Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 25, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Replay of Paul's mother dropping her cup of tea as she is introduced to Marlena. She apologizes, says she didn't realize the cup was so hot, is not usually so clumsy. Marlena is sorry, says she is glad to meet her, and then says something about Paul finally telling her who he is. She gets huffy, doesn't need anyone to tell her about her son, grabs her coat, tells Paul she will wait for him outside. Marlena tells Paul she did not mean to upset his mother, Paul brushes it all off, but goes to join his mother.
She is ticked at Marlena, calls her a shrink, but Paul asks how she knew Marlena was a psychiatrist. She claims she checked on the hospital personne online, once she knew he was having his surgery there, figured he might be talking to a psychiatrist, so wanted to check credentials. Paul admits he did talk to her a couple times, but there is a conflict of interest, the writer of the article is her grandson. Tori once again urges Paul to leave for San Francisco tonight, now. but he is determined to stay in Salem, asks her to stay a few more days.

Hope talks to Ciara, who will be home soon (in the square), tells Aiden, he has to go see client Ben Rogers, will see her later. She meets up with Marlena, they have tea as Hope talks of this being first time Ciara has been away for so long. And it brought to Hope's mind the time when Ciara was kidnapped. She recalls how Ciara never said anything about it when she came back, but later, suddenly, there were nightmares, screaming during the night, and then, suddenly, they stopped. She is now worried that Ciara might now be reminded of that time when she was gone from home. Marlena figures Ciara has put it out of her mind, and if she is enjoying herself, probably won't be reminded at all.

Chad has come to see Jordan at the hospital, she is busy, but agrees they do have to talk. Perhaps after she sees a patient. Chad wants to go see Sonny, but eavesdropping Kate barges in, they should talk now, as he won't be able to see Sonny. Jordan goes to see her patient, Kate & Chad face off. In her snide and snarky way, Kate manages to bring up Rafe, how Chad worried about him, and how just after Rafe showed up with a warrant at the DiMera house, a letter was delivered to the P.D. which got him fired. Chad evades, but Kate knows he wrote the letter, hated Rafe, wanted Jordan, so got him fired. Jordan has come back, hears this, is it true? Kate grins, has to leave you two lovebirds to sort this all out.
Jordan is very angry, Chad starts to deny, then admits, yes he wrote the letter. She is furious, moans about how stupid she was, everyone told her the kind of person Chad was. She kept defending him. We are over, done. She runs off.

Over at the Edge of the Square Club, Abby has come in, Rafe greets her, Ben is bartending, doing terrific. Yada, yada. Ben mentions the assault charge hanging over his head, and his attorney coming soon. Eventually, Aiden is there, talking to his client, who refuses to say what it was that Chad said that had him go after Chad. Aiden is frustrated, but Ben is not going to tell a judge & jury in public what that scum said. Abby interjects that it was something personal, comparing herself and Ben's sister. Aiden gets the picture, says the guy deserves a punch. He doesn't know why the D.A. wants to go ahead with this, despite Chad dropping the charges. But he thinks the case would be dismissed. He leaves, Jordan arrives to tell Rafe she & Chad are over, she learned he got Rafe fired. Rafe is rather non-committal about it. just shrugs, but Jordan is still ticked. Later, she sits with Abby, tells her what happened.
Abby goes over to ClubTBD where Chad is drowning his sorrows. She confronts him, but Chad doesn't have much to say. Finally gets up, says he is leaving.

Hope meets up with Aiden, tells him all about the Ciara kidnapping and aftermath, and how she talked to Marlena. He wonders why, she explains about the nightmares & screaming, that suddenly stopped, but could start up again, even though it has been years. Aiden realizes Hope was not only talking of Ciara to Marlena, but had Chase in mind. Hope admits this is true. But she tells Aiden all they can do is love and take care of their children, and always try to protect them. Aiden takes her hand, is happy he has Hope in his life.

