Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 25, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Replay of Clint about to leave Theresa's apt., opening the door and bumping into Melanie, dropping his bag, the blood vials falling out. (Days has just got to stop using this "open the door to find someone about to knock" ploy. Overdone!) Melanie spots the vials, asks what those are, calls our Theresa's name. He says Jeannie T is sleeping, tries to get rid of Melanie, who just won't leave. (Gee, and not one bit scared of this guy twice her size, who seems a bit menacing, lol). She knows those are vials of blood, he says he is taking them to a lab, she retorts he is not a doctor, he claims he works for a vet. A groggy Theresa appears, Melanie is concerned, Theresa doesn't seem to want her around, Clint finally shags Melanie out, then urges Theresa back to bed. He carries her in, deposits her on the bed, says Hasta La Vista, baby, and he is gone. But Melanie then comes back in, checks on the out of Theresa, who stumbles out, claims Clint will be right back, then seems nauseus, returns to the bedroom. But Mel reads the note, knows he isn't , knows she has to help Theresa, brings something she wants her to drink, but Theresa is really out of it. Melanie sees the mark on Theresa's arm where the blood was drawn, realizes that Clint has taken blood from her, and from Brady, too. But why?

Abby wants JJ to carry some box to her car, opens the door, and there stands Paige (see what I mean?) Awkward and silly conversation, JJ returns, Abby leaves, JJ & Paige have some meaningless conversation, though she tells him about her conversation with her mother. Wanting to start anew with her mom, being all honest, etc. They agree to meet later, do homework.

Eve is in the park, earbuds in place, listening to music, along come Jen, who sits down on the bench, and gets Eve's attention. They have their usual conversation....leave JJ & Paige alone, or I will tell. JJ is going to screw things up, blah, blah. Jen warns her, very nicely, I must say, while Eve says she used to think JJ was the way he was b ecause of Jack, but now realizes he is just like Jennifer!

Nicole is having a hard time with Daniel, who sits down to talk about them, but untimately walking out, insisting that no matter what Nicole says, she is really not over Eric. That he cares for Nicole a lot, but until it is very definite, he is not going to invest in anything. And when she is, she will know, and so will he. (Pompous jerk! )
He goes off, she returns inside, seeks advice from Eric, who tells her to just always be honest and straight forward with finishes his sentence.....Like Serena. Yes, like Serena. Nicole ponders a bit, then tells him that Serena is not all that honest, explains about the elephants, that Serena did not lose hers, that Nicole saw the two when Serena was in Daniel's apartment. Eric doesn't believe her, leaves.

Paige arrives at Daniel's apt., ready to babysit. He is grateful she can do so last minute, asks about her && JJ. She says they are doing o.k., starting all over. He mentions getting Dr. Crawley to let her observe an endoscopy, she is grateful, he is so kind. then, in an embarrassing manner, tells him how she thought, at one time, he was sleeping with her mother. He is shocked, she mentions the leather coat like his, then realized someone must have one just like it. She goes to check on Parker, Daniel is picking up a few things, chuckling over some other guy's good taste, having a jacket like his. And then comes the lightbulb moment. He recalls JJ bringing the jacket back, not wanting it later, never wanting to see it, telling Daniel how he screwed everything up permanently, cannot be undone ......via several flashbacks. Daniel's face shows the conclusion he is drawing.

Replay of the new guy arriving at Serena's room. In the course of all their conversation, it is revealed that the two of them were an item at one time, that she agreed to his plan and arranged to smuggle the diamonds out of Africa via the elephant, that both hers and Eric's were in storage a long time, and she did not realize the elephants had gotten mixed up when they were saying good-bye. This guy is giving Serena a hard time, threatening her, but she does admit she has the diamonds now, even though it has taken all these months. He wants them, they are not here.She wants to be sure she gets her $200,000. He is getting very nasty, insisting they go get them wherever she has them He is practically pushing her, opens the door, and there stands Eric. Looks are exchanged between them all. !!

