Days of Our Lives - Wed., Sept. 14, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fasten your seatbelts, everyone, it is going to be a bumpy ride! Wow, what a great show today. Replay of Eve going out to check on Theresa, and being brought in with a gun to her head by Orpheus. The dialogue now is terrific, as Orpheus constantly threatens them all, individually, and together. Kudos to Kassie dePaiva (Eve) who manages to whimper & sob thru the long scenes, terrified as he keeps his arm around her neck.John is pretty calm, Victor is offering to stake him out of town. All caution him about getting caught, being free now, Vic will get him to the Caymans, enough money to last him for life. John & Marlena both want to know how he is still alive, he claims sheer will. That he started over, but doesn't explain how he did, or how he landed in jail again. Says they really don't care.

Paul asks him to let Eve go, that he doesn't want her, take him instead. Why should I? Because I am John's son. Orpheus laughs, no family resemblance at all. Well, Marlena's not my mother, but John is my father. Orpheus decides to do just that, pushing Eve forward as he grabs Paul in the same hold. He now tells everyone to leave, but Maggie refuses to go. He only wanted John, Marlena, Victor & Paul there. Brady has been asking about Theresa, learning Xander was dropped off there first. When they all leave, Maggie refusing to go, we learn later calls were made to 911. Everyone heads to the police station, except Brady.

Meanwhile, replay of Theresa spotting Xander, telling him Brady is there, but he knows better, as he mocks her, calling out to Brady....and it is his turn to threaten, Theresa's to be scared. He accuses her of filing false charges, she did not think he would go to prison, he figures Uncle Vic pushed, she agrees blame him, tries to get Xander to leave, he is free now. No dice. She warns that when she doesn't show up, someone will come looking, & learns a friend is there, no one will come for her. She offers him money, etc., but all he wants is for her to die, to pay for what she did. He grabs her by the throat, is strangling her, telling her that Brady will find some other *bleep* to care for her child. Wham, Theresa knees him, down he goes, she rushes to the door, he grabs that pry bar and is chasing her, she opens the door, and Brady has arrived. Xander beats a fast retreat, Brady following, but evidently Xander get away thru a bedroom window.

And meanwhile Eve & Nicole are with Tate in the square, calling Abe to tell him of the hostage situation at the Kmansion. Abe orders 2 swat teams on the double, one to Kmansion, one to Theresa's apt. The gals go the cop shop, Sonny & Philip are there.

Back at the Kmansion, Orpheus is still gabbing away, holding on to Paul, telling John he wants him to see all those he loves die, just like he had to years ago. Marlena talks of when when she was kidnapped by Orpheus back then, yet somehow ended up in control of Stefano, who wreaked havoc on Salem's families for years. Orpheus is taking turns pointing his gun at Vic, then John & Marlena. He is pointing at Vic, ready to shoot, Maggie jumps up to stand in front of Vic, shocking them all, including herself. Orpheus laughs that Maggie is cured, look at that. He has pushed Paul to the side, who keeps watching him, and when Orpheus swings his gun towards John, makes his move, grabbing the arm with gun, a struggle, John comes forward to help, a shot rings out, Marlena yells John, No.

At the cop shop, Eve & Nicole are talking, this is a really nice conversation, as Eve relates trying to move on after losing Paige, all her feelings, moving to NY, etc. & says she knows that Nicole understands all this only too well. It is a long conversation, very well done, Eve wonders why they did not hang out when she lived there before. They promise they will now, will keep in touch. They get to talking of the Kiriakis family, Eve doesn't think much, Nicole says Justin is great, so is Brady, Victor wasn't too bad when thy were married, but shady stuff went on, follows him all the time. Eve is taken aback at the fact Nicole was ever married to Vic.....Nik says a lifetime ago, and that they both need a martini, & figure Theresa is going to want to see her son. they leave, but Nicole stops when she sees Xanders wanted photos on the wall, flashing back to him threatening and attacking her. She follows Eve.

Cops are swarming both at Theresa's, & the Kmansion. Questions, searches, etc. but both Xander & Orpheus have managed to elude capture. Brady is talking to Theresa (she had talked to both Nicole & Eve at the station, is assured Tate is fine), Brady is hugging her, learns Xander tried to strangle her. She tells he had no gun, no knife, Brady tells the cop you can still see the fingermarks on her neck. He notes how beautiful she looks, dress is stunning, she figures since he has seen it, she will have to make another. He promises they will still get married and soon, and absolutely NOTHING will stop it.

At the Kmansion, Marlena is tending to John's wound, grazed his arm, blood on his shirt. Victor is telling Maggie that was a brave thing she did, though foolish, she said she just did it without thinking. Philip walks in, looking around, sees his father, goes over, just kneels down in front of the seated Victor, puts his arm around him, andVictor hugs his son back. (and this little tiny scene brought tears to my eyes). Maggie is smiling and stifling a tear or two.

