Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 26, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Missed the first 10 minutes, but evidently JJ finds a disheveled Lani in the park, sitting on a bench. Her stockings are torn, clothes ripped, she only remembers meeting Snake, him taking her to a room in the Salem Inn, giving her a glass of champagne, she only took a few sips, room began spinning, and then she only remembers running thru the woods. She asks JJ to take her home, he insists the hospital to be checked out, she realizes he means she may have been raped.

Jade is moving out, lots of very large boxes, Joey doesn't think it a good idea about moving in with Tripp. She goes to get more stuff, Steve arrives, Joey fills him in, gets a call from his lab partner and leaves. Jade returns, Steve wants to take her shopping for a few things for her new place. They go, yak about a can opener, some other stuff, she assures him she won't tell Tripp the truth about how Ava died.

Abby meets her mom for lunch, they have a nice mother/daughter talk, as Jen learns that Abby has Thomas for the day, has rented a place for herself at the Martin House, Julie's old place, the new owners have decided to rent again. Jen also learns of Abby's new job at the P.D. and Abby learns that her mom is "good friends" with Eric Brady, both finding their way now, which is hard after addiction.

Steve meets with Tripp, they talk of Tripp's fight and being arrested, Tripp blaming Roman, as he only wanted to celebrate. Steve talks of how he always got into fights, that because of how his old man treated him, pushed him around, hit him, he felt as tho he was punching him. But it never really worked. And what helped him was finding a good, wonderful woman, who made him want to be a better man, and have a family, and he swore he would always be a better father to his kids, and that includes Tripp now, too. He leaves, Tripp reflects a bit.

Chad talks with a babysitter, at his home, learns Abby took Thomas for the day, left a note. He tries calling her, but Abby is with Jen and won't answer. Later, Kate & Lucas are there, business meeting, they wind it up, Lucas leaves. Kate launches into her "taking care of Chad" mode, then suggests they can recoup some money they lost, via dealing with stolen antiquities direct with the suppliers. Chad is not fond of the idea, but caves at Kate's persuasive arguments, they toast it, as Abby comes in, overhearing part of it. Abby stays out of the room til kate leaves it, comes in. She is not happy that Chad has agreed to going illegal, not what he promised for Thomas's legacy. She is disappointed and leaves.

Lani is in the hospital, Kayla has run tests. JJ wants Lani to take time off, she doesn't want to. Kayla tells JJ the rape kit came back negative, which is good, but that Lani will probably still have emotional/mental issues to deal with. However, they were unable to identify the chemical in her system, so sent the sample to the FBI.

Steve meets with Kayla, tells her about Jade moving out of the loft, but in with Tripp. He mentions Jade's promise not to tell, but they are both wary of that. He tells of Tripp's feelings about his dad, and how he, now, cannot be telling Tripp what to do. Kayla agrees, and says maybe he can't, but she can.

Lucas is at the Pub, runs into Anne. He has had a rough work week, she is sympathetic, especially as she knows Adrienne is out of town. Lucas agrees, but she is with her sons, but he still misses her. Anne suggests he sit with her, and eat French fries (comfort food??) and he does. They have a nice friendly time over the fries, have a friendly argument over the last fry, lol. Lucas leaves, and the shocked & indignant Jennifer, who has been watching and listening marches over, grabs that last French Fry, and warns Anne to stay away from Lucas, that she is going to be keeping an eye on her. Jen takes the buggy with Thomas in it, and is out the door.

JJ is out of the room, Lani gets a call from Snake. He is asking how she feels, she says she has been better, what happened. He will tell her later. She doesn't say she is in the hospital, he is talking of meeting up with her again. JJ has poked his head in the door, Lani hangs up, saying she will see "you" later, tells JJ that was her father, checking on her. She told him she will be home soon.
Yes, it does seem like the show just stopped.. and is staying in place, with a little story here or there, that is practically done and over in a few days, or unnecessary scenes thrown in. I mean, the conversations with Jade/Joey and the "move" just were not necessary, but there they were. The scene with Chad and the baby sitter......nope, not necessary. What happened to Lani should have been included, and wasn't.