Marlena runs into Kate at the hospital, asking about Sonny. Kate says Will is in with him now, but Marlena presses as to how Sonny is doing. Kate starts to say "you don't know, do you", but Marlena lets her know she does know. Kate thinks with Paul gone, things will smooth over, but Marlena says no, he is still here, just saw him.

Will and Sonny are still going at it. (these are all very good scenes).
They do go back and forth a lot, accusing, defending. Sonny is very hurt, but evidently so is Will, who is emphatic that he knew nothing of Paul & Sonny's connection, and that Paul had no idea Will was Sonny's husband. Will points out that Sonny was with Paul and proposed just before he came back to Salem. So, did that love just disappear? He angrily comments that Sonny then took up with the first guy who came along. Sonny denies this. Then wants to know why Paul did not know Will was married. Now Will has to admit taking off his ring, which ticks Sonny off, Will explains about the editor not wanting him talking about his personal life....because he was gay, and that the super athlete might get uncomfortable.
Will is wanting to know if Sonny can ever forgive him, ever. But Sonny says he just cannot take this anymore, not any more. Will takes his coat, looks sadly at Sonny, who has closed his eyes.
Another great episode about Will and Sonny. At least they seemed to be communicating which they both have not done in a long time. Sonny said he did love Paul and asked him to marry him, but Paul was the reason they didn't. Sonny also said he truly loved Will when they got married. Will tried to explain and seemed to be getting through to Sonny, but kept sticking his foot in his mouth. I believe it was when they talked about Arianna things began to turn. Sure Sonny was hurt and angry, but in the end being so tired and not wanting talk about any more I believe he still loves Will and when Will left said I love you Sonny.
I partially agree JS, but I felt this "secret" of Hope's was more in-line with the story. I bet this is the last we ever hear about Chase & his mother. :wink:

I hope when Sonny opens his eyes, it's the day after their wedding, and this has all been a rancid dream. (Please allow me this delusion for a few minutes.)

Marlena was wonderful. Meanwhile I wanted her to give Kate the business when Kate got uppity about Roman/Marlena/John. If Kate lived in a glass house, she'd be shredded by now.

Elsewhere, I hope Kate stops meddling in Jordan's lovelife (WHY is she still after her anyway??) long enough to remember she's a CEO of DiMera. I mean, if she wants someone as pathetic and washed-up as Paul out of town, what's stopping her from giving him a big endorsement deal in, say, the Riviera? Or France? Or Pluto?? Just askin’!! :)

I do like Rafe having varied interactions with different sections of the cast, but man why can't the writers give him a dang story??

I was really hoping this Tori thing would move along. No such luck for me.

OK, another rant about this dumb Will stuff - WHY would the subject of the interviewer's personal life ever come up? I've conducted interviews, I've given interviews...AND NEVER have I ever "turned the tables" during an interview!! (And yes, I'm talking about media interviews, for papers, mags, TV, etc!!) Will's job was to write an article about Paul. Here's how this should have gone:

Will: Tell me about your personal life.

Paul: You tell me about your personal life.

Will: This article is about you, not me. Tell me about your personal life. The fans are dying to know!!