Abe has come in, is widening th search area. Marlena is all for getting John to the hospital. Sonny comes in, glad Paul is o.k. Abe is claiming they have a huge net around this whole area, but John says Orpheus is long gone, they won't find him. Marlena tells John that Orpheus won't rest until he gets what he wants.......and what he wants is "us".
Great episode! I do wish we got to see the inevitable showdown today between Clyde and Kate, but I guess we can't get everything. And it was great seeing Abe do something useful! Finally a storyline that integrates the vets well, while also making good use of the newbies and bringing back past characters. I also just LOVE Eve and Nicole's budding friendship. Never thought I'd say this, but I hope Eve stays in Salem.
Great job writers today was another episode that had twists and turns that wasn't disappointing. I loved how stern Marlena was with Orpheus mainly saying something along the lines "I didn't like being kidnapped then and I don't like it now." Witty as always.

I enjoyed as well the Eve and Nicole scenes, showing them bonding over losing a lost loved one. Great job in that department the friendship came off naturally and loved how Eve mentioned she had never known Nicole was ever married to Victor. Nicole had some funny lines here. Think Eve will be a great friend to Nicole as I feel things are about to go south with Chloe.

Also I agree Daysdegrassi, they did a excellent job integrating veteran characters with the newer ones. Orpheus taking Paul hostage in place of Eve was a great example of that
It looks like John and Marlena have seen The Incredibles a time or two. The reason why I say that is because they were trying to get Orpheus to do what is referred to in that film as "monologuing." "Monologuing" is when the villain has the hero dead to rights and instead of pulling the trigger he starts talking.

I was kind of sorry that Orpheus didn't take the bait because I have a feeling he would have painted a rip-roaring tale of deception and Machivallien intrigue. I understand that George Del Hoya (Orpheus) has done mostly voice-over work in recent years. I can understand why I could easily just sit and listen to him talk.

Eve and Nicole: It's interesting that it never occurred to me to even consider these two as friends. It does make sense because they have similar backgrounds of abuse- Eve as a teen prostitute and Nicole being forced into porn by her own father. They've overcome some dark stuff. Talk about chocolate and peanut butter. This is the kind of stuff we need more of developing friendships and popping more of those darned bubbles. I have to say I like it, I like it a lot.
Good show. Lots of characters in lots of scenes. Lots of dialogue that covered lots of ground.

Kind of wish Brady & Theresa had just said, "heck, let's go to the courthouse anyway".

Seems to me that Orpheus may be being installed as the new "Big Bad" as he has lots of bad blood between many characters and he wants to see his enemies suffer. I can dig it.
The thing is, these guys escaped prison, so that is another addition to whatever sentences they were serving. So........unless one of them does a fantastic good deed, they will all go back to prison.
Then again, this is Salem, so they could go for 10 years (à la Gabi) and all be out in six months for good behaviour. And, amazingly enough, I could go for that. For once, if it brings action and excitement, I can look beyond the stupid.

Edited : Oops ! Or is it look past the stupid ? Yeah, I think that's it : look past... ??
The writers may have amped things up at last, but regardless of whether a plot is interesting or beyond dull some things never change.
  • Both Xander and Orpheus had their big chance for instant revenge against their hated enemies, but like the typical Salemite they talked way too much and blew it. In fact, Orpheus would have rated a mention in Jay Leno's old "Dumb Criminals" feature for letting hostages go who then immediately called the police.
  • Another non-surprise was Orpheus easily getting through Abe's police perimeter. These guys must have been taking their cues from the incompetent security guards who failed to keep Ben out of the DiMansion.
That said there were a few surprises today.
  • Abe refused to allow Philip to accompany him to the K-mansion. Usually, civilians are more than welcome and sometimes even help make the arrest.
  • John was shot and didn't end up in a coma.
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Paul could be a main man in the making if they gave him more air time. I found myself wanting Nicole to call Deimos. I know he is bad, but I like him, can't help it. I kept wondering if they would have him come in behind Orpheus, save everyone, but get shot and using that to redeem him some? I could see him stopping at nothing to find Xander and protect Nicole.
Great show.

I enjoyed Eve and Nicole's chat at the cop shop. I almost had to use a tissue when Philip
and Victor hugged.

Orpheus kept me laughing with his lines. He called John, John-Boy. I wonder if he watched
"The Waltons" with Clyde? Orpheus told Maggie she married down with Victor and when
Maggie stood up, he said "she's healed" :)

It was interesting when Paul traded himself for Eve. At the end, did he put the gun in the
back of his pants? I couldn't tell what he was doing.

I wish Brady and Theresa had gone to the courthouse or somewhere and got married
Hey ! Coma is still an option. I could see Days coming up with a "belated coma". :rolleyes:
Good idea. Within a few hours being shot, John suddenly goes into a coma and is rushed to University Hospital.

Marlena: Oh, Doctor, what's wrong? John was only slightly injured.

Doctor: Dr. Evans, its called Salem post-traumatic syndrome coma. It sometimes strikes injured Salemites with a history of comas who are due for another one for plot purposes.

Brady: What can be done?

Doctor: Not much. The patent lies in a hospital bed while worried relatives constantly visit, desperately hoping for signs of a recovery. Once all the drama has been sucked out of the situation, the patient usually makes a full recovery.

Paul: What a relief. Now I can concentrate on catching the evil Orpheus and more importantly trying to rekindle my relationship with Sonny.
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