Days of Our Lives - Wed., Nov 26, 2014


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Western Wisconsin
Chad speaks on the phone with Mr Shin, assuring him he will live up to the DiMera name. Melanie surprises him; he says she looks Beautiful and welcomes her to Salem. Melanie came to clear up a few things, so their first meeting wouldn’t be awkward and public. Her presence in Salem is a coincidence, not because he’s here, and her feelings haven’t changed about him...although they did for a bit after Abby told her (last Winter) about Chad’s faking the brain tumor. He whines about EJ/Abby and how nobody takes Abby to task for that (in fairness, he was out of town for most of it). Melanie wants to talk about them, but instead, they talk about Melanie’s plans. They finally talk about their relationship, but Chad gets a call, and Melanie skips out on him.

Ben and Abby are making out as they enter his apartment, working their way over to the bed. After a few scenes, they get his shirt off and keep making out. (Warning: There is some sort of an attempt here to be arty, with lots of fades as they rub each other’s bodies. Gross.) Afterward, they talk about how serious they are.

Jeannie Theresa brings a big welcome basket to Paul and toss double entendres at each other with blatant disregard for Paul’s arm injury. Jeannie has been doing her homewrecking homework, having studied up on Paul’s career and culture, although she got a variety of Asian-Pacific foods. After they eat, Jeannie inquires about any special ladies in Paul’s life.

Rafe and T talk at Club TBD, apparently T visited Gabi recently. Sonny comes in after Will steps away, and blows a gasket when Rafe asks him about Will. Rafe clarifies that Will hasn’t contacted Gabi, who misses Ari. Tell her to take a number,’ Sonny spits. Rafe tells him to lose the attitude. Sonny apologises, explaining that whatwith the time difference and their schedules, he hasn’t been able to talk to Will, but promises to pass on Rafe’s message about Gabi. Sonny texts Will after getting his voicemail again. Later, he tells T he’ll drop some supplies at the hospital while en route the southside location, and checks for text messages. None.

Marlena and Clyde continue their sessions, with Clyde describing his father as a monster, admitting he was worse than his father. Marlena wants more info about Clyde’s father, but Clyde tries to take control of the conversation. Marlena tells Clyde to let her direct the course of therapy, or find another doctor. They talk about his temper.

In the bushy clearing, Jordan accuses Kate of “bringing that psycho into Salem.” Kate hilariously plays dumb, asking Jordan to be more specific. Jordan names names and Kate admits she brought Clyde to Salem. Kate claims she had to protect Rafe, since she was responsible for involving Jordan in his life in the first place. (Give it a rest, girl!!) Jordan finally puts it all together, realising that Kate was able to get Rafe back in the sack because of Jordan’s worrying about the returned Clyde. Jordan warns Kate that Kate has unleashed something on Salem that even she can’t control.

Back at Club TBD, Melanie visits T and he flirts with her, she asks him to let her surprise Sonny, and he gives her the scoop on Abby’s whereabouts.

Jordan bursts into the DiMera mansion, telling Chad not to trust Kate Roberts. Chad says he doesn’t trust Kate, but what has she done? Jordan reveals Kate’s part in Clyde’s arrival, how she tried to break them up, and boinked Rafe while he was with Jordan. Chad asks if Jordan still has feelings for Rafe.

At the Hospital, Rafe is looking for Marlena. Maxine tells Rafe to let Gabi know she’s thinking about her, and to hang in there. (Lots of Gabi mentions lately.) Marlena hears how Clyde’s father used to beat him, “batting him around like a plaything.” But one day, he cried during a beating, and his father looked at him differently, disgusted. He claims not to have cried since; Marlena asks him to think about the face his father made that day. During this exercise, Clyde says that he ruined the fun (with his dad), kids ruin everything. Marlena ends the session there, asking him to keep thinking about his father. He leaves her office, pauses, and says hi to Rafe as he passes by. Rafe looks perplexed; he goes in to see Marlena, and asks her to visit Gabi, talk with her, he’ll pay for the time. Marlena will gladly go see her, no charge, what’s the concern. Will, Rafe deadpans.

Anne holds Maxine off from discovering Jeannie & Paul; in his hospital room, he brushes her hair and they kiss. At the Nurses Station, a buzzer goes off, but another nurse stops Maxine (for about three seconds). Anne enters the room and tells Jeannie & Paul to break it up, and Maxine comes in seconds later. Jeannie makes no attempt to hide her activities. Paul defends Jeannie T, Maxine says there are rules to follow, Anne pulls Jeannie T away and scolds her. Anne says Paul is not her type, he’s not “edgy” enough, and they swap details. (Methinks Paul pushed his button accidentally on purpose.) Maxine finishes a vitals check (or something) with Paul, goes out the side door; Paul wanders out toward the Nurses Station. Sonny comes through (on the other side of the desk), dropping off supplies. (What a stupid and lame plot point - the Hospital orders supplies from a local club?) Paul looks at him for a really long time, and smirks. (Then again, he’s always smirking.)

Ben and Abby are done, he jumps in the shower. At Club TBD, T arranges for Melanie to drop off Ben’s phone at his apartment, and surprise Abby. Abby slips out (and into another apartment?) seconds before Melanie comes in, surprising a naked Ben.

