Days of Our Lives - Wed., May 27, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, May 27,2015

While Theresa talks to Melanie at the hospital, Kimberly talks to Brady at the Kiriakis mansion, both women putting the screws on saying Theresa is going to take Tate and move to CA.Both Theresa & Kim are calm, but insistent. Theresa knows the bad stuff she did in the past, realizes she is still in love with Brady, really pours it on about raising her son alone while Brady & Melanie will be getting married and having children of their own. Over at the Kmansion, Kim is being sensisble, Brady not taking all this well, claims Theresa can live there, Kim vehemently says no, never, and it is because of him, as Victor walks in. Brady has no idea what the blazes is going on, as Victor is assuring all will be well, Kim refusing, and we get a flashback to the young Victor talking and caressing the face of the young Kimberly. But Brady has no clue, Kim stalks out, Victor won't tell Brady what happened long ago, just that he will get his attorneys and make mince meat of Theresa's. Brady says no, he will handle this himself.

Next he meets up with Melanie, who tells him what Theresa told her about moving to CA. (sorry, got a phone call, missed the rest of this short scene)

Hope is badgering Rafe at the cop shop, has guessed this is all about Clyde, Rafe finally caves and tells her yes, and how he began checking up on Clyde because of Jordan, and now there is added reason. Will, who has been more or less threatened. He uses Hope's computer to pull up the stuff he sent himself from Will's computer, admitting he stole it. They are going over it, how no one would tell Will anything in Poplar Bluff, except what a nice guy Clyde was. So, they know there is more. Aiden arrives, the duo abruptly stop the reading, Hope claiming Rafe is just filling her in on an old case. They will finish it later. Rafe leaves, calls a contact, asking for whatever they have on Weston Trucking.
Hope & Aiden chat lightly, smooch a bit.

Earlier, Clyde was with Aiden, bragging again about how Ben showed off his driver's license with his birth name on it, thanking Aiden for his help, then wanting him to take on something else. Aiden refuses, he is criminal law, but Clyde trusts him. Aiden advises a tax atty. as it is all about his holdings, stocks, companies, etc. Clyde wants articles of incorporation, wants companies separated, and a will drawn up.
Later, Clyde is explaining to Jeremiah how he knows everyone is going to think of him as some sort of saint or something, and that is not the case. He wants Aiden handling this stuff, because he trusts him, mentions when you walk in the office, you don't see his diploma first thing, but a picture of his little boy. He figures if push comes to shove, Aiden will know exactly where his priorities lay.

Serena is in the square, spots Navidad on her cell, figures she is talking to Xander, so rushes over to his room, She tells him she spotted Navidad, and accuses him of sending the woman after Serena herself. Xander denies this, and Serena figures it really is Nicole. She knows Nicole cannot know a thing, but then figures out Xander feels Nicole may be playimng him, and his ego is hurt. He ends up sending her packing.
Nicole is in her office, telling herself she has to go tell Daniel about her suspicions regarding Serena, when Eric shows up. He takes a long time to finally tell her he is moving to Hawaii with Serena, wanted her to be first to know, but isn't leaving just yet. Serena is going, he will join her later, has things to finish up.

He runs into Xander later, who guesses about him going to Hawaii with Serena, who told him earlier she was thinking about it.

Nicole is about to leave her office again, in comes Serena. Nicole was leaving, but Serena says it is important. This is about Xander.

Kim has returned to the hospital, she & Theresa all wearing protective clothing, Theresa feeding the baby. Kim explains how she messed up, went to see Brady, Victor came in, and she got all worked up, mad, and insisted Theresa & Tate were coming to CA with her. She knows Theresa has not yet made up her mind, but hopes she is considering it. Theresa thinks that was good, because she just told Melanie the same thing.
I think Kimberly might know about that. There was a little throw away line from Kim to Brady about Theresa being uncomfortable living at the mansion given what happened with John there. She didn't elaborate but sounds like she at least knows about John being hurt and in a coma from that incident.

