Days of Our Lives, Wed., July 23, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Looks like Sami is definitely wavering. Gramma Caroline is trying to make Sami let go of her anger as Sami rants and raves about seeing the picture, how she stared at it, the loathing she felt for EJ, the determination to make him pay. She cries & sobs, as she snarls about naked bodies, how she hated to have EJ touch her, kiss her, wanting her lips to be Abby's. Caroline tries to make her see that she should have let it all out instead of bubbling inside her.She really tries to make an unwilling Sami see that her family is worth putting this all behind her, while Sami moans how EJ broke their family. She cannot understand why Caroline is taking this path, defending EJ, until Caroline comments it is because she is EJ. This is what she did. She slept with victor, that one time, cheated on Shawn. (Caroline, things are not the same). It was only the once, but she kept it all inside, and kept her family together. She shows Sami her family picture with EJ & the kids, telling her this is all worth it. Caroline takes her leave, Sami pulls herself together, as Allie comes home.

Seems EJ picked up Johnny early to go for ice cream, but she did not want to go, wanted to come home and finish her project. She gives it to Sami. It is a photo scrapbook entitled the "best day of my life"....and is filled with pictures of Sami & EJ's wedding, ones Allie took with her phone. She talks of how they are all really a family now. and to further tug at Sami's heartstrings, as they turn pages in the book, there is a paper crane, one that EJ helped Allie make, #149. You have to make a thousand for good luck. Sami asks when they started this, and Allie says the night Nick was shot, relating how they spent hours. Sami is murmuring "so EJ makes paper cranes"...she thanks Allie for the gift, and tells her she loves her so much.

EJ is in the square with Johnny, who spots Rafe, runs over, big hugs, missed him. EJ watches, then calls Johnny to finish his ice cream, then goes over to Rafe, knows Rafe knows what happened, is giving him one shot to say his piece. Rafe shrugs. EJ tries to needle him, but Rafe won't take the bait. He figures Sami will be sufficient in whatever is planned, but EJ very firmly notes that he, Sami & their children are all living at home as they should be, and are fine.

Jennifer is telling JJ how Eve & Jen are going to court, going to get ugly, but she wants war. Abby comes along, hears what is up, figures it is not fair. Jen manages to tell how Eve then went flirting after Daniel just to get to Jen. Abby thinks she has to be stopped, JJ is not saying much at all.

Jordan & Ben are at the club, talking about a meeting with Clyde, and they have to find out what he is up to. Clyde arrives, they all sit, but Ben has to work. Clyde suggests then that he & Jordan go for a walk. Ben objects (Abby arrives and sees them) but Jordan says it will be o.k, she will see Ben later, and leaves with Clyde. In the park, they talk a bit, ir circles so we don't really know what the heck is going on with them, but Clyde wants to resume his relationship with Tammy Sue & Ollie, as he promised his wife before she passed. Jordan gets a bit ticked off that he thinks bringing up her mama will soften her up, but Clyde knows he made some mistakes, acknowledges this, and wants Jordan to accept this.

Abby talks to Ben, thinks he is disgusted with her after what she told him, because he rushed out. Nope, has not changed a thing. Over, done with, he had to leave because of something else, nothing has changed to how he feels about her. She asks if whatever he had to do had anything to do with that man Jordan left with.

Clyde meets up with Kate and more beating around the bush between them, as Clyde mentions Rafe, has researched Kate, knows she dated him before Jordan began, and figures Kate has some reason she showed up in Clyde's town, to tell him where his kids were. He insinuates that there is more or something that Kate can still do for him, in re: his kids, who he claims were delighted to see him again. :rolleyes:

At the hospital, Kayla talks with Hope about the gala, when Aiden shows up. He has something to talk to Hope about, Kayla gets a call, he asks Hope for some receipts she still has for the report he is making to Father Louie. She gets the bunch from her purse, drops them on the floor, both are picking them up, hands touch, awkwardness, Kayla returns, Aiden leaves.
Kayla talks to Hope, mentioning this mission, adventure, crusade or whatever that her brother is on, but face it, he has been gone for two years. She figures Hope should be so mad, heck, she is mad at her brother. Hope says to face it, Bo has deserted her & Ciara. Kayla says something about Hope meeting this guy now, Hope denies it vehemently, saying that she thought he was such a big jerk, so it is great to see he is really a nice guy. She rushes off, Kayla smiles.