Athlete or no, I don't understand why Zoe/Mr Howe/Harper whatever felt it necessary to hide Will's personal life. Other than to serve DA PLOT. (Makes me sick.) :sick:
Thanks for the summary. Definitely great scenes involving Will, Sonny, Kate and Marlena, and Paul and Tori. But the rest of the show was boring. I'm glad that Jordan knows the truth about what Chad did, and yet I can't bring myself to care about her at all, even after all of this time of her being on the soap. The stuff with Chad, Ben, and Abigail is also beyond boring, and I still wish that Rafe was doing something more interesting than chatting with the kiddos. I'm glad Aiden is being used in a good way, though, connecting him to other characters in Salem and with him actually working.
Could someone please fill me in on Ciara's kidnapping? Wasn't that also something Bo tried to cover up or had visions or some crazy thing?
Hope DID refer to Zack when talking to Aiden, so he knows all about that. Hope was mainly talking to Aiden about the AFTERMATH of Ciara's kidnapping. I think Aiden already knew that had happened as well.
I guess, while we only see a few minutes of characters' days, THEY do spend time together, exchanging information.
Will certainly believes in the old saying: "the best defense is a good offense." His problem is that his "offense" isn't particularly good, consisting of the same sort of lame, recycled excuses and explanations that have been used in the past by Salem's professional cheaters. As for today's question about why the D.A. is pushing so hard in the Ben assault case, isn't the answer obvious? Barracuda Melinda Trask gets so few cases because of the hopeless Salem P.D. that she has to make the most of the slim pickings that wash up on her desk. Finally, Paul may or may not need counseling because of the sudden end of his baseball career, but anybody who would prefer the nasty little scorpions' nest called Salem to San Francisco surely needs some professional help.
I could not believe Will tried to use "This never would have happened if you had been honest with me." Wow, seriously? It's Sonny's fault you cheated? I think it will take Sonny awhile to forgive.

It seems to be heading to John maybe being Paul's dad. Mom certainly freaked to see Marlena.

I think Chase will remember sometime. Something will happen that sparks his memory.
There were several things I enjoyed on today's show.

Kate called Jordan, Tammy Sue. I always laugh when she does that.

Kate mentioned to Marlena about what she did when she was married to Roman.
Oh my....

Sonny told Will "only the son of Sami Brady" LOL

It was interesting to know Chase and Ciara coming back from San Francisco.
Tori wants to go back home there.

I'm glad Jordan knows who Chad really is. Why did it take her so long?

I wonder what happened to Aiden's office. He had his meeting with Ben
in a bar. Interesting since Aiden had to take a bar exam to become a lawyer :)
Too much to hope Arianna shoots Will accidentally in front of Chase?

OK, off to the corner I go....

You know I can actually see that happening during the inevitable Arianna/Chase/Ciara triangle that will probably happen next year when they are all aged to be about sixteen. :)

So it sounds like Ciara's kidnapping was basically the plot of Ransom (the 1995 Ron Howard remake) thus ends the movie trivia portion of the post.

Did Kate think Chad or Jordan had forgotten who Gabi was? Why else would she feel the feel the need to refer to her as "Rafe's sister Gabi?" It always bugs me when they do stuff like that when we know these characters are acquainted with one another. It's just a pet peeve.
Hope seems to be forgetting that Ciara didn't have a chance to react or say anything about the kidnapping because Hope traumatized Ciara further. She took Ciara away from Bo and ran away to some hotel. Then she changed Ciara's school without discussing it with Bo, then when she got back she told Bo they weren't coming home and didn't know where she was going.

Victor intervened and Hope agreed to stay at Victor's instead of leaving town again. Then the whole Night-time Hope fiasco started and it ended with Hope trying to harm her husband. I wonder if Hope has told Aiden all of that. I bet not. If Ciara remembers the kidnapping then she will remember the events that took place afterwards, too.
I partially agree JS, but I felt this "secret" of Hope's was more in-line with the story.
I guess I was looking at along the lines of how Chelsea accidentally killed someone she loved, how Bo initially tried to hide it and how the fallout touched so many. I could kind of see the parallel with how Chase accidentally killed Meredith and why Aiden did what he did to cover up Chase's involvement.
I guess I was looking at along the lines of how Chelsea accidentally killed someone she loved, how Bo initially tried to hide it and how the fallout touched so many. I could kind of see the parallel with how Chase accidentally killed Meredith and why Aiden did what he did to cover up Chase's involvement.

I agree with you. I was very disappointed that the discussion didn't center around Zack. Aiden could have already known about Zack yet not known the details of it. I was disappointed in general to see Hope and Aiden back in Salem so suddenly. It's as if the entire beach house storyline has now been swept under the rug. Why have Bree and why pull out that large house set? Makes no sense.