I can't believe it is still the same Salem day. This is super ridiculous. As soon as I saw Nicole in that hideous dress I was all *facepalm*. On the bright side at least Abby and her absurd shirt/tights with no pants and ugly hairdo weren't on today. Now, I do have a question about Nicole/Eric....when exactly did they become friends again? I feel like I've missed something with these two. Just a few months ago he was still berating her for being in Serena's business and spouting how everything's Nicole's fault and yet lately they've had coffee together, talked, hung out at her office or the club or whatever acting like all is well and they're friends again? I'm sorry, did he ever forgive her for the whole shredding incident and perhaps apologize for treating her so horribly? The writing here has been so weird.

Theresa is such a manipulative witch. Shades of 90's Sami for sure. I mean, I guess I don't mind because if it sends Melanie away then I'm ok with it. It just seems unnecessary to me to have Theresa issue an ultimatum to Melanie. Melanie might just be noble and step aside anyway. I don't know. I had such high hopes for this storyline and it keeps disappointing me. Hopefully the new writers have some better material for Theresa come fall because I'm losing my patience with her.

I'm glad they are using the history with Victor and Kimberly. Obviously Brady had no idea about that. I wonder if Theresa is aware.
I liked the quick flashback of Victor and Kimberly from the 80's.

Me too. They've really been using a lot of terrific flashbacks (and doing so very well) these past few weeks. I kinda wish Kim had lowered the boom on Victor. I forgot how much of a slime he used to be.

Daniel/Xander/Eric/Nicole/Serena...SNOOZE. I wish Serena/Nicole had been working together from the start, instead of the silly rivalry. And it seems pretty obvious these writers intended Eric/Nicole to be the "end game" here :sick:.

Oh good, another child endangered/threatened by our local good'ol stepdaughter-raping scuzbucket. I'm SO glad Ben changed his name...but why didn't he change his first name?

I like Rafe in cop mode. I also liked Kim backing down a bit with Jeannie T.
Jeannie T. was really slinging the b/s today, saying, "I'm trying to do the right thing" and "I've matured a great deal since then," right before sticking the knife into Li'l Toddler Mel. Victor was right on target today when he called Kim's daughter a "brazen hussy." Speaking of Kimberly, she was being a trifle unkind when she called the K-mansion a "crypt." Sure, Victor had his faults in the old days, but if she wants to visit a real Salem crypt she ought to drop by the DiMansion, maybe after Stefano beats the tax charges and returns. Finally, Xander may be a slimeball and his plot is a total snoozefest, but he does get a few points today for promptly tossing Bluebird out of his hotel room. If more Salemites quickly threw out unwanted visitors, their lives would be a lot simpler.

(I realise she wasn't on but if its the same day we can assume she's still in the lacy leggings).

I'll watch it when I get home, doesn't sound that interesting really - though I missed the Victor/Kim stuff the first go around so am interested to see the flashbacks.
First the pondscum threatened Ciara then little Arianna and now Chase how much longer before this creep is finally planting daisies? I mean there is absolutely nothing redeemable about this guy so I wish we could just be done with him already. Hopefully now that Rafe and Hope are finally getting down to business he'll get what's coming to him

I don't know about the rest of you but I'm just LOVING the new and improved Theresa motherhood has done wonders for her! :clap:

I have come so accustomed to seeing Victor being portrayed as the semi-lovable curmudgeon with the snappy one-liners I was shocked by how downright creepy he was in the flashback with Kim.
I wish we would have had more interaction between Victor and Kim. It might have done Brady good to hear about his grandfather's past transgressions. At least he's bringing Aiden in as an objective lawyer about the situation with Tate.

I also feel Theresa should have kept quiet and let Kim make her plans. That way, she could tell Brady that she had nothing to do with Kim's idea to move to California and not look like the bad person.

I loved seeing Rafe and Hope working together against Clyde. Finally, someone seems to be proactively working to take Clyde down. How dare he make a threat against another Salem child? I still want the rape as well as the other crimes Clyde has committed to come out. I wonder how Ben will feel about his dad then?

Well, who would have known Serena would have a conscience after turning Xander on Nicole? Most likely we'll have another argument between Nicole and Serena tomorrow.

