Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr.16, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Oh, what a tangled web we weave....and those webs continue to be tangled even more, as Salemites stumble and bumble, don't let others talk, and get interrupted continually. JJ calls Paige, asks if maybe they can do something later, and they agree to meet in the park at 2 P.M. Abby overhears this, teases JJ a bit, he says no big deal, they are just friends, but not to tell mom, as she will start with the questions non-stop. Abby gets a text about Daniel being suspended, and the two take off for Daniel's.

And over there, as expected, Nicole beats around the bush continually, while claiming she wants to help Daniel, time to tell him everything, but she just won't. She begins talking of loving Eric so much, wanting to help him, Daniel keeps interrupting, he knows, yada, yada, she did her best against Chyka, and on and on. She keeps blabbing about it not being Theresa, maybe someone has missed something, but Daniel just won't let her finish, and then in come Abby & JJ, wanting to know if they can help. Daniel says Nicole was about to reveal a plan she has, but Nicole clams up, will talk to Daniel about it later. The kids figure it is thru her station, Daniel goes to check on Parker, Abby has left, and now JJ apologizes to Nicole for how he treated and talked to her back when.....he was messed up, etc. She says they are good, and decides to leave, will call Dan later. Out in the hall she is frustrated, remembering Liam's threats. JJ talks to Daniel, is willing to let Theresa send him to prison if it will help Daniel, who refuses, tells him to just go to school, study, live his life. He has to go meet Johanna with parker at 3. Uh, oh, JJ was supposed to meet someone at 2. He takes off.

At the mall, Chase comes up to Hope, gives her an envelope, a thank you note. His dad made him do it. He leaves for his school field trip, she reads the note aloud, smiles.

In the park, Paige wonders why JJ is so late, has not texted, and MaryBeth just continues to bad-mouth JJ, insinuating he found another girl. She finally convinces Paige to go to Club TBD for some drinks and they leave. When JJ arrives, no one there, he sends a text to Paige, asking where she is, saying he got held up.
At Club TBD MaryBeth continues to give Paige a hard time about JJ, but Paige asks her to drop it, goes for their drinks. While she is gone, JJ's text comes in, and Paige's phone is on the table. MaryBeth picks it up, sees the message and deletes it, with a smile.

Eric meets with his mom, and tho he takes his time, manages to tell her that, while he loves the church, and it's teachings mean everything to him, he has prayed a lot, and wants to be with the woman he loves. So, he and Nicole will be married, even though the church would be disapproving of her. Marlena just wants him to be happy, and if Nicole makes him happy, then fine.
Later, she is at the Pub with Aiden, thanking him for the recommendation. He gave none. Oh, she has a new patient, and thought it was because of him when he asked for her card. He lets her know he asked, for personal reasons, also noting that he has hesitated because Marlena seems to connected to nearly everyone in town in some way. She assures him that confidentiality is taken very seriously by her. Hope comes in, says hi, realizes she is interrupting, but Aiden & Marlena mention they worked on a court case of his. Marlena takes off, Hope sits down, joining Aiden.

Theresa comes to visit Brady, babbling, truly babbling about Daniel and how everyone thinks she is responsible and she isn't, Brady has to believe her, she was with him. He has no idea what happened, she fills him in about Daniel leaving the O.R. and found to be high on drugs. Brady insists Daniel would never ever do drugs. Theresa starts in on how maybe not an addict, but.....Brady, though is adamant. He calls Daniel to offer his support, asks a couple questions, but Daniel reminds him he is on hospital board, so Daniel cannot talk to him. Now Brady & Theresa go round and round again. Brady knows Theresa was with him that morning, but lets her know that Daniel is his very best friend, and he loves Jennifer very much. And he knows Theresa has had this thing against them since her first day in town. So, he believes her, but warns her that if he finds out that Theresa has in any way, the smallest way, had any part in what happened, he will crush her. Theresa leaves, seemingly on her high horse, still, but outside, is frantic. She recalls giving that key to Liam, says she did not do anything, but knows this all can come back to bite her. What to do, What should she do.

Liam is offering to help Jennifer with the press release, but she refuses. He talks of being her friend. Hope arrives, Jen goes to hug, is so happy. Liam is frustrated, but leaves, Jen talks to Hope about suspecting Theresa but no proof.
Later, Liam sees Jen at the nurses' station, comments on her seemingly not as upset. He goes on about knowing how heartbreaking it is to learn someone you care about has been deceiving, starts in about his wife, but Jennifer stops him cold. Just in case I have not made myself clear, I know Daniel very well, I believe in him, know he would not have anything to do with drugs. I trust him completely. She coldly leaves...Liam is not happy at all.