Aiden shows up at the Horton house, to get JJ's community service report. JJ gives it to him, has been working extra hours wanting to get it all done before college starts. He mentions to Aiden his mom upset about this lawsuit, and how the other party is his girlfriend's mother, who is not too happy. Aiden wishes him well with his girlfriend, but then says harshly that whatever he does, don't rush into marriage, it will be something you will always regret. Aiden leaves, apologizes for what he said, and reflects a bit outside before he takes off.

EJ sits with Johnny in the square, as Johnny plays with a remote control airplane, (??)eventually it goes down, and Johnny runs to fix it, just as Jen comes around the corner. She says hi to Johnny, we hear him say hi back, and now Jennifer quietly lets EJ have it, both barrels. She reviles him, and what happened with her daughter, EJ more or less lets her rant. She calls him a despicable pig, and says that what Sami has done/said to Abby was terrible, but she herself would pay for a ticket to watch what Sami does to him.

Kate is waiting for Rafe, having gotten his text. He just wanted to tell her that Jordan is going to tell him now all about her past, and he feels he should do the same, since they both want to be honest. So, he is going to tell Jordan about sleeping with Kate. She is taken aback, but Rafe is adamant, will not change his mind.
But now he has another question. Why did Kate hook up with Sami to bring down EJ & Stefano. She makes a few flimsy excuses, but Rafe nochalantly notes that she had told him that all Stefano did to her after Ian was behind her. And he figures what does she have, maybe 6 months? And then Stefano will be coming for her. He wants to know why she went in with Sami on this, what was it?
Kate finally was for you, o.k.? It was for you, after what he tried to do to you.
You forgot a small part at the end:
Ben ends up telling Abby he can't lie anymore: confesses the guy Jordan left with his is dad, and Jordan is his sister. Abby has a confused look on her face. Then EJ and Johnny come home, Sami is doing work on a tablet, EJ wants to give her some privacy but Sami calls out his name and he stops, they look at each other.

Personally, the only scenes I liked were the Hope and Aiden ones. So much chemistry there...nice to see Kayla there and realize the growing attraction between the two, and voice her disappointment in Bo. Seems like she may take Hope's side. I also loved seeing Johnny and Rafe and that whole part with Rafe and EJ, and also Jennifer ripping into him for the Abby affair.

Didn't like Sami's constant whining, and hated Caroline trying to defend EJ. And while it was nice seeing Allie (especially with her mother), the EJ propping was almost as bad as when Will did it...the best day of Allie's life was when EJ married Sami, not when Lucas came back over two years ago and her parents reunited??? Not when Rafe married Sami, even? What is this contrived CRAP!? And don't even get me started on the paper cranes, and the ending...ugh!

I like that Ben is starting to tell Abby the truth. Let us hope she doesn't care...if she does, she will be as sanctimonious as her mother, especially since Ben is fine with knowing Abby had an affair with EJ months ago.

Everything with Kate today was just filler. Same with Jordan. But I can see now that Rafe will realize Kate "loves" him. At least that truth will come out.

I like JJ and Aiden talking. It was nice to see. Funny he mentioned those horrible "Real Housewives" shows.
I love Caroline... but I'm not sure I can take her as a cheerleader for the Golden couple.....But oh well..... for some reason I thought EJ would be released on Bail/house arrest.... I've been out of town two days and haven't seen Monday or Tuesday... guess he is free to take his one child out... did Sydney even get a mention???
Looking forward to getting caught up tonight.... thanks for the summary....
So EJ and Allie have made 149 cranes and Sami doesn't even know they make them? Typical good mommy Sami. Allie also says "EJ says we have all the time in the world to finish the 1000 ", or " EJ says we have forever", one of the two, I forget.

I don't see how, after today, they can put Kayla into a love triangle with Aiden and Hope.
daysdg.....honestly, I did not see either of the two scenes you mentioned. Hmmm, wonder if I got an extra commercial. LOL But thank you for adding them. :)

While I like Caroline being there for her granddaughter, helping her to let it out and finally cry.....I detested her trying to make Sami forgive EJ and work things out.
I also wondered where the heck was Sydney. And since when is Allie saying they are all one big happy family now. Boo, hiss.

And yes, Sami should ask EJ to take up lodging elsewhere. What about that apartment he used to occupy? across the hall from where Sami used to live.
I find it hard to believe Johnny and Allie have no clue what's going on with EJ.