Kate confronts Clyde, accusing him of revealing their connection to Jordan. He defends himself for about 45 seconds, then admits he might have slipped because of Kate. He mentioned that Kate hated chicory coffee to Ben, who might have mentioned it to Jordan. Kate is angry...what if Rafe finds out? Clyde tells her that she’s sexy when she storms through a door, and they start making out.

Rafe and Marlena talk about Will, how busy he is, etc. Rafe emphasises that Gabi is only holding on because of her daughter, she needs to hear from him. Marlena promises to help. Rafe starts to ask about Clyde, but stops short.

Paul has left his room, to Jeannie’s dismay. In the waiting room, Sonny is stocking when someone enters and locks the door. Sonny stands up, sees Paul, who pulls him into a kiss. (Let’s all put on our big surprise faces here.) Sonny does not pull away. (Now taking bets on how this plays out Monday...I’m going to guess this scene will be different.)
I actually found Chad and Melanie almost tolerable today. I do like the way Molly Burnett (Melanie) cracks jokes. They give her funny material.

REALLY sick of that sidescrolling/text effect junk. Glad we saw Sonny's phone say "no text messages."

I can't even begin to describe how dumb the Sonny plot at the hospital was. For the record, he wasn't delivering sandwiches or coffee or something like that. He was actually stocking napkins and stuff under the counter. I haven't watched yesterday's episode yet, so forgive me if this was logically foreshadowed, but that is just way too implausible even for Salem. Couldn't he have sustained some sort of minor injury that required Maxine's attention? Or been visiting Marlena? Looking for his mom? Talking with Kayla about Stephanie? Yeesh!!
Ben and Abby having sex is almost enough to make me wish EJ wasn't dead.

Edited to add: I'm guessing Paul is an ex of Sonny's. As if Will already didn't have self-esteem issues. He's going to need some professional couch time with Marlena when he finds out Sonny probably dated a professional baseball player. Hope that studio gave him some health benefits to cover the cost LOL.
Why would the greatest writer since Mr William Shakespeare ever have self-esteem issues? Will will probably think that Sonny just isn't good enough for him anymore!!! LOL

Ben and Abby having sex is almost enough to make me wish EJ wasn't dead.
I'm right there with you. I'm not sure why their sex scenes took up so much time. It's not a big reunion, their first time, etc. It seemed like pointless filler and it was really poorly done on top of it.
It is funny to see that Abby who was a virgin until lately been getting more action than her brother JJ who apparently lost his before her. It does appear there is something in Sonny's and Paul's past. As for Will he is an idiot for not getting back in touch with his husband or family. He has time there is no excuse not to answer calls. At this point in time Sonny should be his main interest and not his family in LA. Will get your behind back in Salem.
WOW! Sonny and Paul ...I did not see that one coming.

Why, why, why all the wasted time with the fadeing ins and outs of Abby's bedroom romps with yet another conquest? Come on writers get a different fetish please.

Oh and let's throw a bucket of ice water on Theresa. Am so fed up with this characters storyline.
I could picture Theresa really getting involved with Paul and finding out he's gay. It would remind me of this clip from the movie, In and Out with Kevin Kline, Tom Selleck and Joan Cusack (in the movie, she's engaged to Kevin Kline who comes out during their wedding ceremony; Tom Selleck is the reporter who kept pushing Kevin Kline to come out):

Well obviously we had to have Ben and Abigail nearly episode long romp otherwise we wouldn't have Ben in his state of undress so we could have that heeelrious moment when Melanie jumped in and yelled "Surprise!" What we would have done without that?

I actually did enjoy today's episode though. I loved the fact that T visited Gabi and she couldn't stop talking about it. As Jason mentioned in the original post there was a lot of Gabi talk today (curious, very curious) as I always say you can never get too much of a good thing. :clap:
Thanks for the summary. Good show all around--but yes, the Paul-Sonny stuff was obvious, and also, the plot point for getting Sonny to the hospital was stupid. Also stupid: how Abby and Ben have sex all the time, literally doing nothing else. AND Ben and Melanie's meeting. So obvious they're gonna end up together sometime down the road. This reminded me of Sami meeting EJ for the first time.

It was great seeing Marlena and T. And wow, a lot of Gabi mentions...could she be returning soon?
Thanks Jason your commentary is hilarious! On yesterday's show, Ben mentioned that the hospital was Club TBD's new account as he was making a delivery and then visited Jordan. Though technically, yesterday was today in Salem so no idea why 2 orders are needed in such a short timespan.

I'll admit the Sonny/Paul thing threw me for a loop as well. I didn't think that they already knew one another and clearly they do. My guess is Sonny dated him before he was in the Major League and before he became a star. And for someone who is trying to be discreet, why is Paul walking around the hospital in the first place?

Also, Jeannie T saying the word ERA (Earned Run Average) instead of spelling out the letters was hilarious.

TIIC are not even trying to hide the fact that Eric and Ben have the EXACT SAME APARTMENT set. :rolleyes: Today I saw the 2nd bedroom and bathroom doors in the exact same spot as they are in Eric's apartment. I guess we'll never see Eric and Ben at home on the same day. In reality, this is fine but admit that they live in the same building already!