Nicole is at her laptop, telling herself she really should not do this. It will blow up in her face like it always manages to do. But, what the heck, why change herself now. She hits a few keys, (she is evidently seeking info) and we see a pic of Serena come up.

JJ is at school, texts his mom that he left his history notes in something she has. He looks up, and stands the smug looking Eve. She comes over, he asks what she wants. Eve is saying they have to talk. Jen shows up behind them. JJ is saying they have nothing to talk about, that he told Paige he loves her, and no, of course he did not mention Eve. He realizes she wants something from him. What? Jen is listening.
Maybe they're afraid the doors will fall over if anyone knocks??? I think I had that happen to me once...but three times in one episode? Nuts!!

Wow that Serena/Xander stuff could have taken 5 minutes instead of the whole dang episode!!! So, was she playing Eric in Africa or did they start out genuinely? Now we know she wants to get her cashola before giving up the diamonds, hence hiding them in Daniel's fireplace.

Jen/Eve is getting old. Actually, ancient. It was old a decade ago. (And who knew that Jennifer dated Jack AND Frankie in high school?) I'm surprised Eve didn't mention Peter (and don't remind me that she didn't know about him, after all, that doesn't matter to the writers).

NICOLE GROW UP. You're making it hard to root for you. Daniel stinks. Why did he have to find out about JJ/Eve? It literally could have been anyone else on the show and have had as much impact.

I was half-expecting Melanie to call SuperDaddy.

If we are ever to see Clint again, I hope it is shirtless with a bag over his head, LOL.

I hope Xander kills Eric. I really enjoyed Serena standing up to Xander, and Nicole to Eric. I also enjoy Nurse Melanie with Jeannie T, oddly. It's nice to see she knows something and her nursing is being used for plot advancement rather than a reason for her to run into somebody at the hospital.

Is Brady still drugged? He seemed extra-sleepy today.

Very suspenseful final act, after kind of a snoozy middle.
Can't stand Mel or her pappy and wish they would go away

There is something mentally wrong with Jen for her to keep starting the same fight with Eve (or any of her other rivals) over and over again. I am tired of the cat fights but I will make an exception for Eve dragging Jen around town by her hair.

I have liked Serena for 2 days straight.:) If she double crosses Xander I will like her even more. Poor Eric

Shut up Paige. Dan adds nothing to the story so why is the show trying to force him in it. Its none of his business who Eve or JJ sleep with. And once again something supposedly about Paige is really just about her connection to JJ. I just don't see where her character will go once the truth comes out.

:beat:Nicole Walker needs to get over Dan and fast. The same jerk that feels entitled to every detail of Jens family business doesn't want Nikky to even talk to Eric? for the past month or so she has done nothing but throw herself at this undeserving scumbag

I don't get why Kristen needs blood from Theresa. I get Brady just to make sure its actually his but why Theresa?

It warms my soapy heart every time Brady says he won't hurt Mel because it most likely means he will and hopefully she decides to leave and never come back.

It's time for Eve to have some adult friends and interactions that aren't with that crazy Jen. Rafe is doing absolutely nothing right now so lets have them run into each other and become friends

The Chloe mention didn't make any sense.
Daniel's "lightbulb moment!" :clap: :clap: :clap:

Today's episode looked like a Friday's. A good one!

Nicole is lucky to have Daniel as a friend. A lot of "friends" would take her up on her manifold offers, even though aware they are her second choice, and just let the chips fall where they may.
LOL, really?


transitive verb
Definition of SHAG

a : to chase after; especially : to chase after and return (a ball) hit usually out of play

b : to catch (a fly) in baseball practice
: to chase away
Originally I was hoping JJ would confide in Daniel about the whole Eve thing but since Jen found out and said in no under certain terms that Daniel needs to mind his own business I'm sorry he's finding out. Ugh. Wonder how long before poor Paige finds out. Can she forgive that?