I keep telling myself, just a few more months until August. I am trying to hang on but these kind of stories make it difficult to remain positive.
Hmmm. I have noticed that, although it is rare that any member of the cast posts a photo on twitter of late......(and trust me, I am not on twitter but a couple times a week) there are none of James Reade, who plays Clyde. At least, I have not seen any in some time now.
And LilO, I thought exactly the same thing about the character when he mentioned drawing up a will, then said he figures he will live forever.
I am losing my patience with Theresa. She clearly hasn't changed! I don't know if she ever will. I don't even know if she's salvagable at this point. I feel so bad for Jen Lilley (Theresa) and I'd hate for her to lose her job, but at the rate she's going right now, she might barely last another six months before she's canned. Theresa deserves to lose custody of her son for good so she'll see where her scheming has gotten her! She really needs to hit rock bottom and lose everything. I wish the best of luck to the new writers, because they are going to need it with this character.
I thought it was interesting Rafe showed Hope the information he
found on her police computer.

I think Aiden forgets he's the only lawyer in town so everyone
has to use him :)

Interesting to see Kimberly react to Victor. Things have changed
a lot since that flashback. I wonder what Theresa would do if
she found out what her mother did.

How many of you watch the show in closed captioning? Today
the names of the character showed up again when they talk. The
name disappeared a couple of months ago.
Seems to me Salem has become a town chocked full of villains. There are more nasty, evil, scheming, lying and down right hateful residents than good. Around every corner turned there is someone waiting to pounce on the few decent souls left. Wouldn't it be great to have a funny, uplifting story to tickle our funny bone for a change? Nothing elaborate, just a comically endearing plot to break up all the conniving, mean stuff.
There are way too many people either investigating or going after Clyde for him not to end up dead sometime soon. This is Soap 101 Murder Mystery Buildup. Just like we saw with Nick.

Now, I do have a question about Nicole/Eric....when exactly did they become friends again? I feel like I've missed something with these two. Just a few months ago he was still berating her for being in Serena's business and spouting how everything's Nicole's fault and yet lately they've had coffee together, talked, hung out at her office or the club or whatever acting like all is well and they're friends again? I'm sorry, did he ever forgive her for the whole shredding incident and perhaps apologize for treating her so horribly? The writing here has been so weird.

They seem to be resolving their issues without really resolving their issues if that makes sense. I predicted this a while ago when he started warming up to her very suddenly. It's very similar to what they are doing with Jennifer and Daniel. In any event, the scenes with Eric and Nicole had 1,000 times more chemistry than anything I've seen with Eric/Serena, Nicole/Daniel or Brady/Toddler. Enough time has passed since the shredded papers for TPTB to be reacting onscreen to fan backlash about that storyline.

I enjoyed the Kim flashback too but would have liked to have seen a conversation about it with Brady and/or Jeannie T. Didn't Kim interact with Victor after that time as well? Especially since he is the father of her brother.

LOVE Rafe in cop mode. :love: Still hopeful he is undercover and Hope and Roman are in on it.
I am losing my patience with Theresa. She clearly hasn't changed! I don't know if she ever will. I don't even know if she's salvagable at this point. I feel so bad for Jen Lilley (Theresa) and I'd hate for her to lose her job, but at the rate she's going right now, she might barely last another six months before she's canned. Theresa deserves to lose custody of her son for good so she'll see where her scheming has gotten her! She really needs to hit rock bottom and lose everything. I wish the best of luck to the new writers, because they are going to need it with this character.

She's no different than Sami, back when Sami used baby Will to keep Carrie and Austin apart.
Thanks for the summary. Kind of a boring episode. It's nice that we've been seeing Rafe and the vets more often lately, but I'm BEYOND bored of the Serena storyline, not to mention everything now with baby Tate and Theresa. This is just a rehash of that junk with Sami back from the 1990s, and it gets tiring because it's not original AND, as TobyJ said, there's just too many villains in Salem! I know we need a few to keep the soap interesting, but we should have at least a nice balance between good guys and bad guys. And Clyde threatening yet another child? I think Ben will be horrified when he finds out exactly what daddy dearest has been up to, and how he lied to him, but it'll be too late: I'm guessing Ben's secret will have been exposed, and so will Abby's cheating with Chad, and they will split and she'll end up with Chad again. Hopefully after Ben learns everything, he'll just to join Jordan in NYC, or somewhere else. His character is a big snooze.