From the Vault: Mary Beth Evans' second day as Kayla


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Dec 4, 2006
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Here's the parking list from Mary Beth Evans' second episode as Kayla, Episode # 5234, which aired on May 27, 1986.

I didn't say characters. I said people. The show had a lot more extras on in those days.

Although lately the show has been showing more extras in the background, and using characters for one-two scenes only (like Claire and Theo today). 19 is a higher than usual number. Except for the last week of April shows, most episodes had 10-12 characters in them last month.
I guess some days there are less extras. I don't count them, but I'd assume there were more today than the episode mentioned above. There were extras used on 4 sets today, so probably 10-15 extras in total.
I do remember they had a lot more extras in the past mainly in the outdoor Salem square in the 90's. People were actually walking around back and forth between characters on-screen and not just 2 extras in the background talking on the phone you see nowadays.

Thanks for sharing this Jason47. I'm trying to picture their parking from what I know of San Fernando Valley....the Universal lot is pretty big, nice to see this behind the scenes stuff. I was literally Thomas' age when this was printed! :rotfl:
I don't think that is Universal, I believe that is the NBC parking lot, which is right next to the NBC bldg. There used to be an alcove in front which contained the "Salem Place". It is where they would film the outside of the movie theater, Ballistics, Johnny's, But actually was the entrance & exits for the NBC tours. (I was there). It is gone now. But there was a sidewalk where shoppers would run into each other, yes, it was actually outside, and there was a sort of Park area across the street. Balistics was a store front that would get changed into a jewelry store, bridal shop, whatever was needed for someone to be inside buying.
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I don't think that is Universal, I believe that is the NBC parking lot, which is right next to the NBC bldg.

"Days" was taped in Hollywood from 1983-1989. They moved back to Burbank in 1989. So, for this specific parking lot mentioned in 1986, it's the Hollywood one, not the Burbank one.