EJ DiMera being arrested and thrown in the pokey is big news in Salem and those kids have no idea?? You'd think one of the kiddies at camp (at the very least) would've said "hey, DiMera.... I saw your daddy's picture on the news last night" or "hey, Allie, my mommy says your stepdad got arrested".
I knew it was too good to last. I don’t want Sami to bottle up her anger either, but forgiving EJ and getting back together with him is not the answer. EJ will just do this to Sami again. Also, why is Sami not allowed to be angry at least for a little while? I can’t believe Kate, of all people, is the only one on Sami’s side, even if it is for her own motives.
If Sami takes him back and he betrays her again somehow, I will have even less sympathy for her than I do now. It will be her fault, as it is now. She knew and knows exactly who EJ is, just needs a man in her bed and since he is the only one who wants to be there she will be easier on him. However, I still am not entirely convinced she will take him back. Be softer on him, maybe. But I think she still wants Rafe for herself.
I didn't think Caroline was defending EJ as much as she was saying that Sami's rage wasn't good for Sami or the kids, which I agree with. I thought these were fantastic scenes and it was nice to see Caroline actually being part of a storyline. I also tend to think if a character's point of view makes sense for that character, even if I disagree with it I enjoy the scene, and I thought Caroline was very in character with what she said. I only wish Nicole had someone who was willing to talk to her the way Caroline talked to Sami instead of immediately condemning her without any attempt to understand why she does what she does.

I loved seeing Kayla be supportive of Hope. I also really loved her necklace that matched her scrubs. For once there was some tasteful jewelry and clothing choices. :clap: Too bad Hope was wearing those awful (in my opinion) pants that I thought looked really weird with her badge.

I liked the scenes with JJ and Aiden too, though Aiden's comment was so weird and I thought he must be talking about himself. JJ is not thinking about marriage now as far as I know. He just graduated high school after all.

When Jen was confronting EJ in the park, I was thinking that if Daniel passed by right then he would not go off on her for replacing him with that evil EJ Dimera without knowing what's going on like she did when she saw him with Eve.
What a disservice TIIC are doing to the show, everyone involved, and the viewers. I watched today Caroline, whose triangle was on the North Pole, and junior/Sami on the South Pole, complete opposites, no comparisons, and we are supposed to roll over and say "geez this is great television", when most of the show was based on lies. Sorry I don't buy it!

Then Allie is singing juniors praises, they spend hours together and they finally are a family?? I'm surprised Allie didn't say what a great Dad junior was! This SL is so far away from the history of the couple! It's not even a great fairytale! It made me sad that they have sunk this low and for what?

Jennifer had the best line today when she told junior "he was a disgusting pig"! You go girl!

Rafe and Johnny will always have a SPECIAL BOND! They were the best part of the show today!
@DaysD I may have to go vent in the current wardrobe and fashion thread. Between those outfits (though Kate's would be better if she took off that hot pink sweater that clashes with the flower design) and the weird bracelets every woman on the show wears, not to mention Sami's hair, I was completely distracted and had to keep rewinding to see what was actually going on.
And though I did not like the large floral number Kate was wearing, I thought it was tempered by the pink sweater over it. LOL
And while Caroline at first was helping Sami to get all her anger and hurt, bitterness out, she ended up telling Sami to keep her family together, using the picture to remind them of what a "happy family" they were.
Loved how Johnny ran to Rafe, big hug, etc. And the green eyed monster took hold of EJ right away. Come here and Finish your ice cream!!!! LOLOL

And I think rather unconsciously let out that warning about rushing into marriage, realized it was definitely uncalled for, so apologized. Ah, but it was a slip "behind the scenes" of his own life, methinks, so perhaps we are going to get to learn about Aiden That certainly seems a lot closer to a reveal, than whatever went on with Jordan, Ben & Clyde in the kids' childhood.
The saddest thing today was Sami, crying, saying she hates him, she hates him, to Caroline, and then following that, with "but why do I still love him, why oh why do I still love him?"

That statement did sound like she was going to toss him out. Then Allie had to come with the wedding scrapbook, and her silly comments (tho I am happy to see the character and that the actress actually got to say lines!)
I can just see Aiden's estranged (not dead) wife showing up in Salem after he took off with Chase. Of course, this won't happen until Hope and he are hot and heavy. Ho, hum. So boring. So repetitive.

Caroline told Sami how Shawn forgave her for cheating with Victor, but she failed to mention that poor Shawn didn't find out about it until about forty years later. By then, he probably thought he didn't have many options left. :rotfl:

I knew Sami still loved EJ, but was still disappointed to hear her wonder why she couldn't stop loving him. She was a stupid twit each time she crawled back into his bed over the years, so this doesn't surprise me.