And please, please, please let this be the start of Serena's downfall.
There is something mentally wrong with Jen for her to keep starting the same fight with Eve ....
Is she ever, especially since she's out to "make sure" that the completely unreliable Eve will do something and wants promises from a born liar. Almost as in need of help is the Love Doctor because of his foolish obsession about Nicole still being infatuated with the Salem sourpuss. He and brat boy Will ought to get together and commiserate about their fears that their current love interest will ditch them for an ex. Finally, the diamond plot continues to wend it's inane way with "Bluebird" defying the infuriated Xander. A fine end to this interminable plot would be both of them being hauled off in handcuffs while Nicole stands by, microphone in hand, reporting a big bust in a diamond smuggling plot.
I found this kind of a strange episode in that some parts were as dull as dishwater (Jen/JJ/Eve/Paige etc.) and some parts like surprisingly Xander and Serena were pretty good.

I want to digress a moment and address that phrase "dull as dishwater"-I'll bring it back to Days I promise. Anyway dishwater really isn't dull and do you want know why? No? Well I'm going to tell you anyway because dishwater has...BUBBLES! And bubbles make everything more fun. So what I think the producers should do is install bubble machines on the set so whenever we get the irritating and repetitive Eve vs. Jen or Eve vs. JJ scenes for example they turn on the machine and the screen will be filled with bubbles. That way we have something entertaining to watch while we're subjected to this mess. Don't worry DOOL producers that came free of charge.

I'm still not interested in Serena but I am VERY interested in Xander. This guy is clearly dangerous and I get something from him I don't get from most Soap villains a real sense of menace. Even though Serena stood her ground she was clearly scared and I could understand why. I see Jason's point it probably wasn't necessary that their scenes carried throughout the episode but I certainly don't mind that they did.

I don't know about anybody else but I was absolutely SHOCKED that Eric didn't believe Nicole about Serena and the two elephants. :eek: Who could have seen that coming.
Now y'all tell me if I've got this right. The other day when Nicole was shaving Daniel and the two of them got a little too close, he put a stop to it before things went too far (I don't know why). Today, he's upset with Nicole because of Eric and says he won't play second fiddle so to speak. Um correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Nicole spent the better part of 2 months chasing Dr. Dan and not Eric.
That's cuz Daniel figures he is "2nd best" for Nicole. Ignoring the fact that he has bedded and had long standing affairs with plenty of females. Maybe Nicole should start feeding it back to him that perhaps he keeps using the Eric excuse because he really is still not over Jen. Or maybe not over Chloe either. Then again, maybe he has a thing for Kate, doesn't want to admit it, or is still harboring feelings for Chelsea, or a secret desire to really get back with Carly. ???
Thanks for the summary. Kind of a dull episode. Who wanted to see Jennifer and Eve arguing about the same thing for the umpteenth time, JJ & Paige, Eric not believing Nicole once more, Nicole groveling to the arrogant Love Doctor, or Daniel once more getting involved with another storyline he has no business being part of? I'm also sick of everyone opening doors to people who were about to knock.

Surprisingly, the best parts of the show were Melanie & Theresa and the Serena storyline.
Actually, I thought overall, it was a good episode. We got the entire story of the diamonds, Serena, "he", etc. and Eric arriving. We have Nicole telling the disbelieving Eric about the elephants, and then beginning her own investigation. Good for her. Daniel has been treating her like a jerk, and I so want her to say o.k., go your own way to him. We have Daniel figuring out the JJ/Eve connection.......which is going to spoiler the "only the 3 of us knows" thing that Jen & Eve have going. And then Melanie has stumbled into the who, what of the blood extractions.

Now.....I definitely dislike the fact we have illegal activities and not a single cop is involved. All these private citizens are nosing around, finding things out, and letting the guilty off the hook.
Seeing Daniel's face when he was thinking about Paige's comments
about his jacket was priceless. I'm glad Daniel's flashback didn't have
JJ with Eve :)

Did Melanie see Brady's name on a vial? Melanie realized Clint took blood
from both of them. She must have had the Salem brain after Daniel used it.

Interesting to hear Nicole tell herself she shouldn't do it, but she did the
internet search anyway.