Nicole is walking in the square, Eric finds her, sees how upset she is. She talks of trying to help Daniel, Eric notes she is such a great friend, and she gets more upset. Everyone is saying she is a great friend, but she hasn't done anything. Eric tries to soothe her, that he knows she wants to help Daniel, but it has to be done the right way. She turns away, a half smile on her face, agreeing with him, slowly repeating...yes, it has to be the right way.

In his room, Liam is looking at a pic of Jen on his phone, talking to her aloud, berating her. You belong with me, not that son of a ***** Dr. Jonas. I could destroy him, in fact yes, that is what I will do. Destroy him. Now.
I enjoyed today's show but I felt like the scene between Nicole and Daniel was a rerun of when JJ tried to tell Daniel about Theresa. Some of Daniel's lines seemed to be exactly the same as what he said to JJ, we had the long preamble, the interruption and the message not being delivered after all. I liked JJ's apology to Nicole. I personally think since she kept JJ's secret JJ could keep her secret and he and Daniel and Nicole could work on taking Liam down together (even though I agree with Daniel that JJ needs to live his life and not sacrifice himself by getting in the middle of this.) It was nice to FINALLY get a JJ/Daniel scene though I wish they'd talk when it's not about something to do with Theresa.

Brady seems to be coming to his senses. ITS ABOUT TIME. I wonder if Jen is beginning to be suspicious of Liam? She should be, he shows up every time something happens. I'm glad at least she is unequivocally supporting Daniel, at least at this point. Theresa had better come forward about that key. Nicole had better come forward about Liam. She should have told Daniel that first and told him about the shreds afterwards. I want to see her redeem herself.

I wouldn't mind if MaryBeth went off to that tropical island Sami wants to send Nick to. Also Paige should have had her phone with her, not left it on the table.

Marlena and Aiden should have been talking in her office, not in public where Hope could walk in on them. I hope that still happens.
Liam is certainly coming across as creepy. I hope Jen is picking up on that. Get so tired of someone trying to tell something important and the other person keeps interrupting or saying I know what you want to say. You do not so stop it!! Arrgh. It's frustrating. Happens so much. I must have missed something, but why did Theresa have a key to Daniels apartment anyway?
I think we were discussing this the other day as well, but before Theresa's OD happened Theresa got ahold of Daniel's keys and made herself a copy. She used the key once I think and stole a picture of Jen and Daniel that was broken (JJ had thrown it down because he was angry about them being together when he used Jen's key to let himself and his friends in while Daniel was away.) The key was not seen again until she gave it to Liam.
Liam wonders what's wrong with darling Jen -- obviously he hasn't been watching the show. As for Ms. Priss's arch-enemy Theresa, her reputation now seems to be so bad that Salemites would probably believe she was responsible for the Great Chicago Fire, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and the Salem Tunnels explosion. Finally, Heroic Muse is on target about high school brat girl Mary Beth. If she was a few years older, most viewers would probably agree that a fitting punishment for her would be to become involved with Tricky Nicky or weirdo Liam.
I hope they are building up to sweeps.

I wasn't surprised Nicole didn't get to tell Daniel the
truth about Eric, the papers, etc again

I enjoyed Liam when he left Jen's office and he tried to knock down the wall.

Chase was cute when he gave Hope the thank you note.
I must say the last 2-3 weeks have been extremely boring aside from the wedding. Not much movement on anything.

I too was wondering why Marlena and Aiden were having a private discussion in a public place but I guess Jen was using Marlena and Hope's office.

I see no use for Mary Beth either except to take time away from a vet on the back burner.

Sadly I don't think Jen is on to Liam yet. This is going to be a game of "Who in Salem will come to Jen's rescue" When Liam ultimately cracks?
Thanks for the summary. I didn't bother watching yesterday because the show had been SO slow lately, besides the wedding, and I was right: yesterday was no exception. I am sick of bad or mean people like Mary Beth, Liam and Theresa getting all the airtime instead of the vets. But, I am glad to read Abigail doing something that didn't revolve around EJ, and Brady coming to his senses and threatening Theresa.