:sick::sick: Note to Eve, if you want to wear a snug dress, at least put on a "foundation" garment (that's what they called them when I was young) that way your glutes won't look like two puppies fighting under a sheet!!