Days of Our Lives--Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It was a very good show today. :) During the Xander/Nicole scenes I actually found myself actually saying: "Come on, let's get back to Eve and Paige!" Those are not words I would have ever guessed I would be uttering in a zillion years!

I still don't think Justin is having an affair there's just something off about this whole thing. However the idea that he would allow Adrienne to think he was then act like the wounded party over the fact that she has strayed makes me feel less then sympathetic for him. If in fact that is what's going on.

I just hope that reveal whatever is going on with him is revealed before too much longer but giving just how long all the other storylines are dragging on I fear that hope will alas be in vain. :cry:
Oh, I hate what's going on with Justin and Adrienne, despite the fact that I love her paired with Lucas. Part of me wants this to be subterfuge for something else, and part of me wants Justin to really be having this affair. While I agree with Troy42 that something seems off, he just doesn't seem wounded *enough* by Adrienne having an affair if he isn't having one himself.