As nice and good as it was to see Lucas, and as fun as it is to see Anne, those are more filler scenes.

By the way, Jen & Abby mentioned "Dad" as they talked. I was glad to know he is not forgotten.
Jen was completely inappropriate in speaking to Anne like that. Especially as Anne recognized that Lucas is with Adrienne.

Though yes I do see a triangle coming because of this, just so St Jen can be correct.
Just a few comments about today's featured Salemites.

Daddy Steve: Instead of a house plant, he bought Little Trippy and NuJade a can opener. He might have scored more points if he'd done what fan-favorite Rory would have done -- given them a dozen potted pot plants.

Jenny: She actually claimed that she and Anne "work together." Really? When was the last time Jenny showed up at the Spectator or even mentioned the newspaper that she supposedly owns?

Lani: Based on her appearance, she really should get out of undercover work. What she should do is join Granny Hope on the desk squad where she could discuss life, love, and anything else but police work.
Abby has Thomas for the day, has rented a place for herself at the Martin House, Julie's old place, the new owners have decided to rent again

So, Julie owned the place, sold it to Kate, who sold it to someone else. This explains why Kate and Andre are at the DiMansion?

Or did Kate figure she could make money renting it out?

Or am I wasting time trying to figure this show out?

I'm going with wasting my time.
Lucas leaves, and the shocked & indignant Jennifer, who has been watching and listening marches over, grabs that last French Fry, and warns Anne to stay away from Lucas, that she is going to be keeping an eye on her. Jen takes the buggy with Thomas in it, and is out the door.
Colour me bummed that I missed this scene. The first half hour bored me to such tears, I decided to be productive and do Laundry instead.

Side note: Tomorrow's summary may be up a bit late, and may be a bit rushed. I'm interviewing an intern for my non-profit at 2:15 and I am working for various reasons I can't control until 12 (and then it's 50 minutes before I'm home). So I'll squeeze Days 37 minutes somewhere in between that.
I wonder if we will see the Martin house again or we will just know who lives there?

I think Jen Jen talked to Anne just to get the last French fry since Jennifer only
had a salad for lunch :)

So Snake called Lani and she lied to JJ who it was. Oh well, that's the Salem way.

Is this the first time we've seen purple sheets in Salem? Interesting color to use in
a hospital.

Abigail wasn't thinking when she left Chad a note that she took Thomas, then she
didn't answer her phone when he called.

Line of day goes to Kate and Chad when they made the toast. Kate: "To making
money the old fashioned way." Chad: "Stealing."

Since I don't have smart phone, when a person hits ignore when they get a
phone call, does the caller know that?
Steve, et. al., would be wise to prepare for Jade's inevitable betrayal of his genius son. It's a "she said, he said" situation, unless they give Jade an opportunity to record something incriminating. As for Joey, who is the weak link, I hope Steve fully advises him of life behind bars.

Abby's dress reminds me of a beautiful shirt (roses with black stripes) that I have stashed somewhere. It would be good to wear to a disco party. :drunk:

The DiMansion living room drapes are still hanging in there. :rolleyes:

No longer care for Kate's pumpkin leather jacket; the high-cut back is too nouveau for me.

Why is hair/makeup graying Lucas? :rolleyes:

The "Salem Leather Boutique" must be a having huge sale.
I loved the Jennifer-Anne scene. Perfection. Jen also referred to Lucas as her brother so A+ for that.

Meanwhile, JJ and Kayla also shared some nice scenes but JJ referred to her as Kayla instead of as Aunt Kayla. We know he and Abby have called her Aunt Kayla in the past so F- for that. Especially on a day when Jack gets more mentions than Daniel.

Speaking of Kayla, I need her and Steve to have actual stories outside of Tripp and Joey. It was good to see Dr. Kayla again. Let's give her some meaty hospital related stuff. Let's get Marlena in to counsel Lani too.

Kate needs to move out of the DiMansion and Chad's orbit immediately.