The love scenes were ok but way too long. And still don't hold a candle to EJ and Abigail. At least one couple is having some romance. I also hope we do NOT see a Kate/Clyde prolonged love scene.

I thought Abigail was taking out the trash as she was only in a shirt and looked like she was carrying something. But seriously was it that important to do before she took a shower and got dressed again? And also, she has been to Maggie's and to Ben's now but still has to go back to work??? Plus she seemed to take her time getting to work as she was talking to JJ earlier. The lack of continuity drives me crazy.

Oh boy Melanie saw naked, dropped his towel Ben as she met him for the first time. Gee that's never been done before on this show.

I may need to start another thread for how beyond annoyed I am about Kate. She is WAY overplayed, almost as much as Daniel is. And that smug look on her face as she admitted bringing Clyde to Salem was just annoying. She is another one who never pays the piper for her crimes. I hope Clyde takes her to town and then some. Still don't care about Jordan but this should have been figured out 2 months ago.

Chad already has great chemistry with Melanie.

FINALLY some Rafe but of course he was on for less than 10 minutes. Plus as I suspected the story will likely now shift to Marlena, Sonny and Will and Rafe will fade to the back burner again. Jason, I do agree that there have been a lot of Gabi mentions lately. I wonder if we may get a Christmas cameo from Camila Banus (Gabi). It would be nice to see Arianna visiting her in jail and that may also tie in to what is going on with Will and Sonny.
A few messages for Salemites based on today's episode.
Ben -- don't suggest that Abigail join you in the shower of all places. How would you feel if, in a moment of passion, she blurts out: "Oh, EJ!!!?"
Clyde -- so you're a big-time criminal getting therapy. Who do you think you are, Tony Soprono? If so, forget it. Clyde, you are no Tony Soprano.
Kate -- watch out for Tammy Sue. She once pulled a gun on Clyde. If she pulls one on you, she just might pull the trigger.
Jeannie T. -- poor thing, you really are on a losing streak. First Brady, and now a guy who'd rather smooch Sonny than you. Stick to tormenting Prissy Jenny. People might even like you for it.
T -- very nice of you to visit Gabi, but stay away from Maggie's egg-granddaughter. Those wads of suspicious cash in her bag clearly show that she's not the girl for you.
WOW!! What a cliffhanger for the holidays, I am even shocked. A lot of what members speculated about Paul is actually true that's awesome. I could already tell Paul was not at all interested in Theresa he was just being nice and playing a certain image for his career. Gay athletes are usually scared for the media to find them out as homosexual.

I loved how Melanie wanted to surprise Abby at Ben's apartment for Melanie to end up SURPRISED!! BOINK! The look on Melanie's face was priceless when she walked in on Ben naked. At least she knows what Abby is "working" with LOL give her a pat on the back and say "you go girl!!" hehe.

Clyde's history is interesting. That could be the reason why he became so cold, as he was abused as a kid, likely in cases it repeats as a cycle of abuse. Same can go with addict parents and the kids become addicts later on. Now i wonder if history will repeat himself and Ben to become physically abusive to Abby as he witnessed Clyde beat his mother and has the same temper.

I can't wait for Theresa to find out Paul is gay. She won't take that rejection so lightly. And in truth I feel it is Will's fault for Sonny to get in the arms of another man. He was lonely that was for sure. I still speculate Will is having multiple affairs on Sonny.
Also stupid: how Abby and Ben have sex all the time, literally doing nothing else.

:clap: I can't stand that either. This is not a relationship. It's just a lot of sex. Every time they're on I'm reminded of when Victor was trying to convince Brady to dump Kristen and asked him, "What do you do with her besides get in the sack?"

My take on Sonny/Paul: Sonny and Paul were together in the past but Paul wanted to keep the relationship secret, and Sonny did not want that, so they broke up.

Melanie sure has a magnet for finding people in towels wherever she goes. First Nicole, then Ben. I'm surprised Chad was dressed when she got to the mansion.
Just WHY is Melanie bursting into the apartment of a man she does not know, in order to surprise her friend Abby? Really??? You just open a door and barge in? And why is that door not locked?? What is with these Salemites.... And just WHY do Salem men in particular come out of the shower and walk around their apartments in a towel? People usually STAY in the bathroom, and get dressed, even partially, and if not, it is straight to the bedroom to do so. Sheesh.
Thanks Jason for the summary.

Well golly... Paul kissed Sonny. I didn't see that one coming LOL.
I knew Paul hitting on all the women was strange and they kept
talking about all the women he date. I think Paul hit the button
on purpose too. Interesting to see Paul lock the door.

Who will Melanie find next in a towel? Or not in one :)

It was fun when Kate told Tammy Sue the truth about everything,
but Tammy Sue didn't tell Kate or Chad why she hates Clyde so much.

I enjoyed Tad talking to Rafe about Gabi and he went to see her.
I'm glad Marlena will go talk to Gabi.

I wonder if Clyde is telling Marlena the truth about his
dad or is he talking about himself with Ben.